This little project is a playgroud one can change object detector types at run time while reading video streams. Those detectors are loaded via OpenCV api. Models of darknet yolo3, caffe vgg-ssd, and tensorflow mobilenet-ssd (all in coco dataset) are tested. Here is an output stream gif, which run 2 detecors in parallle, draw boxes and texts when they locate objects intereted.
You can test it by add/delete/stop detector with curl request while program is running.
Add a new detector, yolo3 with darknet's model
curl -X POST http://ip:port/api1/detector/darknet_yolo3
Delete an existing detector:
curl -X DELETE http://ip:port/api1/detector/caffe_vgg_ssd_300
Stop program:
curl -X POST http://ip:port/api1/stop
VideoStreamDemux |-> AudioDecode -> |-> AudioEncode ------------------------------------> |
| |
| |-> ObjDector 1 -> | | Detector | |
|-> VideoDecode -> |-> ObjDector 2 -> | -> | Post | -> VideoEncode ->| -> Mux stream out
|-> ObjDector 3 -> | | Draw | |
under build folder: ./dynaObjDetect dynaObjDetect.json
The input and output video stream are specified in json configure file.
Also customized detect models are added in configure file. The detector model name in configure file is used as part of add/delete url name. For instance, if one add a detect model named "check_tiger_only", then following request will enable it.
curl -X POST http://ip:port/api1/detector/check_tiger_only
Depends on OpenCV (3.4.0 or above), glog, protobuf3.
Install FFmpeg as usal, then
brew install cmake glog gflags protobuf boost
Install FFmpeg as usal, then
apt install -y cmake libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev libboost-all-dev
Install FFmpeg as usal, then
yum install -y glog-devel gflags-devel cmake boost-devel
protobuf3 is not well supports by some linux distributions' package manager, here is a compile script (sudo required):
DIR=$(mktemp -d) && cd ${DIR} && \
git clone && cd protobuf && \
git submodule update --init --recursive && \
./ && ./configure CXXFLAGS=-Wno-unused-variable && \
make && make check && \
sudo make install && sudo ldconfig