diff --git a/packages/block-library/src/query/edit/inspector-controls/index.js b/packages/block-library/src/query/edit/inspector-controls/index.js
index 0ae4b052b5787..3470846a14795 100644
--- a/packages/block-library/src/query/edit/inspector-controls/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-library/src/query/edit/inspector-controls/index.js
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
* WordPress dependencies
import {
- PanelBody,
@@ -187,110 +186,171 @@ export default function QueryInspectorControls( props ) {
return (
{ showSettingsPanel && (
+ {
+ setQuery( {
+ postType: 'post',
+ order: 'desc',
+ orderBy: 'date',
+ sticky: '',
+ inherit: true,
+ } );
+ } }
+ dropdownMenuProps={ dropdownMenuProps }
+ >
{ showInheritControl && (
- ! inherit }
label={ __( 'Query type' ) }
- isBlock
- onChange={ ( value ) => {
- setQuery( { inherit: value === 'default' } );
- } }
- help={
- inherit
- ? __(
- 'Display a list of posts or custom post types based on the current template.'
- )
- : __(
- 'Display a list of posts or custom post types based on specific criteria.'
- )
- }
- value={ !! inherit ? 'default' : 'custom' }
+ onDeselect={ () => setQuery( { inherit: true } ) }
+ isShownByDefault
- ) }
- { showPostTypeControl &&
- ( postTypesSelectOptions.length > 2 ? (
- ) : (
+ setQuery( {
+ inherit: value === 'default',
+ } );
+ } }
+ help={
+ inherit
+ ? __(
+ 'Display a list of posts or custom post types based on the current template.'
+ )
+ : __(
+ 'Display a list of posts or custom post types based on specific criteria.'
+ )
+ }
+ value={ !! inherit ? 'default' : 'custom' }
- { postTypesSelectOptions.map( ( option ) => (
- ) ) }
- ) ) }
+ ) }
- { showColumnsControl && (
- <>
- setDisplayLayout( {
- columns: value,
- } )
- }
- min={ 2 }
- max={ Math.max( 6, displayLayout.columns ) }
- />
- { displayLayout.columns > 6 && (
- postType !== 'post' }
+ label={ postTypeControlLabel }
+ onDeselect={ () => onPostTypeChange( 'post' ) }
+ isShownByDefault
+ >
+ { postTypesSelectOptions.length > 2 ? (
+ ) : (
- { __(
- 'This column count exceeds the recommended amount and may cause visual breakage.'
+ { postTypesSelectOptions.map(
+ ( option ) => (
+ )
) }
) }
- >
) }
+ { showColumnsControl && (
+ displayLayout?.columns !== 2 }
+ label={ __( 'Columns' ) }
+ onDeselect={ () =>
+ setDisplayLayout( { columns: 2 } )
+ }
+ isShownByDefault
+ >
+ <>
+ setDisplayLayout( {
+ columns: value,
+ } )
+ }
+ min={ 2 }
+ max={ Math.max( 6, displayLayout.columns ) }
+ />
+ { displayLayout.columns > 6 && (
+ { __(
+ 'This column count exceeds the recommended amount and may cause visual breakage.'
+ ) }
+ ) }
+ >
+ ) }
{ showOrderControl && (
+ order !== 'desc' || orderBy !== 'date'
+ }
+ label={ __( 'Order by' ) }
+ onDeselect={ () =>
+ setQuery( { order: 'desc', orderBy: 'date' } )
+ }
+ isShownByDefault
+ >
) }
{ showStickyControl && (
- setQuery( { sticky: value } )
- }
- />
+ !! sticky }
+ label={ __( 'Sticky posts' ) }
+ onDeselect={ () => setQuery( { sticky: '' } ) }
+ isShownByDefault
+ >
+ setQuery( { sticky: value } )
+ }
+ />
) }
) }
{ ! inherit && showDisplayPanel && (