This file describes using a filament buffer as a ram sensor. This is part of the Armored Turtle Automated Filament Changer (AFC) project.
Ram sensor is compatible with two types of buffers: TurtleNeck, TurtleNeck 2.0.
The filament loading and unloading use the two sensor design to evaluate the position of the filament.
filament will travel to buffer sensor and then execute theafc_bowden_length
to the tool head- If the buffer is expanded after the
is complete then it will move forward with the tool load. - If the buffer is not expanded after the
then AFC will perform short moves until the buffer expands and the tool load will continue. - After the
is complete the AFC will then pull back off the advance sensor, checking that it was loaded successfully and resetting the buffer.
- If the buffer is expanded after the
AFC will perform the user specified macros (cut/tip shaping etc.).- Once these macros are finished AFC will pull back to the trailing sensor to insure consistent position of the buffer.
- The rest of the unload will follow.
Under [AFC_extruder extruder]
pin_tool_start: buffer
- By setting the
the ram sensor will be enabled.
- By setting the
Under [AFC_Buffer TN2]
advance_pin and trailing_pin must be defined
- advance_pin: Pin for the advance sensor.
- trailing_pin: Pin for the trailing sensor.
Under [AFC_extruder extruder]
tool_max_load_checks: 4
can be set for the amount of times the AFC pulls back after load to come off the advance sensor.- Default 4
tool_max_unload_attempts: 2
can be set for the amount of repetitions AFC pulss back to trailing sensor on unload.- Default 2
should be set so that on unload the filament comes just short of the hub sensortool_unload_stn
should be set so that on unload the filament clears the extruder