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Tips & What Not to Do When Working on Models (specifically if you wish to put them back into the game)

Woeful_Wolf edited this page Apr 15, 2021 · 1 revision

1. Don't edit any character armature

  • Bones/Character armature has data applied to it that can't be seen or modified in Blender. Modifying it means that there's a high chance it won't export
  • This means deleting bones, renaming bones, adding bones, etc.

2. Don't delete Character objects (alternative provided below)

  • Deleting character objects from their original place or renaming them causes issues when exporting (ex. deleting 13-body-0)
    • if you want to remove an object from a character such as 2B's dress, go into edit mode and remove the vertices rather than the object itself (object will still be intact)
  • The .wmb file looks for the objects themselves when loading the game, so if they're missing or renamed, it won't load (modifying the contents within an object works -- edit mode)
  • If you want to add your own objects in the scene and on the character, you can merge your object with one of the existing objects (ex. merging pants with 13-body-0)
    • just make sure that the new object is being merged TO the NieR object (so that the name and object data remain intact)
  • This also means that you are limited to the same amount of objects that the character has

3. Try not to move things around in Object Mode

  • Moving the NieR Objects around in Object mode (ex. 13-body-0 or 6-hair-0) will cause the origin to be misplaced
    • If you do move the NieR Objects around, make sure to set the Object origin back to the viewport origin
  • The best way to deal with this is to move objects in Edit Mode
  • Newer versions of Blender2NieR have an option at export that is enabled on default that centres all origins for you.

4. Make sure that models are always triangulated

  • The NieR:Automata engine (and almost every other engine), reads models with tris. If it doesn't have it then you'll get an export error
  • If you make a new model and it doesn't have tris, you can use the Triangulate modifier to turn your geometry into tris
  • The exporter automatically applies the Triangulate modifier upon export but it's safer to apply/adjust it yourself

5. Make sure that no object has more than one material

  • NieRAutomata's engine has a rule that only allows one material per object, and the game won't load if there are multiple
  • You may accidently have multiple materials on one object when merging two objects so be careful.

6. Maintain NieRAutomata materials

  • The game will only read materials with the properties that the character/model originally had
  • Having new materials with no custom NieR:Automata properties can't be exported.
  • Some models also have special materials that have to have a specific name; renaming them will prevent the game from loading.
  • Make sure to completely delete any new, unused materials that you created before exporting.
    • You can delete materials by going to the blenderfile section of the outliner
      • Unlinking them from an objects isn't deleting them.
    • There is a purge materials option at WMB export that can try do this for you, but it does not always work.

7. Any new objects need to be weight painted

  • If an object doesn't have a vertex group, the game won't know how it should move
  • You can weight paint a character with according vertex groups (make sure it's identical to what the original was, or it will move obscurely)

8. You cannot have an empty object slot

  • You can remove the all the vertices from an object to free up unneeded space, but make sure there's at least SOMETHING there to take it's place
    • The game requires at least one triangle per object slot, so an alternative is to create tiny triangle, and hide it inside the body
    • Make sure to give it a weight paint as well (the same vertex group as the part it's inside will prevent it from moving out of the body ex.bone2)

(Thank you DevolasRevenge)