Discord bot behave as like "komputer". One of character in Star Track parody series created by Dem3000
- /add-joke {category} {type} {answer} {question} - komputer zapamiętaj dowcip - Added new joke to database
- category - REQUIRED - joke category
- type - REQUIRED - joke type
- answer - REQUIRED - joke content
- question - OPTIONAL - additional question part of joke. Required only when you try add joke as Two-Part type
- /joke {id} {category} {type} - komputer powiedz dowcip - Find joke in JokeDev API, HumorAPI or your mongodb
database. Each option in this command is optional:
- id - jokeID, bot return ID after successful added joke into database
- type - joke type
- category - joke category
- /welcome - komputer przywitaj się - Bot welcome you
- spock {name} - kurwa spock - komputer says something
- name - OPTIONAL - name of file, that bot should play. Name should be put without file extension e.g .mp3
- list {name} - komputer co powiesz mi - show list of available audio, that komputer play on voice chat
- name - part of file name, which you want to see
Bot recognizes a few categories of joke:
- Programowanie - programming joke
- Różne - any kind of joke, it's random
- YoMamma - special joke ;)
Bot recognized a two types of Joke:
- Single - Joke without question part. If you put joke in question field, this joke will be ignored
- Two-Parts - Joke with question part. You have to fill answer and question fields in /add-joke command
Build project and installa with this simple command:
sudo make install
Bot installs in /opt/komputer directory
You can use flake to install bot as NixOS module:
# Installa komputer via flake
inputs = {
komputer.url = "github:Wittano/komputer";
# Activate bot in NixOS
komputer = {
enable = true;
applicationID = "<YOUR_APPLICATION_ID>";
Preferred method to deploy for instance of bot is creating docker container using prepared Dockerfile image.
If you don't want to use docker, you can use sudo make install
to build and install program. It'll install
in /opt/komputer
Bot is configurable via a few environment variables:
- DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN= Discord Bot Token (required)
- APPLICATION_ID= Your bot application id (required)
- SERVER_GUID= Your server ID, where bot will register commands (required)
- MONGODB_URI= URI to connect MongoDB database (required)
- RAPID_API_KEY= API key for RapidAPIs. In project is use: HumorAP (optional)