- First Person Command - You may now issue commands to your squadrons while in the FPS mode. Squadrons must be created in RTS mode first. You can issue: Move To, Follow Self/Other, and Attack.
- Mouse Wheel Zooming. - You can now control the zoom with the mouse wheel for faster zooming like in more modern RTSes.
- Anti-aliasing. It makes a difference.
- AA is configurable, in config.xml:
<key name="Options\MSAA\Buffers">1</key>
and<key name="Options\MSAA\Samples">8</key>
- Full Screen Cinematics. Just like the old days (:
- No more crashing on Linux! Case insensitivity for asset file lookup.
- Enable/disable music from config.xml with:
<key name="Options\Music\enabled">0</key>
(Enabled by default)