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Ansible playbook for building baremetal geth/lighthouse nodes

This program copies the steps published here Thanks for an excellent guide!

NB This is configured for goerli - using the flag in the geth.service file in this repo.

NB For validators, your address goes in the lighthousevalidator.service file where marked.

(This guide assumes you have ansible installed, a suitable linux host with ssh server ready to be the target for the build)


  1. Clone this repo and cd into it

  2. Add the hosts you want to turn into geth nodes to your ansible inventory file (default: /etc/ansible/hosts) under a group named geth. Use the vars in the example testinv.yml for reference

  3. Put payment address for validator in --suggested-fee-recipient flag in the lighthousevalidator.service file

  4. Download the Lighthouse executable ( and save it as lighthouse_archive.gz under files

  5. Move the staking and lighthouse executables to geth hosts with copy_executable.yml and copy_staking_cli.yml

  6. Run ansible-playbook geth_build.yml The playbook installs the dependencies, then geth, then sets up geth, beacon and validator services under Systemd.

  7. Run ansible-playbook jwt_token_create.yml to generate a jwt token and copy it to a world readable location

NB There are tools for node backup included: backup_nodes.yml fetches any keys for the configured chain (eth_chain_id) and toml configs off each geth host. create_toml dumps toml configs on each geth host then copies them back to the management host, using ansible fetch.