Releases: WikiWatershed/model-my-watershed
This major release was deployed at 01:50 PM EDT on August 29, 2019.
Infrastructure Upgrades:
- Upgrade Ubuntu to Xenial 16.04 #3103 #3108 #3113 #3114
- Upgrade Windshaft Tile Server to 5.4.0 #3109 #3127
- Upgrade Django to 1.11 #3123 #3126 #3131
- Upgrade SRAT Catchment API Endpoint #3129
- Upgrade Back-end Dependencies #3139 #3141 #3134 #3143 #3144 #3145
- Upgrade Front-end Dependencies #3138
- Upgrade PostgreSQL 9.4 to 9.6 #3147 #3045 #3046 #3047 #3146
- Upgrade API Documentation to DRF-YASG #3133
- Upgrades to Deployment Architecture #3117 #3120 #3148 #3149
- Switch to Papertrail for Logging #3104 #3106
Bug Fixes:
- Monitor: Warn about timeouts for large AoIs #3154
- Fix 1 Square Km Draw Tool #3157
- Manual Entry: Recalculate Area-derived Values #3151
- Hide Subbasin Catchment Legend When Not In Subbasin Mode #3160
- Select by boundary picks incorrect boundaries #3082
- Ignore Hanging Tests in CI #3116
This minor release was deployed at 12:00 PM EST on March 4, 2019.
Bug Fixes:
- Manual Entry: Fix handling of explicit 0s specified by users #3077
- Unit Conversion: Show correct slider value on slide end #3078
- MapShed BMPs: Fix Waste Management Deletion #3079
- Various remedies for Celery issues #3086 #3088 #3090
- Update Google Analytics #3095
For full notes of the current major version, please see Release Notes for 1.24.0.
This release was deployed at 2:28 PM EST on December 18, 2018.
New Features:
- Unit Conversion: Add ability for users to set their preferred unit scheme. The default scheme for logged out and new users remains Metric as before, but logged in users can now set US Customary units as their preferred scheme.
#3019 #3020 #3030 #3033 #3035 #3036 #3057 #3061 #3062 - MapShed Manual Entry: Add ability for users to override a number of previously inaccessible variables in the GMS file for Multi-Year Model projects, including Waste Water, Animals, BMP Efficiencies, and others. Also allow the editing of Land Cover in Multi-Year Model projects.
#2963 #2966 #2968 #2969 #2977 #2979 #2986 #2992 #2996 #3010 - Compare View for Multi-Year Model: Now Multi-Year Model projects with multiple scenarios can compare them in a unified Compare View that, similar to the one for TR-55, shows combined charts and tables for all model results in each scenario.
#2921 #2922 #2923 #2924 #2925 #2931 #2932 #2933 #2934 #2935 #2936 #2940 #2943 #2965 - New Layers for Visualization:
- Water Quality Portal catalog under Monitor #2887 #3029
- Improve HydroShare export #2897 #3032
- Include BMP Spreadsheet Tool in HydroShare export #2899
- HydroShare integration improvements
- Adjustments to Multi-Year Model BMPs:
- Upgrade GWLF-E to 2.0.0 with much faster performance #2902 #2906 #3018
- UI Improvements
- Reorder Hydrology Fields #2917
- Add GMS Download button to Scenario Buttons View #2980
- Add Marker for Coordinate, Address Search #2896
- Add link to download BMP Spreadsheet Tool #2898
- Add hint for entering coordinates #2900
- Move Model alongside Analyze, Monitor #2987
- Update Logo, Favicon #3017
- Add Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy #3042 #3051
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes:
- Upgrade Postgis to 2.2 #3048
- Pin version of Python Redis module to 2.x series #3021
- Fix pip module bug for Ansible 2.6.5+ #3006
- Update libpq glob to reflect main PostgreSQL repository #3005
- Use staging SRAT url for dev, test, staging #2971
- Update libpq glob to reflect main PostgreSQL repository #2904
This release was deployed at 12:28 PM EDT on June 12, 2018.
New Features:
- Add subbasin attenuated water quality results for HUC 8s and 10s by integrated SRAT API #2781 #2772 #2780 #2794 #2722 #2770 #2788 #2792 #2752 #2744 #2740 #2786 #2817 #2777 #2804 #2828 #2835 #2805
- Implement hotspot view to visualize average annual loads by catchment or stream segment within subbasins #2798 #2822 #2858 #2868 #2829
- Add HUC ID to Area of Interest title in sidebar #2842
- Add latitude/longitude search support to geocoder search #2845
- Add EnviroDIY-specific Source Data link to Monitor #2785
- Add Contribute Data modal to Monitor #2843 #2872 #2853
- Add USGS Water Quality Portal catalog Monitor search (on BiG CZ portal #2813
- Upgrades to geoprocessing pipeline to increase performance (MultiOperation) #2737
- Set a hard 300sec timeout on geoprocessing requests #2751
- Check DRB eligibility against simpler perimeter, to address point source marker mismatches #2839
- Cache CUAHSI search results on Monitor tab select
- Reorder Monitor catalog tabs #2778
- Increase BiG CZ and CUAHSI AoI size limit to 5,000 sq km
- Allow MapShed to run for AoIs without streams #2790 #2844
- Update MapShed weather station EtAdj values #2773
This release was deployed at 12:36 PM EDT on March 13, 2018.
New Features:
- Add Climate analysis tab #2517
- Add Streams analysis tab #2547 #2551, #2562
- Add Terrain analysis tab #2586
- Add Percent Slope overlay #2630
- Add elevation overlay #2696
- Add Monitor tab at high level, next to Analyze #2632
- Enable CINERGI, CUAHSI, and HydroShare search via Monitor tab #2663, #2675 #2693 #2710
- Integrate with HydroShare OAuth - you can now export a project to Hydroshare via the "Share" button on the top right of the modeling screen when you're logged in. Note: if you've tested this feature before on staging, please unlink and then re-link the account (via the Linked Accounts page in your profile), as HydroShare Beta wipes their database fairly regularly which will cause an error. #2556 #2570 #2585 #2587 #2590 #2598 #2607 #2605 #2609 #2610 #2614 #2616 #2628 #2658, #2661, #2664 #2698 #2700
- Enable Open With MMW for HydroShare #2664
- Update Stroud/wikiwatershed branding elements, add About modal on landing page with current version #, add Projects link on landing page #2593 #2594 #2665
- Add linked accounts page in user profile #2607
- Enable shapefile or GeoJSON download of AoI (via download icon next to AoI name) #2625
Improvements & Bugfixes:
- Fix running mapshed on AoIs with no streams #2546
- Allow boundary selection after HUC search #2533
- Make geocoder boundary result highlightable #2606
- Clear analyze results after selecting shape from geocoder search #2705
- Fix running Multiyear Model on areas with no streams #2546
- Update sediment nitrogen/soil n multiplier to improve Multiyear Model accuracy #2563
- Upgrade JQuery #2613
- Make public projects fully read-only when viewed by non-project owner #2674
This release was deployed at 4:21pm EDT on November 9, 2017.
New Features
Model My Watershed
- Require token authentication on geoprocessing API endpoints and throttle third-party API usage #2306
- Create Account page with API key and password reset #2369
- Enable downloading Compare view data as csv #2376
- Add profile form to login process #2432
- Show blue dot to prompt profile completion to logged-in users #2438
- Add user profile page #2445
BiG CZ Data Portal
- Fetch and display CUAHSI sensor values via WaterML #2446
- Implement client-side free text search for WDC #2439
- Enable downloading search results as JSON #2444
Improvements & Bug Fixes
Model My Watershed
- Create climate and precipitation legends #2368
- Fix predominantly forested Compare table values #2384
- Fix bug in which Multi-Year Model water quality results were not updating #2448
- Remove RWD point if RWD cancel button is clicked #2458
- Restyle and add missing user management/onboarding modals #2462
- Fix bug in which barely-intersecting catchments were included in Area of Interest analysis for Point Source #2383
- Fix loading state bug in Observations tab in layer selector #2465
- Preserve Compare view scroll state for ITSI screenshot #2463
- Add validation of shape submissions to geoprocessing API #2423
- Add Google Analytics for application events #2480
BiG CZ Data Portal
- Implement disambiguation popup for intersecting layers #2314
- Include geometry for Hydroshare results #2356
- Hydroshare integration improvements: show newest results first, exclude results with no geometry, cache API calls
- Improve CINERGI search result representation #2425
- Improve HydroShare search result detail view #2424
- Flesh out CINERGI detail view #2429
- Ensure Analyze tab scrolls properly #2459
This release was deployed at 11:00am EDT on October 17, 2017.
New Features
Model My Watershed
- Redesigned Compare view for Site Storm Model #2070 #2071 #2072 #2074 #2075 #2076 #2098 #2099 #2120 #2134 #2158 #2166 #2180 #2242 #2278 #2312 #2325
- Revamped and exposed MMW Geoprocessing API for third-party use, and added documentation via Swagger #2184 #2185 #2186 #2187 #2190 #2200 #2241 #2270
- Upgrade RWD to 1.2.3 #2339
- Upgrade geoprocessing service to increase performance
BiG CZ Data Portal
- Show CINERGI repository URL in details view #2140
- Implement map-sidebar interactions #2136 #1934 #2152
- Add Temperature and Precipitation overlays with time period slider #2018
- Add Climate tab to Analysis with Temp and Precip summary statistics #1949 #1975
- Cache CUAHSI & WDC responses #1932
- Add filter sidebar #2232
- Add disambiguation popup for multiple overlapping results on map #2282
Improvements & Bug Fixes
Model My Watershed
- Decrease zoom level of geocoder map move #2139
- Calculate MapShed SedNitr value from raster #1754
- Estimate MapShed SedPhos/SoiP value from rasters #1752 #1756
- Upgrade Celery #2249
BiG CZ Data Portal
- Exclude gridded CUAHSI results by default #2133
This release was deployed at 1:44PM EST on July 20, 2017.
New Features
- User interface overhaul including new landing/splash page, updated page for selecting Area of Interest, and updated Model page with dropdown scenario interface instead of tabs. Sidebar moved to the left. #1881 #1883 #1890 #1957 #1958 #1984
- Enabled uploading Area of Interest polygon (geoJSON or shapefile) as input #1758
- Added flagged interface elements and API features to support BiG CZ project (can be seen at
- Add ability to download tabular data #1740
- Cache "well known Areas of Interest" results for faster loading #1882 #1885 #1892
Improvements & Bug Fixes
- Refactored geoprocessing job pipeline for performance improvements
- Revamp layer picker #1738
- Change sediment erosion adjustment factor in GWLF-E (Mapshed) model to 1.4
- Various bug fixes to new UI
This release was deployed at 12:07PM EST on March 3, 2017.
New Features
- National RWD based on NHD+ data
- Add model description text
- Change "draw" button to "back" on Analyze tab
- Update to login behavior with ITSI
- Display generated watershed boundary shapes when invalid to run with model
- Mark original clicked point on starting RWD
- Update Stroud logo
Bug Fixes
- ITSI screenshot fixes
- Update stream overlay rendering
- Increased stability in RWD jobs
- Increased performance for newly launched servers
Known issue: #1719 Addressed in release 1.18.1
This release was deployed at 11:15 AM on December 7, 2016.
New Features
- Add Rapid Watershed Delineation option based on NHD-derived data. This feature is available in the Mid-Atlantic region (USGS water resource Region 2).
- Update catchment water quality data
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Style password reset page
- Use buffered area for Rapid Watershed Delineation front-end validation
- Point source data includes totals row
- Fix to TR-55 model to account for perennial ice land cover type
- Decrease polling for model/analyze results
- Changes to caching to show updates without multiple refreshes
- Minor text/label changes