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💱 Pair

The pair contract is the pool. Creating a new pool should be done via the pool factory, so that the pool is indexed in the pool registry stored by the factory. A pool can be created with native, ibc or cw20 tokens.

Constant Product

For now, White Whale pools make prices based on a constant product invariant:

$$ XY=k $$

Where X and Y are the reserves for each token in the pool, while k is a constant. The product of the number of tokens on each side of the pool should remain constant across trading operations. With X being the current balance of the pool's source asset and and Y being that of the target asset:

$$ XY=k=(X+∆x ​ )(Y−∆y ​ ) $$

To determine the value of the ask asset ∆y given the trader's offered asset ∆x:

$$ ∆y = Y∆x/(X+∆x) $$

The market price is calculated by dividing the number of pool's target token into the source asset (also called the pool ratio).

The spread between the executed and the expected trade is:

$$ spread= (Y∆x/X) − (Y∆x/ (X+∆x))​ $$

The deeper the pool the smaller the spread.

Liquidity Provision

A user or bot can provide liquidity by sending a provide_liquidity message and withdraw liquidity with withdraw_liquidity. Whenever liquidity is deposited into a pool, special tokens known as liquidity (LP) tokens are minted to the provider's address, in proportion to how much liquidity it contributed to the pool. These tokens are a representation of a liquidity provider's contribution to a pool. Whenever a trade occurs, the swap_fee percentage, which is a parameter specified by the PoolFee, is distributed pro-rata to all LPs in the pool at the moment of the trade. To receive the underlying liquidity back, plus commission fees that were accrued while their liquidity was locked, LPs must burn their liquidity tokens, which is done via withdraw_liquidity.


There are three types of fees associated to the pools, namely swap_fee, protocol_fee and burn_fee. The swap_fee remains in the pool, causing a permanent increase in the constant product K. The value of this permanently increased pool goes to all LPs.

The protocol_fee goes to the protocol, and it is to be collected by the Fee Collector contract of the Liquidity Hub. The protocol revenue is then distributed to WHALE stakers in the form of token buybacks.

The burn_fee is a percentage of the tokens that is burned whenever a swap takes place.

Feature toggle

Pools contain a feature toggle, containing the following properties: withdrawals_enabled, deposits_enabled and swaps_enabled. Those features are `ON by default, but could be changed via governance. They could be changed in different scenarios, the ones we could envision include for example if a critical bug is found in a given feature, it could be shut down while is being fixed to avoid exploits. Additionally, if for example liquidity is desired to be migrated to another pool, deposits could be disabled to prevent bots or users to deposit liquidity in the pool.

The code for the pair contract can be found here.

The following are the messages that can be executed on the pair contract:


Instantiates the pair.

  "asset_infos": [
      "native_token": {
        "denom": "uwhale"
      "token": {
        "contract_addr": "migaloo1..."
  "token_code_id": 123,
  "asset_decimals": [
  "pool_fees": {
    "protocol_fee": {
      "share": "0.01"
    "swap_fee": {
      "share": "0.02"
    "burn_fee": {
      "share": "0.01"
  "fee_collector_addr": "migaloo1...",
  "pair_type": "constant_product",
  "token_factory_lp": true
Key Type Description
asset_infos [AssetInfo; 2] Information about the two assets
token_code_id u64 Code if for the token contract. Used by the factory to create the LP token contract
asset_decimals [u8; 2] Decimal places for the given assets
pool_fees PoolFee Pool fees for the given pair
pair_type String The variant of pair to create, it can be ConstantProduct or StableSwap
token_factory_lp String If true, the pair will use the token factory to create the LP token. If false, it will use a cw20 token instead


Migrates a pair. This is to be triggered by the owner of the contract, i.e. the pool factory, via the migrate_pair message.



Collect protocol fees

Sends the accrued protocol fees to the Fee Collector. This action can be triggered by anyone.

  "collect_protocol_fees": {}

Provide liquidity

Provides liquidity to the pool.

{% hint style="warning" %} Note: in case of providing liquidity with a cw20 token, the message increase_allowance should be called on the cw20 token contract * before* cw20 tokens can be transferred to the pool. {% endhint %}

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Native/IBC token" %}

  "provide_liquidity": {
    "assets": [
        "info": {
          "native_token": {
            "denom": "uwhale"
        "amount": "1000"
        "info": {
          "native_token": {
            "denom": "ibc/B3504E092456BA618CC28AC671A71FB08C6CA0FD0BE7C8A5B5A3E2DD933CC9E4"
        "amount": "1000"
    "slippage_tolerance": "0.01",
    "receiver": "receiver_addr"

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="cw20 token" %}

  "provide_liquidity": {
    "assets": [
        "info": {
          "token": {
            "contract_addr": "migaloo1..."
        "amount": "1000"
        "info": {
          "token": {
            "contract_addr": "migaloo1..."
        "amount": "1000"
    "slippage_tolerance": "0.01",
    "receiver": "receiver_addr"

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Key Type Description
assets [Asset; 2] Assets to provide liquidity with
slippage_tolerance Option<Decimal> If set, the transaction will succeed if the price in the pool moves less than the given slippage tolerance
receiver Option<String> Receiver address for the LP tokens in case it is different from the sender


Swap a token, either native/ibc/factory token or cw20 token.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Native/IBC token" %}

  "swap": {
    "offer_asset": {
      "amount": "100000",
      "info": {
        "native_token": {
          "denom": "uwhale"
    "belief_price": "0.3524",
    "max_spread": "0.05",
    "to": "to_address"
Key Type Description
offer_asset Asset Asset to swap
belief_price Option<Decimal> Belief price of the asset
max_spread Option<Decimal> Max desired spread to perform the swap with
to Option<String> Receiver address for ask asset in case it is different from the sender

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="cw20 token" %}

This message is to be sent to the cw20 token contract address.

  "send": {
    "contract": "pool_contract_address",
    "amount": "1000",
    "msg": "ewogICJzd2FwIjogewogICAgImJlbGllZl9wcmljZSI6ICIwLjM1MjQiLAogICAgIm1heF9zcHJlYWQiOiAiMC4wNSIsCiAgICAidG8iOiAidG9fYWRkcmVzcyIKICB9Cn0="

where ewogICJ...IKICB9Cn0= is the following message, encoded in base64:

  "swap": {
    "belief_price": "0.3524",
    "max_spread": "0.05",
    "to": "to_address"
Key Type Description
belief_price Option<Decimal> Belief price of the asset
max_spread Option<Decimal> Max desired spread to perform the swap with
to Option<String> Receiver address for ask asset in case it is different from the sender

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Update config

Updates the configuration of the pool.

  "update_config": {
    "owner": "owner",
    "fee_collector_addr": "fee_collector_addr",
    "pool_fees": {
      "protocol_fee": {
        "share": "0.01"
      "swap_fee": {
        "share": "0.02"
      "burn_fee": {
        "share": "0.01"
    "feature_toggle": {
      "withdrawals_enabled": true,
      "deposits_enabled": true,
      "swaps_enabled": true
Key Type Description
owner Option<String> New owner of the contract
fee_collector_addr Option<String> New fee collector address
pool_fees Option<PoolFee> New pool fees
feature_toggle Option<FeatureToggle> If set, toggles features on/off based on the parameters specified in FeatureToggle


Withdraws liquidity from the pool. In case the LP token is a cw20 token, the message needs to be sent to the cw20 token.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="LP Native Token" %}

  "withdraw_liquidity": {}

The LP amount to be withdrawn needs to be sent as funds together with this transaction.

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="LP cw20 token" %}

  "send": {
    "contract": "pool_contract_address",
    "amount": "1000",
    "msg": "ewogICJ3aXRoZHJhd19saXF1aWRpdHkiOiB7fQp9"
Key Type Description
contract String Contract to send the msg to
amount Uint128 Amount of tokens to be sent
msg Binary Encoded message in base64

where ewogICJ3...kiOiB7fQp9 is the withdraw_liquidity message, encoded in base64:

  "withdraw_liquidity": {}

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}



Retrieves the configuration of the pool.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Query" %}

  "config": {}

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Response (ConfigResponse)" %}

  "owner": "migaloo1...",
  "fee_collector_addr": "migaloo1...",
  "pool_fees": {
    "protocol_fee": {
      "share": "0.001"
    "swap_fee": {
      "share": "0.002"
    "burn_fee": {
      "share": "0.001"
  "feature_toggle": {
    "withdrawals_enabled": true,
    "deposits_enabled": true,
    "swaps_enabled": true
Key Type Description
owner Addr The contract's owner
fee_collector_addr Addr The fee collector contract address
pool_fees PoolFee Pool fees
feature_toggle FeatureToggle Settings for the feature toggle

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}


Retrieves information of the pool pair.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Query" %}

  "pair": {}

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Response (PairInfo)" %}

  "asset_infos": [
      "native_token": {
        "denom": "uwhale"
      "token": {
        "contract_addr": "migaloo1..."
  "contract_addr": "migaloo1...",
  "liquidity_token": {
    "native_token": {
      "denom": "factory/migaloo1.../uLP"
  "asset_decimals": [
  "pair_type": "constant_product"
Key Type Description
asset_infos [AssetInfo; 2] Asset infos for the pair
contract_addr String Pair contract address
liquidity_token AssetInfo LP token AssetInfo for the pair
asset_decimals [u8; 2] Decimals for the assets within the pool
pair_type PairType The variant of pair to create, it can be ConstantProduct or StableSwap

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}


Retrieves information about the pool, i.e. liquidity provided, asset infos and total LP shares.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Query" %}

  "pool": {}

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Response (PoolResponse)" %}

  "assets": [
      "info": {
        "native_token": {
          "denom": "uwhale"
      "amount": "178102491"
      "info": {
        "token": {
          "contract_addr": "migaloo1..."
      "amount": "36870272692"
  "total_share": "1720147158"
Key Type Description
assets [Asset; 2] Assets within the pool
total_share Uint128 Total supply of the pool's LP token

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Protocol fees

Retrieves the protocol fees on the pool. If all_time is true, it will return the fees collected since the inception of the pool. On the other hand, if all_time is set to false, only the fees that has been accrued by the pool but not collected by the fee collector will be returned.

Alternatively, if asset_id is set the accrued fees (non collected) for that specific asset will be returned.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Query" %}

  "protocol_fees": {
    "asset_id": "uwhale",
    "all_time": false
Key Type Description
asset_id Option<String> Asset id to return the protocol fees for
all_time Option<bool> Defines whether to return all time fees or not

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Response (ProtocolFeesResponse)" %}

  "fees": [
      "info": {
        "native_token": {
          "denom": "uwhale"
      "amount": "42661"
Key Type Description
fees Vec<Asset> Fees collected by the pair

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Burned fees

Retrieves the fees that have been burned by pool. If asset_id is set, only the burned fees for that specific asset will be returned, otherwise it returns burned fees for both assets in the pool.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Query" %}

  "burned_fees": {
    "asset_id": "uhuahua"
Key Type Description
asset_id Option<String> Asset id to return the burned fees for

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Response (ProtocolFeesResponse)" %}

  "fees": [
      "info": {
        "native_token": {
          "denom": "uhuahua"
      "amount": "42661"
Key Type Description
fees Vec<Asset> Fees burned by the pair

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}


Performs a swap simulation for the given token.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Query (native/ibc token)" %}

  "simulation": {
    "offer_asset": {
      "info": {
        "native_token": {
          "denom": "uwhale"
      "amount": "1000"
Key Type Description
offer_asset Asset Asset to simulate swap for

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Query (cw20 token)" %}

  "simulation": {
    "offer_asset": {
      "info": {
        "token": {
          "contract_addr": "migaloo1..."
      "amount": 1000
Key Type Description
offer_asset Asset Asset to simulate swap for

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Response (SimulationResponse)" %}

  "return_amount": "206395",
  "spread_amount": "1",
  "swap_fee_amount": "414",
  "protocol_fee_amount": "207",
  "burn_fee_amount": "207"
Key Type Description
return_amount Uint128 Amount that would be delivered to the user after the swap
spread_amount Uint128 Spread the swap would have
swap_fee_amount Uint128 Swap fees amount that would be distributed among liquidity providers
protocol_fee_amount Uint128 Protocol fees amount
burn_fee_amount Uint128 Fees that would be burned, if any, by executing the swap

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Reserve simulation

Performs a reverse swap simulation, i.e. given the ask asset, how much of the offer asset is needed to perform the swap.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Query (native/ibc token)" %}

  "reverse_simulation": {
    "ask_asset": {
      "info": {
        "native_token": {
          "denom": "uwhale"
      "amount": "1000"
Key Type Description
ask_asset Asset Desired asset to get after the swap

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Query (cw20 token)" %}

  "reverse_simulation": {
    "ask_asset": {
      "info": {
        "token": {
          "contract_addr": "migaloo1..."
      "amount": "1000"
Key Type Description
ask_asset Asset Desired asset to get after the swap

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Response (ReverseSimulationResponse)" %}

  "offer_amount": "207639",
  "spread_amount": "0",
  "swap_fee_amount": "2",
  "protocol_fee_amount": "1",
  "burn_fee_amount": "1"
Key Type Description
offer_amount Uint128 Offer asset amount that is needed to get the given ask asset
spread_amount Uint128 Spread the swap would have
swap_fee_amount Uint128 Swap fees amount that would be distributed among liquidity providers
protocol_fee_amount Uint128 Protocol fees amount
burn_fee_amount Uint128 Fees that would be burned, if any, by executing the swap

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}