- Never miss a vote!
- Other bots only alert of a new vote, this bot will alert you of votes you haven't made
- Simple setup
Clone this repo to a server you use for monitoring
Fill out config.json example:
"token":"<[youtube guide how to get token](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h94FK8h1OJU)",
"endpoint":"<check cosmos.directory for public endpoint>"
"endpoint":"<check cosmos.directory for public endpoint>"
make directory for script:
mkdir -p ~/scripts/
create script:
vim ~/scripts/propy.sh
paste this in:
#! /bin/bash
source $HOME/.bashrc
python3 /$USER/cosmos-automations/bots/propy/main.py --config /$USER/cosmos-automations/bots/propy/config.json --slack
Note: either set USER to a value (ex. export USER=admin) or replace user with the user you using /admin/cosmos-automations or /root/cosmos-automations/
make executable:
chmod +x start_script.sh
create systemd service:
vim /etc/systemd/system/propy.service
paste this in:
Description=prop alerts
Note: either set USER to a value (ex. export USER=admin) or replace user with the user you using /admin/cosmos-automations or /root/cosmos-automations/
- Test run systemd service:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable propy.service
systemclt start propy.service
- create systemd timer:
vim /etc/systemd/system/propy.timer
paste this in:
Description=check for props
OnCalendar=*-*-* 13:00:00 UTC
- start timer:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable propy.timer
systemclt start propy.timer
You're done! Now you should get alerts daily of the props you haven't yet voted on.
If you would like to contribute to this repository, which is very much appreciated, make sure to check out the resources below.