Import app.scss to your global styles -> @import: "scss/waw";
1. display
2. margin
3. other
4. padding
5. size
6. text
1. w-btn
2. w-checkbox
3. w-card
4. w-forms
5. w-radio
6. w-switch
7. w-table
1. base
2. grid
3. scroll
1. fonts
2. icons
3. media
4. mixins
5. vars
6. angular
Go to waw.scss
and turn on/off imports scss files
atom - include atomic classes.
common - include styles which appears on few pages.
components - include independent blocks
layout - include global layout settings
pages - include style for specifically page
utils - include utilities styles
vendors - include imports resets, normalize, libs
Go to scss/components/README.md
- ready made html for components
Go to scss/Classes.md
- ready made htnl classes
We use BEM technology but changed a little for themselves (optional)
1. block -> "header"
2. element -> "header__link"
3. modifier -> "_active"
1. block -> "header {}"
2. element -> "&__link {}"
3. modifier -> "&._active {}"