included file readme in components folder
row // row
col-1 // column width 100%
col-2 // column width 50%
col-3 // column width 33.3%
col-4 // column width 25%
col-5 // column width 20%
col-23 // column width 66.6%
col-2m // column min-width 50%
col-25 // column width 40%
w-card // card body
w-card _pd // card with padding
w-card__header // header card inside w-card
Atom (should turn on in file app.scss)
1. Display
d-b //display-block:
d-ib //display-inline-block
d-f // display-flex
fd-c // flex-direction-column
jc-sb // justify-content-space-between
jc-fs // justify-content-flex-start
jc-c // justify-content-center
jc-fe // justify-content-flex-end
ai-c // align-items-center
ai-fe // align-items-flex-end
ai-fs // align-items-flex-start
ai-sb // align-items-space-between
fg-1 // flex-grow-1
2. Margin (should set numbers in margin.scss)
m$ // margin $ px
mx$ // margin left and right $px
my$ // margin top and bottom $px
example: m10 // margin: 10px;
3. Padding (should set numbers in padding.scss)
p$ // padding $ px
px$ // padding left and right $px
py$ // padding top and bottom $px
example: p10 // padding: 10px;
4. Other
pos-rel // position relative
5. Size
w100p // width 100%
h100p // height 100%\
6. Text
ta-l // text-align-left
ta-c // text-align-center
ta-r // text-align-right
ws-nw // white-space-no-wrap
ws-pl // white-space-pre-line
ws-n // white-space-normal
fw400 // font-weight-400
fw500 // font-weigh-500
fw700 // font-weight-700
tt-u // text-transform-uppercase
<i>edit</i> // We can use material icons in these formats