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489 lines (331 loc) · 18 KB



Patch Changes

  • ShopPayButton component now can receive a storeDomain. The component now does not require ShopifyProvider. (#645) by @lordofthecactus

  • Fix active cart session event in Live View (#614) by @wizardlyhel

    Introducing getStorefrontHeaders that collects the required Shopify headers for making a Storefront API call.

    • Make cart constants available as exports from @shopify/hydrogen-react
    • Deprecating buyerIp and requestGroupId props from createStorefrontClient from @shopify/hydrogen
    • Deprecating getBuyerIp function from @shopify/remix-oxygen
    + import {getStorefrontHeaders} from '@shopify/remix-oxygen';
    import {createStorefrontClient, storefrontRedirect} from '@shopify/hydrogen';
    export default {
      async fetch(
        request: Request,
        env: Env,
        executionContext: ExecutionContext,
      ): Promise<Response> {
        const {storefront} = createStorefrontClient({
    -     buyerIp: getBuyerIp(request),
          i18n: {language: 'EN', country: 'US'},
          publicStorefrontToken: env.PUBLIC_STOREFRONT_API_TOKEN,
          privateStorefrontToken: env.PRIVATE_STOREFRONT_API_TOKEN,
          storeDomain: `https://${env.PUBLIC_STORE_DOMAIN}`,
          storefrontApiVersion: env.PUBLIC_STOREFRONT_API_VERSION || '2023-01',
          storefrontId: env.PUBLIC_STOREFRONT_ID,
    -     requestGroupId: request.headers.get('request-id'),
    +     storefrontHeaders: getStorefrontHeaders(request),


Patch Changes

  • 67da795: Fix issue with props on the <CartLineQuantityAdjustButton /> being possibly overwritten.
  • 0152f3d: Update internal deps
  • 8302b55: (Internal) Migrate from yarn to npm
  • 37d036f: Fixed an issue in which the Storefront Client had a check that was meant to only run on the client, but was also running on the server.


Patch Changes

  • b8757bd: Fix the UMD global variable name from storefrontkitreact to hydrogenreact.

  • 6225d33: Add a deprecation notice to <CartLinePrice/>:

    Use Money instead. To migrate, use the priceType prop that matches the corresponding property on the CartLine object:

    • regular: cartLine.cost.totalAmount
    • compareAt: cartLine.cost.compareAtAmountPerQuantity

    For example:

    // before
    <CartLinePrice data={cartLine} priceType="regular" />
    // after
    <Money data={cartLine.cost.totalAmount} />
  • 2bb8c81: Adding <CartLineQuantity /> and <CartLineQuantityAdjustButton />

    The <CartLineQuantity /> and <CartLineQuantityAdjustButton /> components have been added / migrated over from Hydrogen v1.

    Additionally, fixed a bug when using <CartLineQuantityAdjustButton /> that caused CartLine Attributes to be erased. CartLine Attributes should now be persisted when using that component.

    useCartLine() TypeScript types update

    useCartLine()'s TypeScript type originally returned a CartLine. It has now been updated to be PartialDeep<CartLine>, which makes all the properties optional instead of required. This matches with the rest of hydrogen-react in that we can't know or guarnatee what properties exist on certain objects so we reflect that state in the TypeScript types.

  • eb1656f: Update docs


Major Changes

This is admittedly a strange release.

It has been decided to rename the repo back to @shopify/hydrogen-react, and with that we're abandoning the name @shopify/storefront-kit-react. Sorry about that, and hopefully it isn't too big of an inconvenience.

Additionally, the renaming offered an opportunity to introduce a couple of breaking changes that normally we wouldn't do in a patch release. This is the one and only time that we'll do this, so again, we apologize for the strangeness and inconvenience.

Depending on your upgrade path, here's a summary of the changes you need to be aware of:

  • If upgrading from @shopify/storefront-kit-react
    • Please note the breaking changes below to <ShopifyProvider /> and useShop()
    • Please note the breaking changes below to the Analytics components
  • If upgrading from an older release of @shopify/hydrogen-react

The detailed changelog now follows:

  • 8d8ab13: ## Breaking Changes on Shopify analytics components

    • useShopifyCookies - if hasUserConsent is false, no cookies will be set
    • sendShopifyAnalytics - if hasUserConsent is false, no analytics will be sent
    • ShopifyAppSource got rename to ShopifySalesChannel
    • getClientBrowserParameters returns empty string for each field key if run on server
    • Added documents on analytics components
  • 6184517: Added the following components and hooks, which have been a part of this package for a while but weren't actually able to be used/imported.

    • <CartCost />
    • <CartLinePrice />
    • <CartLineProvider />
    • useCartLine()
  • 3309706: <ShopifyProvider /> and useShop() have had a breaking update:


    • <ShopifyProvider /> previously accepted a single shopifyConfig object as a prop; now, each of the keys in this object are their own separate props.
    • We also removed country and language as objects, and they are now strings with the names countryIsoCode and languageIsoCode, respectively.
    • The locale prop has been removed completely; this was a duplicative prop that was a combination of countryIsoCode and languageIsoCode, so it made no sense to have to include it as well.

    An example:

    // previously:
        storeDomain: 'my-store',
        storefrontToken: 'abc123',
        storefrontApiVersion: '2022-10',
        country: {
          isoCode: 'CA',
        language: {
          isoCode: 'EN',
        locale: 'EN-CA',
      {/* rest of your client-side app */}
    // now
      {/* rest of your client-side app */}


    As noted above, locale was removed from the <ShopifyProvider /> component, and countryIsoCode and languageIsoCode were renamed. Here's an example of how the return value of useShop() was affected

    // before
    const {country, language, locale} = useShop();
    // after
    const {countryIsoCode, languageIsoCode} = useShop();

    Note that locale can be replicated by combining languageIsoCode and countryIsoCode with a hypthen (-) between them.


Patch Changes

  • 736cc41: In the version 2023.1.1 "Breaking Changes" section, we said

    The storefront client and ShopifyProvider now provide the storeDomain exactly as it is received; it's recommended that you pass the domain with the protocol and the fully-qualified domain name for your Storefront. For example:

    Unfortunately, the Storefront Client wasn't fully updated to actually do that. This update corrects this bug, but also means that you need to provide a full URL to your Storefront Domain (as was originally intended in our breaking change update).


Patch Changes

  • 16b6b81: Shopify Analytics


    • useShopifyCookies(hasUserConsent = true, domain = ''): void - sets and refreshes Shopify cookies
    • getShopifyCookie(cookieString: string): ShopifyCookie - returns Shopify cookies
    • sendShopifyAnalytics({eventName: AnalyticsEventName, payload: ShopifyAnalytics}, domain?): Promise<void> - sends Shopify analytics
    • getClientBrowserParameters(): ClientBrowserParameters - returns commonly tracked client browser values


    • AnalyticsEventName - list of Shopify accepted analytics events
    • AnalyticsPageType - list of Shopify accepted page type names
    • ShopifyAppSource - list of Shopify accepted application source


    • ShopifyCookies
    • ClientBrowserParameters
    • ShopifyAnalytics - generic type for ShopifyPageView and ShopifyAddToCart
    • ShopifyAnalyticsPayload - generic type for ShopifyPageViewPayload and ShopifyAddToCartPayload
    • ShopifyPageView
    • ShopifyPageViewPayload
    • ShopifyAddToCart
    • ShopifyAddToCartPayload
    • ShopifyAnalyticsProduct



  • 9bff83c: Updated to Storefront API version 2023-01

    Storefront API Changes

    The Storefront API changelog can be viewed here. There are not any breaking changes in the Storefront API itself.

    Hydrogen React changes

    Breaking Changes

    • The default Cart query no longer uses compareAtPriceV2 and priceV2; use compareAtPrice and price instead. The V2 fields will be removed in an upcoming version of the Storefront API.

    • The storefront client and ShopifyProvider now provide the storeDomain exactly as it is received; it's recommended that you pass the domain with the protocol and the fully-qualified domain name for your Storefront. For example:

    • parseMetafield's implementation has been updated and vastly improved so that it is correctly parsing all the metafield types.

      • The parsed metafield will now be found on the parsedValue property. For example:

        const metafield = parseMetafield(rawMetafield);
      • Additionally, a new TypeScript type called ParsedMetafield is provided to help the parseMetafield function return the correct TypeScript types, by passing the type of metafield into the ParsedMetafield type. For example:

        const metafield =
        // parsedValue is a boolean
        if (metafield.parsedValue === true) {
    • The <Metafield/> component has been removed; use parseMetafield().parsedValue to have control over what you want to render

    Other Changes

    • The TypeScript types for the returned value of flattenConnection() should now be friendlier: if you are using a PartialDeep object, you'll still get a PartialDeep object in return; if you're NOT using a PartialDeep object, then the returned type will not be wrapped in PartialDeep.


Patch Changes

  • c1359eb: Actually add content to the READMEs so that they're seen when published to NPM.


Patch Changes

  • 3d3d123: This is the final release of the package called "Hydrogen-UI." This package will be renamed to "storefront-kit", and will be published as @shopify/storefront-kit-react.

    See you in the new package!


Patch Changes

  • f570f72: Added the price and compareAtPrice fields to our defaultCartFragment, which is used to get the Cart fields in the <CartProvider /> component.

    The above fields should be identical to priceV2 and compareAtPriceV2, with the exception that these V2 fields are being deprecated in a future version of the Storefront API.

    We'll keep both for now, to help deveopers upgrade without issues, and then remove the V2 versions in a future breaking update.

  • 203abf9: Fix bad path for require() statements in non-Node environments.

  • de1429e: CartProvider small internal fix to the last valid card and previous stored cart.


Patch Changes

  • b1989c9: Fix issue with package.json's main and module fields that were not updated to point to the new output directory structure.
  • a776e01: Update the TypeScript types for <Money/> so that the default rendered element is a "div".
  • f1ffd57: Show storefront development warnings only once.


Patch Changes

  • 6a3a0b3: Add CartLinePrice component

  • ad4aca4: Update TypeScript types for <MediaFile/> so that mediaOptions's properties are all optional instead of required.

  • 669809a: <ShopifyProvider/> and useShop() updates:

    • Added a function getShopifyDomain() which will return a fully-qualified domain URL for your Shopify backend. For example:

      const {getShopifyDomain} = useShop();
      // ''

      This matches the function that was added to createStorefrontClient().

    • ShopifyProvider's storeDomain prop can now accept the Shopify backend subdomain, matching how createStorefrontClient()'s storeDomain prop. ShopifyProvider still accepts a full domain, but that will be removed in a future breaking change.

    // preferred
    <ShopifyProvider shopifyConfig={{storeDomain: 'shop'}}></ShopifyProvider>
    // still works, but will be removed in the future
    <ShopifyProvider shopifyConfig={{storeDomain: ''}}></ShopifyProvider>


Patch Changes

  • ccfbbbd: Adds the functions getStorefrontApiUrl() and getPublicTokenHeaders() to the object returned by useShop() (and provided by <ShopifyProvider/>).

    For example:

    const {storefrontId, getPublicTokenHeaders, getStorefrontApiUrl} = useShop();
    fetch(getStorefrontApiUrl(), {
      headers: getPublicTokenHeaders({contentType: 'json'})
      body: {...}
  • 0683765: Adds CartLines components and hooks.

    • The CartLineProvider component creates a context for using a cart line.
    • The useCartLine hook provides access to the cart line object. It must be a descendent of a CartProvider component.
  • 94fdddd: Provide a mapping of Storefront API's custom scalars to their actual types, for use with GraphQL CodeGen.

    For example:

    import {storefrontApiCustomScalars} from '@shopify/hydrogen-react';
    const config: CodegenConfig = {
      // Use the schema that's bundled with @shopify/hydrogen-react
      schema: './node_modules/@shopify/hydrogen-react/storefront.schema.json',
      generates: {
        './gql/': {
          preset: 'client',
          plugins: [],
          config: {
            // Use the custom scalar definitions that @shopify/hydrogen-react provides to improve the custom scalar types
            scalars: storefrontApiCustomScalars,
  • 676eb75: Adds additional builds for Node-specific targets, to help ensure that server-side code was getting compiled for server-side runtimes, instead of browser-side code for server-side runtimes.

  • 2dc6ac4: Add a new utility helper for getting the myshopify domain for the site:

    const client = createStorefrontClient(...);
    client.getShopifyDomain() === ``;


Patch Changes

  • d31be71: Added that redirects to the CheckoutUrl when clicked.

  • 8005144: Adds the AddToCartButton component. This component renders a button that adds an item to the cart when pressed.

  • f1cb723: Adds BuyNowButton that adds an item to the cart and redirects the customer to checkout.

  • a34f44d: Add <CartCost/> component

  • 1ccbd1c: Introducing the new metafieldParser() function and ParsedMetafield type.


    metafieldParser() is a temporary name; it will be renamed to parseMetafield() in a future release.

    The metafieldParser() function is an improvement and enhancement upon the existing parseMetafield() and parseMetafieldValue() functions. metafieldParser() now supports all Metafield types as outlined in the Storefront API documentation, including the list types!

    The parsed value can be found on the newly-added parsedValue property of the returned object from metafieldParser(). For example:

    const parsed = metafieldParser(metafield);

    parseMetafieldValue() has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Hydrogen-UI.

    The ParsedMetafield type

    For TypeScript developers, we also introduce the new ParsedMetafield type to help improve your experience. The ParsedMetafield type is an object in which the keys map to the type that will be returned from metafieldParser(). For example:

    // or

    When used in conjunction with metafieldParser(), it will help TypeScript to understand what the returned object's parsedValue type is:

    const parsed = metafieldParser<ParsedMetafield['boolean']>(booleanMetafield)
    // type of `parsedValue` is `boolean | null`
    if(parsed.parsedValue) {


    const parsed = metafieldParser<ParsedMetafield['list.collection']>(
    // type of `parsedValue` is `Array<Collection> | null`
    parsed.parsedValue?.map((collection) => {
  • f7a3932: Update the TS types for MediaFile to allow className and other HTML attributes


Patch Changes

  • 71b78b0: Initial release of version 2022-10!


Patch Changes

  • 702df8f: Fixed issue with TypeScript not being able to find the typings for @shopify/hydrogen-react/storefront-api-types

  • b9c3940: Add <CartProvider/> and releated hooks & types.


    • <CartProvider/>


    • useCart()
    • useCartFetch()
    • useInstantCheckout()


    • CartState
    • CartStatus
    • Cart
    • CartWithActions
    • CartAction

    Also updated flattenConnection() to better handle a null or undefined argument.