Includes mouse_perturbation ROS package, the marker package, and the IRL matlab code.
remember the ros program in this folder is not the updated one, the updated one is in
Give examples
It includes c++ code, experiment protocol, modulation dynamical system.
the constant to be specified: numObstacle (1 or 2).
Declare mouseMessage and publish it to the motionGenerator (in my PC). If we use the code in KUKA robot-arm PC, then the mouse data is published by another node "spacenav".
matlab code, experiment IRL node.
launch MATLAB
$cd /usr/local/MATLAB/R20XXx/bin/
$cd catkin_ws/
$catkin_make clean
$source devel/setup.bash
$roslaunch lwr_simple_example sim.launch
$roslaunch lwr_simple_example real.launch
$roslaunch lwr_fri lwr_fri_console.launch
typye control inside and starting working with the robotarm
$roslaunch spacenav_node classic.launch
$rostopic echo -c /spacenav/joy
$rosrun using_markers basic_shapes
$rosrun using_markers arrow
$rosrun motion_example moveToDesiredJoints 42 45 0 -75 60 -45 -45
- this is the horizontal end effector orientation.
$rosrun motion_example moveToDesiredJoints 42 45 0 -75 0 55 0
downward end effector
$rosrun motion_example moveToDesiredJoints 42 45 0 -75 0 55 20
to solve the shaking problem
$rosrun motion_example moveToDesiredJoints 43.1 53 0.15 -76 -0.1 53.5 20
damping eigen - 90/1000
damping eigen - 90/500
rot stiff - 15/50
rot damping - 3/50
two obstacle : 45 37 0 -75 0 65 0
$rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
$rosrun mouse_perturbation_robot mouseInterface /dev/input/event#
$rosrun mouse_perturbation_robot motionGenerator
Check the 3D mouse
$ls /dev/input
$sudo su
Check messages
$rostopic echo -c /lwr/ee_pose
$rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph
Parametere setting in the robotarm PC:
damping eigen - 90/1000 (80 - walid)
damping eigen - 90/500 (80 - walid)
rot stiff - 11/50 (20 - walid)
rot damping - 2/50
while in my PC, it should be 850 and 850 for damping eigen.
start the ROS core
start the mouse interface node
start the motion generator node
Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system
tailEffect should be off
the obstacle definition in matlab should be larger?
in the header file "MotionGenerator.h", flag PROTOCAL_DEBUG is for debugging the EEG decoding, which means the end effector will return to the origin position if the user release the 3D mouse.
add ip address and name.
Something like that: fumi-ThinkPad DESKTOP-TLGS8JE
dialout 'ls /dev/ttyACM*' 'python' 'ent group dialout' 'sudo adduser shupeng dialout'
reference links: The matlab page The list of checking hosts
matlab setenv('ROS_MASTER_URI', 'http://') getenv() setenv('ROS_IP','')