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File metadata and controls

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In the databases/Migrators directory, you can find the schema for the database.

status: not-completed

Database Schema Documentation

This document outlines the database schema for the FluentCommunity plugin. The schema is defined in the databases/Migrators directory.

Table: wp_fcom_posts

This table stores posts and other content types in the community.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id BIGINT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT Unique identifier for each post
user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL ID of the user who created the post
parent_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL ID of the parent post (for nested content)
title VARCHAR(192) NULL Title of the post
slug VARCHAR(192) NULL URL-friendly version of the title
message LONGTEXT NULL The post content
message_rendered LONGTEXT NULL Rendered version of the post content
type VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'feed' Type of the post (e.g., feed, article)
content_type VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'text' Type of content (e.g., text, image)
space_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL ID of the space the post belongs to
privacy VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'public' Privacy setting of the post
status VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'published' Status of the post (e.g., published, draft)
featured_image TEXT NULL URL or ID of the featured image
meta LONGTEXT NULL Additional metadata for the post
is_sticky TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0 Whether the post is sticky or not
comments_count INT(11) DEFAULT 0 Number of comments on the post
reactions_count INT(11) DEFAULT 0 Number of reactions to the post
priority INT(11) DEFAULT 0 Priority of the post (for sorting)
expired_at DATETIME NULL Timestamp when the post expires
scheduled_at DATETIME NULL Timestamp when the post is scheduled to publish
created_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the post was created
updated_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the post was last updated


  • user_id: For faster queries when fetching posts by a specific user
  • slug: For faster lookups when accessing posts by their slug
  • created_at: For sorting posts by creation date
  • idx_space_id_status: Composite index for filtering posts by space and status
  • idx_space_id_status_privacy: Composite index for filtering posts by space, status, and privacy

Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_) followed by fcom_posts.

Table: wp_fcom_post_comments

This table stores comments and reactions for posts in the community.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id BIGINT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT Unique identifier for each comment
user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL ID of the user who made the comment
post_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL ID of the post the comment belongs to
parent_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL ID of the parent comment (for nested comments)
reactions_count BIGINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 Number of reactions to this comment
message LONGTEXT NULL The comment text
message_rendered LONGTEXT NULL Rendered version of the comment (e.g., HTML)
meta LONGTEXT NULL Additional metadata for the comment
type VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'comment' Type of the entry (e.g., comment, reaction)
content_type VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'text' Type of content (e.g., text, image)
status VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'published' Status of the comment (e.g., published, draft)
is_sticky TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0 Whether the comment is sticky or not
created_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the comment was created
updated_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the comment was last updated


  • post_id: For faster queries when fetching comments for a specific post
  • status: For filtering comments by their status
  • type: For filtering entries by their type

Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_) followed by fcom_post_comments.

Additional tables may exist in the databases/Migrators directory. To complete the documentation for all tables, you would need to review each migrator file in that directory and add their schemas to this document in a similar format.


This table stores reactions to posts and comments in the community.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id BIGINT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT Unique identifier for each reaction
user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL ID of the user who reacted
post_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL ID of the post that was reacted to
comment_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL ID of the comment that was reacted to
reaction_type VARCHAR(100) NULL Type of reaction (e.g., like, love, laugh)
created_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the reaction was created
updated_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the reaction was last updated


  • post_id: For faster queries when fetching reactions for a specific post
  • comment_id: For faster queries when fetching reactions for a specific comment
  • user_id: For faster queries when fetching reactions by a specific user

Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_) followed by fcom_post_reactions.


This table stores information about spaces (communities or groups) within the platform.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id BIGINT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT Unique identifier for each space
name VARCHAR(192) NOT NULL Name of the space
slug VARCHAR(192) NULL URL-friendly version of the space name
description TEXT NULL Description of the space
short_description VARCHAR(255) NULL Short description or tagline for the space
type VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'public' Type of space (e.g., public, private)
status VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'published' Status of the space (e.g., published, draft)
featured_image TEXT NULL URL or ID of the featured image for the space
cover_image TEXT NULL URL or ID of the cover image for the space
meta LONGTEXT NULL Additional metadata for the space
members_count INT(11) DEFAULT 0 Number of members in the space
posts_count INT(11) DEFAULT 0 Number of posts in the space
created_by BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL ID of the user who created the space
created_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the space was created
updated_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the space was last updated


  • slug: For faster lookups when accessing spaces by their slug
  • type: For filtering spaces by type
  • status: For filtering spaces by status
  • created_by: For faster queries when fetching spaces created by a specific user

Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_) followed by fcom_spaces.


This table manages the relationships between users and spaces, tracking membership and roles within each space.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id BIGINT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT Unique identifier for each space-user relationship
space_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ID of the space
user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ID of the user
role VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'member' User's role in the space (e.g., member, admin)
status VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'active' Status of the user in the space
meta LONGTEXT NULL Additional metadata for the relationship
joined_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the user joined the space
updated_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the relationship was last updated


  • space_id: For faster queries when fetching users for a specific space
  • user_id: For faster queries when fetching spaces for a specific user
  • role: For filtering users by their role in spaces
  • status: For filtering active or inactive memberships

Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_) followed by fcom_space_users.


This table manages media files associated with various objects in the community platform.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id BIGINT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT Unique identifier for each media entry
object_source VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL Source of the object (e.g., post, comment)
media_key VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL Unique key for the media file
user_id BIGINT NULL ID of the user who uploaded the media
feed_id BIGINT NULL ID of the associated feed/post
is_active TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0 Whether the media is active or not
sub_object_id BIGINT NULL ID of a sub-object (e.g., comment ID)
media_type VARCHAR(192) NULL Type of media (e.g., image, video, document)
driver VARCHAR(192) DEFAULT 'local' Storage driver (e.g., local, S3, R2)
media_path TEXT NULL Path or identifier of the media file
media_url TEXT NULL URL to access the media file
settings TEXT NULL Additional settings or metadata
created_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the entry was created
updated_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the entry was last updated


  • is_active: For filtering active media files
  • user_id: For faster queries when fetching media for a specific user
  • media_key: For quick lookups of media by its unique key
  • feed_id: For faster queries when fetching media associated with a specific feed/post

Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_) followed by fcom_media_archive.


This table stores metadata for various objects in the community platform.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id BIGINT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT Unique identifier for each metadata entry
object_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ID of the associated object
object_type VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL Type of object (e.g., space, user, post)
meta_key VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL Key for the metadata
meta_value LONGTEXT NULL Value of the metadata
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the entry was created
updated_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the entry was last updated


  • object_id: For faster queries when fetching metadata for a specific object
  • object_type: For filtering metadata by object type
  • meta_key: For quick lookups of specific metadata keys

Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_) followed by fcom_meta.


This table stores notifications for users in the community platform.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id BIGINT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT Unique identifier for each notification
user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ID of the user receiving the notification
type VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL Type of notification (e.g., comment, like)
object_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ID of the associated object (e.g., post ID)
object_type VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL Type of object (e.g., post, comment)
actor_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL ID of the user who triggered the notification
content TEXT NULL Content of the notification
is_read TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0 Whether the notification has been read
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the notification was created
updated_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the notification was updated


  • user_id: For faster queries when fetching notifications for a specific user
  • type: For filtering notifications by type
  • object_id: For quicker lookups of notifications related to a specific object
  • is_read: For filtering read/unread notifications

Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_) followed by fcom_notifications.


This table tracks user activities within the community platform.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id BIGINT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT Unique identifier for each activity
user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ID of the user performing the activity
activity_type VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL Type of activity (e.g., post, comment, like)
object_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ID of the associated object
object_type VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL Type of object (e.g., post, comment, space)
content TEXT NULL Additional content or context of the activity
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the activity occurred
ip_address VARCHAR(45) NULL IP address of the user when activity occurred


  • user_id: For faster queries when fetching activities for a specific user
  • activity_type: For filtering activities by type
  • object_id: For quicker lookups of activities related to a specific object
  • created_at: For chronological sorting and filtering

Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_) followed by fcom_user_activities.


This table stores extended profile information for users in the community platform.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id BIGINT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT Unique identifier for each profile entry
user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, UNIQUE ID of the user associated with this profile
total_points INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, DEFAULT 0 Total points earned by the user
username VARCHAR(100) NULL User's chosen username
status ENUM NOT NULL, DEFAULT 'active' User status (active, blocked, pending)
is_verified TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, DEFAULT 0 Whether the user is verified
display_name VARCHAR(192) NULL User's display name
avatar TEXT NULL URL or path to user's avatar image
short_description TEXT NULL Brief description or bio of the user
last_activity DATETIME NULL Timestamp of user's last activity
meta LONGTEXT NULL Additional metadata in JSON format
created_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the profile was created
updated_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the profile was last updated


  • user_id: For faster queries when fetching profile information for a specific user
  • username: For quicker lookups and ensuring username uniqueness

Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_) followed by fcom_xprofile.