In the databases/Migrators directory, you can find the schema for the database.
status: not-completed
This document outlines the database schema for the FluentCommunity plugin. The schema is defined in the databases/Migrators
This table stores posts and other content types in the community.
Column Name | Data Type | Constraints | Description |
id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT | Unique identifier for each post |
user_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NULL | ID of the user who created the post |
parent_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NULL | ID of the parent post (for nested content) |
title | VARCHAR(192) | NULL | Title of the post |
slug | VARCHAR(192) | NULL | URL-friendly version of the title |
message | LONGTEXT | NULL | The post content |
message_rendered | LONGTEXT | NULL | Rendered version of the post content |
type | VARCHAR(100) | DEFAULT 'feed' | Type of the post (e.g., feed, article) |
content_type | VARCHAR(100) | DEFAULT 'text' | Type of content (e.g., text, image) |
space_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NULL | ID of the space the post belongs to |
privacy | VARCHAR(100) | DEFAULT 'public' | Privacy setting of the post |
status | VARCHAR(100) | DEFAULT 'published' | Status of the post (e.g., published, draft) |
featured_image | TEXT | NULL | URL or ID of the featured image |
meta | LONGTEXT | NULL | Additional metadata for the post |
is_sticky | TINYINT(1) | DEFAULT 0 | Whether the post is sticky or not |
comments_count | INT(11) | DEFAULT 0 | Number of comments on the post |
reactions_count | INT(11) | DEFAULT 0 | Number of reactions to the post |
priority | INT(11) | DEFAULT 0 | Priority of the post (for sorting) |
expired_at | DATETIME | NULL | Timestamp when the post expires |
scheduled_at | DATETIME | NULL | Timestamp when the post is scheduled to publish |
created_at | TIMESTAMP | NULL | Timestamp when the post was created |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP | NULL | Timestamp when the post was last updated |
: For faster queries when fetching posts by a specific userslug
: For faster lookups when accessing posts by their slugcreated_at
: For sorting posts by creation dateidx_space_id_status
: Composite index for filtering posts by space and statusidx_space_id_status_privacy
: Composite index for filtering posts by space, status, and privacy
Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_
) followed by fcom_posts
This table stores comments and reactions for posts in the community.
Column Name | Data Type | Constraints | Description |
id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT | Unique identifier for each comment |
user_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NULL | ID of the user who made the comment |
post_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NULL | ID of the post the comment belongs to |
parent_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NULL | ID of the parent comment (for nested comments) |
reactions_count | BIGINT UNSIGNED | DEFAULT 0 | Number of reactions to this comment |
message | LONGTEXT | NULL | The comment text |
message_rendered | LONGTEXT | NULL | Rendered version of the comment (e.g., HTML) |
meta | LONGTEXT | NULL | Additional metadata for the comment |
type | VARCHAR(100) | DEFAULT 'comment' | Type of the entry (e.g., comment, reaction) |
content_type | VARCHAR(100) | DEFAULT 'text' | Type of content (e.g., text, image) |
status | VARCHAR(100) | DEFAULT 'published' | Status of the comment (e.g., published, draft) |
is_sticky | TINYINT(1) | DEFAULT 0 | Whether the comment is sticky or not |
created_at | TIMESTAMP | NULL | Timestamp when the comment was created |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP | NULL | Timestamp when the comment was last updated |
: For faster queries when fetching comments for a specific poststatus
: For filtering comments by their statustype
: For filtering entries by their type
Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_
) followed by fcom_post_comments
Additional tables may exist in the databases/Migrators
directory. To complete the documentation for all tables, you would need to review each migrator file in that directory and add their schemas to this document in a similar format.
This table stores reactions to posts and comments in the community.
Column Name | Data Type | Constraints | Description |
id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT | Unique identifier for each reaction |
user_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NULL | ID of the user who reacted |
post_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NULL | ID of the post that was reacted to |
comment_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NULL | ID of the comment that was reacted to |
reaction_type | VARCHAR(100) | NULL | Type of reaction (e.g., like, love, laugh) |
created_at | TIMESTAMP | NULL | Timestamp when the reaction was created |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP | NULL | Timestamp when the reaction was last updated |
: For faster queries when fetching reactions for a specific postcomment_id
: For faster queries when fetching reactions for a specific commentuser_id
: For faster queries when fetching reactions by a specific user
Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_
) followed by fcom_post_reactions
This table stores information about spaces (communities or groups) within the platform.
Column Name | Data Type | Constraints | Description |
id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT | Unique identifier for each space |
name | VARCHAR(192) | NOT NULL | Name of the space |
slug | VARCHAR(192) | NULL | URL-friendly version of the space name |
description | TEXT | NULL | Description of the space |
short_description | VARCHAR(255) | NULL | Short description or tagline for the space |
type | VARCHAR(100) | DEFAULT 'public' | Type of space (e.g., public, private) |
status | VARCHAR(100) | DEFAULT 'published' | Status of the space (e.g., published, draft) |
featured_image | TEXT | NULL | URL or ID of the featured image for the space |
cover_image | TEXT | NULL | URL or ID of the cover image for the space |
meta | LONGTEXT | NULL | Additional metadata for the space |
members_count | INT(11) | DEFAULT 0 | Number of members in the space |
posts_count | INT(11) | DEFAULT 0 | Number of posts in the space |
created_by | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NULL | ID of the user who created the space |
created_at | TIMESTAMP | NULL | Timestamp when the space was created |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP | NULL | Timestamp when the space was last updated |
: For faster lookups when accessing spaces by their slugtype
: For filtering spaces by typestatus
: For filtering spaces by statuscreated_by
: For faster queries when fetching spaces created by a specific user
Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_
) followed by fcom_spaces
This table manages the relationships between users and spaces, tracking membership and roles within each space.
Column Name | Data Type | Constraints | Description |
id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT | Unique identifier for each space-user relationship |
space_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NOT NULL | ID of the space |
user_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NOT NULL | ID of the user |
role | VARCHAR(100) | DEFAULT 'member' | User's role in the space (e.g., member, admin) |
status | VARCHAR(100) | DEFAULT 'active' | Status of the user in the space |
meta | LONGTEXT | NULL | Additional metadata for the relationship |
joined_at | TIMESTAMP | NULL | Timestamp when the user joined the space |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP | NULL | Timestamp when the relationship was last updated |
: For faster queries when fetching users for a specific spaceuser_id
: For faster queries when fetching spaces for a specific userrole
: For filtering users by their role in spacesstatus
: For filtering active or inactive memberships
Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_
) followed by fcom_space_users
This table manages media files associated with various objects in the community platform.
Column Name | Data Type | Constraints | Description |
id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT | Unique identifier for each media entry |
object_source | VARCHAR(100) | NOT NULL | Source of the object (e.g., post, comment) |
media_key | VARCHAR(100) | NOT NULL | Unique key for the media file |
user_id | BIGINT | NULL | ID of the user who uploaded the media |
feed_id | BIGINT | NULL | ID of the associated feed/post |
is_active | TINYINT(1) | DEFAULT 0 | Whether the media is active or not |
sub_object_id | BIGINT | NULL | ID of a sub-object (e.g., comment ID) |
media_type | VARCHAR(192) | NULL | Type of media (e.g., image, video, document) |
driver | VARCHAR(192) | DEFAULT 'local' | Storage driver (e.g., local, S3, R2) |
media_path | TEXT | NULL | Path or identifier of the media file |
media_url | TEXT | NULL | URL to access the media file |
settings | TEXT | NULL | Additional settings or metadata |
created_at | TIMESTAMP | NULL | Timestamp when the entry was created |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP | NULL | Timestamp when the entry was last updated |
: For filtering active media filesuser_id
: For faster queries when fetching media for a specific usermedia_key
: For quick lookups of media by its unique keyfeed_id
: For faster queries when fetching media associated with a specific feed/post
Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_
) followed by fcom_media_archive
This table stores metadata for various objects in the community platform.
Column Name | Data Type | Constraints | Description |
id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT | Unique identifier for each metadata entry |
object_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NOT NULL | ID of the associated object |
object_type | VARCHAR(100) | NOT NULL | Type of object (e.g., space, user, post) |
meta_key | VARCHAR(255) | NOT NULL | Key for the metadata |
meta_value | LONGTEXT | NULL | Value of the metadata |
created_at | TIMESTAMP | DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when the entry was created |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP | NULL | Timestamp when the entry was last updated |
: For faster queries when fetching metadata for a specific objectobject_type
: For filtering metadata by object typemeta_key
: For quick lookups of specific metadata keys
Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_
) followed by fcom_meta
This table stores notifications for users in the community platform.
Column Name | Data Type | Constraints | Description |
id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT | Unique identifier for each notification |
user_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NOT NULL | ID of the user receiving the notification |
type | VARCHAR(100) | NOT NULL | Type of notification (e.g., comment, like) |
object_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NOT NULL | ID of the associated object (e.g., post ID) |
object_type | VARCHAR(100) | NOT NULL | Type of object (e.g., post, comment) |
actor_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NULL | ID of the user who triggered the notification |
content | TEXT | NULL | Content of the notification |
is_read | TINYINT(1) | DEFAULT 0 | Whether the notification has been read |
created_at | TIMESTAMP | DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when the notification was created |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP | NULL | Timestamp when the notification was updated |
: For faster queries when fetching notifications for a specific usertype
: For filtering notifications by typeobject_id
: For quicker lookups of notifications related to a specific objectis_read
: For filtering read/unread notifications
Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_
) followed by fcom_notifications
This table tracks user activities within the community platform.
Column Name | Data Type | Constraints | Description |
id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT | Unique identifier for each activity |
user_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NOT NULL | ID of the user performing the activity |
activity_type | VARCHAR(100) | NOT NULL | Type of activity (e.g., post, comment, like) |
object_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NOT NULL | ID of the associated object |
object_type | VARCHAR(100) | NOT NULL | Type of object (e.g., post, comment, space) |
content | TEXT | NULL | Additional content or context of the activity |
created_at | TIMESTAMP | DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when the activity occurred |
ip_address | VARCHAR(45) | NULL | IP address of the user when activity occurred |
: For faster queries when fetching activities for a specific useractivity_type
: For filtering activities by typeobject_id
: For quicker lookups of activities related to a specific objectcreated_at
: For chronological sorting and filtering
Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_
) followed by fcom_user_activities
This table stores extended profile information for users in the community platform.
Column Name | Data Type | Constraints | Description |
id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT | Unique identifier for each profile entry |
user_id | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NOT NULL, UNIQUE | ID of the user associated with this profile |
total_points | INT(11) UNSIGNED | NOT NULL, DEFAULT 0 | Total points earned by the user |
username | VARCHAR(100) | NULL | User's chosen username |
status | ENUM | NOT NULL, DEFAULT 'active' | User status (active, blocked, pending) |
is_verified | TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED | NOT NULL, DEFAULT 0 | Whether the user is verified |
display_name | VARCHAR(192) | NULL | User's display name |
avatar | TEXT | NULL | URL or path to user's avatar image |
short_description | TEXT | NULL | Brief description or bio of the user |
last_activity | DATETIME | NULL | Timestamp of user's last activity |
meta | LONGTEXT | NULL | Additional metadata in JSON format |
created_at | TIMESTAMP | NULL | Timestamp when the profile was created |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP | NULL | Timestamp when the profile was last updated |
: For faster queries when fetching profile information for a specific userusername
: For quicker lookups and ensuring username uniqueness
Note: The table uses the WordPress prefix (typically wp_
) followed by fcom_xprofile