diff --git a/spec.bs b/spec.bs
index e1a1ed878..5b77ccafd 100644
--- a/spec.bs
+++ b/spec.bs
@@ -2372,10 +2372,14 @@ or "component-auction", a [=currency tag=] |componentAuctionExpectedCurrency|, a
1. [=Add a sample to an averager=] given |metrics|'s [=per participant metrics/code fetch time
averager=] and |decisionLogicFetcher|'s [=script fetcher/fetch duration=].
1. Let « |scoreAdResult|, |debugWinReportUrl|, |debugLossReportUrl|, |realTimeContributions|,
- |paContributions| » be the result of [=evaluating a scoring script=] with |decisionLogicScript|,
- |adMetadata|, |bidValue|'s [=bid with currency/value=], |auctionConfig|, |reportingContext|,
- |sameOriginTrustedScoringSignals|, |crossOriginTrustedScoringSignals|, |browserSignals|,
- |directFromSellerSignalsForSeller|, and |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/seller timeout=].
+ |paContributions|, |executionMetrics| » be the result of [=evaluating a scoring script=] with
+ |decisionLogicScript|, |adMetadata|, |bidValue|'s [=bid with currency/value=], |auctionConfig|,
+ |reportingContext|, |sameOriginTrustedScoringSignals|, |crossOriginTrustedScoringSignals|,
+ |browserSignals|, |directFromSellerSignalsForSeller|, and |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/
+ seller timeout=].
+1. Increment |metrics|'s [=per participant metrics/script executions attempted=] by 1.
+1. If |executionMetrics|'s [=execution metrics/script timed out=] is true, increment |metrics|'s
+ [=per participant metrics/script timeouts occurred=] by 1.
1. If |generatedBid|'s [=generated bid/for k-anon auction=] is true:
Note: Non-k-anonymous bids do not participate in reporting (except for platform real-time
@@ -2918,13 +2922,17 @@ and a [=global object=] |global|:
1. [=Add a sample to an averager=] given |metrics|'s [=per participant metrics/code fetch time
averager=] and |sellerReportingScriptFetcher|'s [=script fetcher/fetch duration=].
- 1. Let « |sellerSignals|, |reportUrl|, |reportingBeaconMap|, ignored, |paContributions| » be the
- result of [=evaluating a reporting script=] with |sellerReportingScript|, "`reportResult`",
- |reportingContext|, |config|'s [=auction config/seller=], |config|'s
+ 1. Let « |sellerSignals|, |reportUrl|, |reportingBeaconMap|, ignored, |paContributions|,
+ |executionMetrics| » be the result of [=evaluating a reporting script=] with
+ |sellerReportingScript|, "`reportResult`", |reportingContext|,
+ |config|'s [=auction config/seller=], |config|'s
[=auction config/seller Private Aggregation coordinator=], |config|'s [=auction config/
config idl=]'s {{AuctionAdConfig/reportingTimeout}}, and
« |config|'s [=auction config/config idl=], |browserSignals|, |directFromSellerSignals| ».
- 1. Let |reportingResult| be a [=reporting result=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
+ 1. Set |metrics|'s [=per participant metrics/script executions attempted=] to 1.
+ 1. If |executionMetrics|'s [=execution metrics/script timed out=] is true, set |metrics|'s
+ [=per participant metrics/script timeouts occurred=] to 1.
+ 1. Let |reportingResult| be a [=reporting result=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
: [=reporting result/report url=]
:: |reportUrl|
: [=reporting result/reporting beacon map=]
@@ -3021,14 +3029,18 @@ a {{ReportingBrowserSignals}} |browserSignals|, a [=direct from seller signals=]
1. Let |reportFunctionName| be "`reportWin`".
1. If |winner|'s [=generated bid/provided as additional bid=] is true:
1. Set |reportFunctionName| be "`reportAdditionalBidWin`".
- 1. Let « ignored, |resultUrl|, |reportingBeaconMap|, |reportingMacroMap|, |paContributions| » be
- the result of [=evaluating a reporting script=] with |buyerReportingScript|,
- |reportFunctionName|, |reportingContext|, |ig|'s [=interest group/owner=], |ig|'s [=interest
- group/Private Aggregation coordinator=], |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/auction config=]'s
+ 1. Let « ignored, |resultUrl|, |reportingBeaconMap|, |reportingMacroMap|, |paContributions|,
+ |executionMetrics| » be the result of [=evaluating a reporting script=] with
+ |buyerReportingScript|, |reportFunctionName|, |reportingContext|, |ig|'s
+ [=interest group/owner=], |ig|'s [=interest group/
+ Private Aggregation coordinator=], |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/auction config=]'s
[=auction config/config idl=]'s {{AuctionAdConfig/reportingTimeout}}, and
« |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/auction config=]'s [=auction config/config idl=]'s
{{AuctionAdConfig/auctionSignals}}, |perBuyerSignalsForBuyer|, |sellerSignals|,
|reportWinBrowserSignals|, |directFromSellerSignals| ».
+ 1. Set |metrics|'s [=per participant metrics/script executions attempted=] to 1.
+ 1. If |executionMetrics|'s [=execution metrics/script timed out=] is true, set |metrics|'s
+ [=per participant metrics/script timeouts occurred=] to 1.
1. [=Commit private aggregation contributions=] given |paContributions|, |winner|'s [=generated
bid/reporting id=] and |reportingContext|.
1. Set |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/buyer reporting result=] to a [=reporting result=]
@@ -3755,6 +3767,10 @@ A reporting context map is a [=map=] from [=auction config=] to [=rep
|ig|'s [=interest group/owner=], [=worklet function/generate-bid=].
1. [=Merge samples to an averager=] given |metrics|'s [=per participant metrics/code fetch time
averager=] and |executionMetrics|'s [=execution metrics/code fetch time averager=].
+ 1. Set |metrics|'s [=per participant metrics/script executions attempted=] to
+ |metrics|'s [=per participant metrics/participating interest group count=].
+ 1. If |executionMetrics|'s [=execution metrics/script timed out=] is true, increment |metrics|'s
+ [=per participant metrics/script timeouts occurred=] by 1.
1. [=set/Insert=] |id| into |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/bidder participants=].
1. [=Commit private aggregation contributions=] given |paContributions|, |id| and
@@ -4189,6 +4205,9 @@ A signal base value is one of the following:
auction, after considering prioritization and capabilities. Interest groups included in this might
not actually get to bid if the cumulative timeout expires, or the script fails to load, etc; or
might decide not to bid, but they would have gotten a chance if nothing went wrong.
+: "percent-scripts-timeout
+:: The numeric value is percentage of executions of this script that hit their individual timeout,
+ out of all executions that were expected to happen.
@@ -4277,6 +4296,9 @@ metrics collected from a single execution of a worklet function:
: code fetch time averager
:: An [=averager=].
+ : script timed out
+ :: A [=boolean=], initially false. This refers to the script hitting its own time out, and does
+ not include the cumulative timeout affecting buyers.
A per participant metrics is a [=struct=] with the following [=struct/items=],
@@ -4286,6 +4308,10 @@ representing metrics aggregated over a particular participant (e.g. bidder or se
:: A {{long}}, initially 0.
: code fetch time averager
:: An [=averager=].
+ : script timeouts occurred
+ :: A {{long}}, initially 0.
+ : script executions attempted
+ :: A {{long}}, initially 0.
Private Aggregation contributions
@@ -4647,6 +4673,26 @@ They return a {{double}}.
participant metrics/code fetch time averager=].
1. If |signalBaseValue| is "[=signal base value/participating-ig-count=]
1. Return |bidAndScoreMetrics|'s [=per participant metrics/participating interest group count=].
+1. If |signalBaseValue| is "[=signal base value/percent-scripts-timeout=]
+ 1. Return the result of [=computing a percentage metric=] given |metrics|'s [=per participant
+ metrics/script timeouts occurred=] and |metrics|'s [=per participant metrics/script executions
+ attempted=].
+To compute a percentage metric given {{long}}s |numerator| and |denominator|:
+1. If |denominator| is 0, return 0.
+1. Let |result| be 100.0 * |numerator| / |denominator|, performing the computation with
+ {{double}}s.
+1. If |result| > 110.0, set |result| to 110.0
+ Note: Since [=perform storage maintenance|Interest Group Storage Maintenance=] happens
+ periodically, metrics measuring storage utilization may report
+ values that exceed 100%. The 110% cap exists to make it easier to allocate histogram bucket space
+ for those metrics, by providing a predictable upper bound.
+1. Return |result|.
@@ -5596,7 +5642,8 @@ of the following global objects:
1. Let |crossOriginTrustedBiddingSignalsJS| be |crossOriginTrustedBiddingSignals|
[=converted to ECMAScript values=].
1. Let |startTime| be |settings|'s [=environment settings object/current monotonic time=].
- 1. Let |result| be the result of [=evaluating a script=] with |realm|, |script|, "`generateBid`",
+ 1. Let (|result|, |executionMetrics|'s [=execution metrics/script timed out=]) be the
+ result of [=evaluating a script=] with |realm|, |script|, "`generateBid`",
« |igJS|, |auctionSignalsJS|, |perBuyerSignalsJS|, |sameOriginTrustedBiddingSignalsJS|,
|browserSignalsJS|, |directFromSellerSignalsJS|, |crossOriginTrustedBiddingSignalsJS| »,
and |timeout|.
@@ -5679,7 +5726,9 @@ of the following global objects:
1. Let |directFromSellerSignalsJs| be |directFromSellerSignalsForSeller|
[=converted to ECMAScript values=].
1. Let |startTime| be |settings|'s [=environment settings object/current monotonic time=].
- 1. Let |scoreAdResult| be the result of [=evaluating a script=] with |realm|, |script|, "`scoreAd`",
+ 1. Let |executionMetrics| be a new [=execution metrics=].
+ 1. Let (|scoreAdResult|, |executionMetrics|'s [=execution metrics/script timed out=]) be
+ the result of [=evaluating a script=] with |realm|, |script|, "`scoreAd`",
«|adMetadata|, |bidValue|, |auctionConfigJS|, |sameOriginTrustedScoringSignalsJS|,
|browserSignalsJS|, |directFromSellerSignalsJs|, |crossOriginTrustedScoringSignalsJS|»,
and |timeout|.
@@ -5701,7 +5750,7 @@ of the following global objects:
1. Let |paContributions| be the result of [=extracting private aggregation contributions=] given
1. Return « |scoreAdResult|, |debugWinReportUrl|, |debugLossReportUrl|, |realTimeContributions|,
- |paContributions| ».
+ |paContributions|, |executionMetrics| ».
@@ -5719,9 +5768,12 @@ of the following global objects:
and |privateAggregationCoordinator|.
1. Let |argumentsJS| be the result of [=converting a Web IDL arguments list to an ECMAScript
arguments list|converting=] |arguments| to an ECMAScript arguments list. If this
- [=exception/throws=] an exception, return « "null", null, null, null ».
- 1. Let |result| be the result of [=evaluating a script=] with |realm|, |script|,
- |functionName|, |argumentsJS|, and |timeout|.
+ [=exception/throws=] an exception, return « "null", null, null, null, a new [=Private
+ Aggregation Contributions=], |executionMetrics| ».
+ 1. Let |executionMetrics| be a new [=execution metrics=].
+ 1. Let (|result|, |executionMetrics|'s [=execution metrics/script timed out=]) be the
+ result of [=evaluating a script=] with |realm|, |script|, |functionName|, |argumentsJS|,
+ and |timeout|.
1. If |result| is an [=ECMAScript/abrupt completion=], return « "null", null, null, null ».
1. Let |resultJSON| be "null".
1. If |functionName| is "`reportResult`", then set |resultJSON| to the result of
@@ -5738,20 +5790,23 @@ of the following global objects:
1. Return « |resultJSON|, |reportURL|,
|global|'s [=InterestGroupReportingScriptRunnerGlobalScope/reporting beacon map=], |macroMap|,
- |paContributions| ».
+ |paContributions|, |executionMetrics| ».
evaluate a script with a [=ECMAScript/realm=] |realm|, [=string=] |script|, [=string=]
|functionName|, a [=list=] |arguments|, and an integer millisecond [=duration=] |timeout|, run these steps.
- They return a [=ECMAScript/Completion Record=], which is either an [=ECMAScript/abrupt completion=] (in
- the case of a parse failure or execution error), or a [=ECMAScript/normal completion=] populated with the
- [=ECMAScript/ECMAScript language value=] result of invoking |functionName|.
+ They return a tuple of a [=ECMAScript/Completion Record=], which is either an [=ECMAScript/abrupt
+ completion=] (in the case of a parse failure or execution error), or a [=ECMAScript/normal
+ completion=] populated with the [=ECMAScript/ECMAScript language value=] result of invoking
+ |functionName|, and a [=boolean=] stating whether the script was interrupted due to reaching
+ |timeout|.
1. [=Assert=] that these steps are running [=in parallel=].
- 1. If |timeout| ≤ 0, [=immediately=] interrupt the execution and set |finalCompletion| to a
- new [=ECMAScript/throw completion=] given null.
+ 1. If |timeout| ≤ 0, return (new [=ECMAScript/throw completion=] given null, true).
+ 1. Let |timedOut| be false.
1. Let |global| be |realm|'s [=realm/global object=], and run these steps in |realm|'s [=realm/agent=]:
@@ -5761,7 +5816,7 @@ of the following global objects:
unlike traditional [=scripts=] on the web platform.
1. If |result| is a list of errors, return
- Completion { \[[Type]]: `throw`, \[[Value]]: |result|, \[[Target]]: `empty` }.
+ (Completion { \[[Type]]: `throw`, \[[Value]]: |result|, \[[Target]]: `empty` }, false).
1. [=Assert=]: |result| is a [=ECMAScript/Script Record=].
@@ -5771,6 +5826,11 @@ of the following global objects:
1. Let |evaluationStatus| be the result of [$ScriptEvaluation$](result).
+ In |timeout| milliseconds, if the invocation of [$ScriptEvaluation$] has not completed,
+ [=immediately=] interrupt the execution, set |finalCompletion| to a new
+ [=ECMAScript/throw completion=] given null, set |timedOut| to true, and jump to the step
+ labeled
1. If |evaluationStatus| is an [=ECMAScript/abrupt completion=], jump to the step labeled
@@ -5781,9 +5841,9 @@ of the following global objects:
1. Set |finalCompletion| be [=ECMAScript/Completion Record|Completion=]([$Call$](F, `undefined`,
- In |timeout| milliseconds, if the invocation of [$Call$] has not completed,
- [=immediately=] interrupt the execution and set |finalCompletion| to a new
- [=ECMAScript/throw completion=] given null.
+ In |timeout| milliseconds minus the execution time of [$ScriptEvaluation$], if the invocation
+ of [$Call$] has not completed, [=immediately=] interrupt the execution, set |finalCompletion|
+ to a new [=ECMAScript/throw completion=] given null, and set |timedOut| to true.
Return: at this point |finalCompletion| will be set to a
[=ECMAScript/Completion Record=].
@@ -5792,7 +5852,7 @@ of the following global objects:
execution context|running JavaScript execution context=], and remove it from the
[=ECMAScript/execution context stack|JavaScript execution context stack=].
- 1. Return |finalCompletion|.
+ 1. Return (|finalCompletion|, timedOut).
## Global scopes ## {#global-scopes}