diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 048956f..d5e2463 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ The parseHTMLUnsafe(|html|, |options|?) method ste
1. [=Parse HTML=] from a string given |document| and |html|.
1. If |options| is set:
1. Let |config| be the result of calling [=canonicalize a configuration=] on
- |options|[`"sanitizer"`] and `false`.
+ |options|["`sanitizer`"] and `false`.
1. If |config| exists:
1. Call [=sanitize=] on |document|'s [=tree/root|root node=] with |config|.
1. Return |document|.
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ The parseHTML(|html|, |options|?) method steps are
1. Set |document|'s [=allow declarative shadow roots=] to `true`.
1. [=Parse HTML=] from a string given |document| and |html|.
1. Let |config| be the result of calling [=canonicalize a configuration=] on
- |options|[`"sanitizer"`] and `true`.
+ |options|["`sanitizer`"] and `true`.
1. Call [=sanitize=] on |document|'s [=tree/root|root node=] with |config|.
1. Return |document|.
@@ -242,12 +242,12 @@ To set and filter HTML, given an {{Element}} or {{DocumentFragment}}
|target|, an {{Element}} |contextElement|, a [=string=] |html|, and a
[=dictionary=] |options|, and a [=boolean=] flag |safe|, run these steps:
-1. If |safe| and |contextElement|'s [=Element/local name=] is `"script"` and
+1. If |safe| and |contextElement|'s [=Element/local name=] is "`script`" and
|contextElement|'s [=Element/namespace=] is the [=HTML namespace=] or the
[=SVG namespace=]:
1. Return.
1. Let |config| be the result of calling [=canonicalize a configuration=] on
- |options|[`"sanitizer"`] and |safe|.
+ |options|["`sanitizer`"] and |safe|.
1. Let |newChildren| be the result of the HTML [=fragment parsing algorithm=]
given |contextElement|, |html|, and `true`.
1. Let |fragment| be a new {{DocumentFragment}} whose [=node document=] is |contextElement|'s [=node document=].
@@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ For the main sanitize operation, using a {{ParentNode}} |node|, a
1. If |config|["{{SanitizerConfig/replaceWithChildrenElements}}"] exists and |config|["{{SanitizerConfig/replaceWithChildrenElements}}"] [=SanitizerConfig/contains=] |elementName|:
1. Call [=sanitize=] on |child| with |config|.
1. Call [=replace all=] with |child|'s [=tree/children=] within |child|.
- 1. If |elementName| [=equals=] «[ `"name"` → `"template"`,
- `"namespace"` → [=HTML namespace=] ]»
+ 1. If |elementName| [=equals=] «[ "`name`" → "`template`",
+ "`namespace`" → [=HTML namespace=] ]»
1. Then call [=sanitize=] on |child|'s [=template contents=] with |config|.
1. If |child| is a [=shadow host=]:
1. Then call [=sanitize=] on |child|'s [=Element/shadow root=] with |config|.
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ For the main sanitize operation, using a {{ParentNode}} |node|, a
1. Remove |attr| from |child|.
1. If «[|elementName|, |attrName|]» matches an entry in the
[=navigating URL attributes list=], and if |attr|'s [=protocol=] is
- `"javascript:"`:
+ "`javascript:`":
1. Then remove |attr| from |child|.
1. Call [=sanitize=] on |child|'s [=Element/shadow root=] with |config|.
1. else:
@@ -613,11 +613,11 @@ namespace |defaultNamespace|, run the following steps:
1. [=Assert=]: |name| is either a {{DOMString}} or a [=dictionary=].
1. If |name| is a {{DOMString}}:
- 1. Return «[ `"name"` → |name|, `"namespace"` → |defaultNamespace|]».
+ 1. Return «[ "`name`" → |name|, "`namespace`" → |defaultNamespace|]».
1. [=Assert=]: |name| is a [=dictionary=] and |name|["name"] [=map/exists=].
1. Return «[
- `"name"` → |name|["name"],
- `"namespace"` → |name|["namespace"] if it [=map/exists=], otherwise |defaultNamespace|
+ "`name`" → |name|["name"],
+ "`namespace`" → |name|["namespace"] if it [=map/exists=], otherwise |defaultNamespace|
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ namespace |defaultNamespace|, run the following steps: