diff --git a/docker/perception/camera_object_detection/camera_object_detection.Dockerfile b/docker/perception/camera_object_detection/camera_object_detection.Dockerfile
index 5c3ee385..933bddb6 100644
--- a/docker/perception/camera_object_detection/camera_object_detection.Dockerfile
+++ b/docker/perception/camera_object_detection/camera_object_detection.Dockerfile
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ WORKDIR ${AMENT_WS}/src
# Copy in source code
COPY src/perception/camera_object_detection camera_object_detection
+COPY src/wato_msgs/perception_msgs/camera_object_detection_msgs camera_object_detection_msgs
# Scan for rosdeps
RUN apt-get -qq update && rosdep update && \
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ RUN rm requirements.txt
# Install Rosdep requirements
COPY --from=source /tmp/colcon_install_list /tmp/colcon_install_list
RUN apt-get update && apt-fast install -qq -y --no-install-recommends $(cat /tmp/colcon_install_list)
+RUN apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-tf-transformations -y
# Copy in source code from source stage
COPY --from=source ${AMENT_WS}/src src
diff --git a/modules/docker-compose.perception.yaml b/modules/docker-compose.perception.yaml
index 99dc9a49..ef633077 100644
--- a/modules/docker-compose.perception.yaml
+++ b/modules/docker-compose.perception.yaml
@@ -34,7 +34,10 @@ services:
- /mnt/wato-drive2/perception_models/yolov8m.pt:/perception_models/yolov8m.pt
- /mnt/wato-drive2/perception_models/traffic_light.pt:/perception_models/traffic_light.pt
- /mnt/wato-drive2/perception_models/traffic_signs_v0.pt:/perception_models/traffic_signs_v1.pt
+ - /mnt/wato-drive2/perception_models/tensorRT.onnx:/perception_models/tensorRT.onnx
+ - /mnt/wato-drive2/perception_models/tensorRT.engine:/perception_models/tensorRT.engine
+ - /mnt/wato-drive2/perception_models/eve.onnx:/perception_models/eve.onnx
context: ..
diff --git a/src/perception/camera_object_detection/camera_object_detection/yolov8_detection.py b/src/perception/camera_object_detection/camera_object_detection/yolov8_detection.py
index 05ceb431..8bd0482b 100755
--- a/src/perception/camera_object_detection/camera_object_detection/yolov8_detection.py
+++ b/src/perception/camera_object_detection/camera_object_detection/yolov8_detection.py
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import rclpy
from rclpy.node import Node
import os
+from message_filters import Subscriber, TimeSynchronizer, ApproximateTimeSynchronizer
+from camera_object_detection_msgs.msg import BatchDetection, EveBatchDetection
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image, CompressedImage
from vision_msgs.msg import (
@@ -9,6 +10,9 @@
+from std_msgs.msg import Header
+from pathlib import Path
+from ultralytics import YOLO
from ultralytics.nn.autobackend import AutoBackend
from ultralytics.data.augment import LetterBox, CenterCrop
from ultralytics.utils.ops import non_max_suppression
@@ -22,6 +26,20 @@
import time
import torch
+import onnx
+import tensorrt as trt
+from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from numpy import ndarray
+# import pycuda.driver as cuda
+from cuda import cudart
+class Tensor:
+ name:str
+ dtype:np.dtype
+ shape:Tuple
+ cpu:ndarray
+ gpu:int
class CameraDetectionNode(Node):
@@ -30,21 +48,73 @@ def __init__(self):
- self.get_logger().info("Creating camera detection node...")
+ self.get_logger().info("Creating batched camera detection node...")
+ #Eve config params
self.declare_parameter("camera_topic", "/camera/right/image_color")
+ self.declare_parameter("left_camera_topic", "/camera/left/image_color")
+ self.declare_parameter("center_camera_topic", "/camera/center/image_color")
+ #Nuscenes
+ self.declare_parameter("front_center_camera_topic", "/CAM_FRONT/image_rect_compressed")
+ self.declare_parameter("front_right_camera_topic", "/CAM_FRONT_RIGHT/image_rect_compressed")
+ self.declare_parameter("front_left_camera_topic", "/CAM_FRONT_LEFT/image_rect_compressed")
+ self.declare_parameter("back_center_camera_topic", "/CAM_BACK/image_rect_compressed")
+ self.declare_parameter("back_right_camera_topic", "/CAM_BACK_RIGHT/image_rect_compressed")
+ self.declare_parameter("back_left_camera_topic", "/CAM_BACK_LEFT/image_rect_compressed")
+ self.declare_parameter("onnx_model_path", "/perception_models/tensorRT.onnx") #tensorRT. extensions
+ self.declare_parameter("tensorRT_model_path", "/perception_models/tensorRT.engine")
+ self.declare_parameter("eve_tensorRT_model_path", "/perception_models/eve.engine")
self.declare_parameter("publish_vis_topic", "/annotated_img")
+ self.declare_parameter("batch_publish_vis_topic", "/batch_annotated_img")
+ self.declare_parameter("batch_publish_detection_topic", "/batch_detections")
self.declare_parameter("publish_detection_topic", "/detections")
self.declare_parameter("model_path", "/perception_models/yolov8m.pt")
self.declare_parameter("image_size", 1024)
self.declare_parameter("compressed", False)
self.declare_parameter("crop_mode", "LetterBox")
self.declare_parameter("save_detections", False)
+ #Declare batch topic
+ self.declare_parameter("batch_inference_topic", "/batched_camera_message")
+ self.declare_parameter("eve_batch_inference_topic", "/eve_batched_camera_message")
+ #Batch inference topic
+ self.batch_inference_topic = self.get_parameter("batch_inference_topic").value
+ self.eve_batch_inference_topic = self.get_parameter("eve_batch_inference_topic").value
+ self.batch_publish_detection_topic = self.get_parameter("batch_publish_detection_topic").value
+ self.batch_publish_vis_topic = self.get_parameter("batch_publish_vis_topic").value
+ self.onnx_model_path = self.get_parameter("onnx_model_path").value
+ self.tensorRT_model_path = self.get_parameter("tensorRT_model_path").value
+ self.eve_tensorRT_model_path = self.get_parameter("eve_tensorRT_model_path").value
+ #Camera topics for eve
self.camera_topic = self.get_parameter("camera_topic").value
+ self.left_camera_topic = self.get_parameter("left_camera_topic").value
+ self.center_camera_topic = self.get_parameter("center_camera_topic").value
+ #Camera topics for nuscenes
+ self.front_center_camera_topic = self.get_parameter("front_center_camera_topic").value
+ self.front_right_camera_topic = self.get_parameter("front_right_camera_topic").value
+ self.front_left_camera_topic = self.get_parameter("front_left_camera_topic").value
+ self.back_center_camera_topic = self.get_parameter("back_center_camera_topic").value
+ self.back_right_camera_topic = self.get_parameter("back_right_camera_topic").value
+ self.back_left_camera_topic = self.get_parameter("back_left_camera_topic").value
self.publish_vis_topic = self.get_parameter("publish_vis_topic").value
self.publish_detection_topic = self.get_parameter("publish_detection_topic").value
self.model_path = self.get_parameter("model_path").value
self.image_size = self.get_parameter("image_size").value
self.compressed = self.get_parameter("compressed").value
self.crop_mode = self.get_parameter("crop_mode").value
@@ -57,21 +127,33 @@ def __init__(self):
self.line_thickness = 1
self.half = False
- self.subscription = self.create_subscription(
- Image if not self.compressed else CompressedImage,
- self.camera_topic,
- self.image_callback,
- qos_profile=QoSProfile(
- reliability=QoSReliabilityPolicy.RELIABLE,
- history=QoSHistoryPolicy.KEEP_LAST,
- depth=10,
- ),
- )
+ #Subscription for Nuscenes
+ self.front_center_camera_subscription = Subscriber(self, CompressedImage, self.front_center_camera_topic)
+ self.front_right_camera_subscription = Subscriber(self, CompressedImage, self.front_right_camera_topic)
+ self.front_left_camera_subscription = Subscriber(self, CompressedImage, self.front_left_camera_topic)
+ self.back_center_camera_subscription = Subscriber(self, CompressedImage, self.back_center_camera_topic)
+ self.back_right_camera_subscription = Subscriber(self, CompressedImage, self.back_right_camera_topic)
+ self.back_left_camera_subscription = Subscriber(self, CompressedImage, self.back_left_camera_topic)
+ #self.ats = ApproximateTimeSynchronizer([self.front_center_camera_subscription, self.back_center_camera_subscription, self.front_right_camera_subscription, self.back_right_camera_subscription, self.front_left_camera_subscription, self.back_left_camera_subscription], queue_size=10, slop=0.5)
+ self.ats = ApproximateTimeSynchronizer([self.front_left_camera_subscription,self.front_center_camera_subscription, self.front_right_camera_subscription ], queue_size=10, slop=0.1)
+ #self.ats = ApproximateTimeSynchronizer([self.front_center_camera_subscription], queue_size=10, slop=0.3)
+ self.ats.registerCallback(self.batch_inference_callback)
+ #Subscription for Eve cameras
+ self.right_camera_subscription = Subscriber(self, Image, self.camera_topic)
+ self.left_camera_subscription = Subscriber(self, Image, self.left_camera_topic)
+ self.center_camera_subscription = Subscriber(self, Image, self.center_camera_topic)
+ self.eve_ats = ApproximateTimeSynchronizer([self.right_camera_subscription, self.left_camera_subscription,self.center_camera_subscription], queue_size=10, slop=0.1)
+ # #Create this callback function tomorrow
+ self.eve_ats.registerCallback(self.eve_batch_inference_callback)
+ self.get_logger().info(f"TENSORT VERSION:{trt.__version__}")
self.orig_image_width = None
self.orig_image_height = None
- # set device
self.device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
if torch.cuda.is_available():
self.get_logger().info("Using GPU for inference")
@@ -80,228 +162,441 @@ def __init__(self):
# CV bridge
self.cv_bridge = CvBridge()
- # load yolov8 model
- self.model = AutoBackend(self.model_path, device=self.device, dnn=False, fp16=False)
- self.names = self.model.module.names if hasattr(self.model, "module") else self.model.names
- self.stride = int(self.model.stride)
- # setup vis publishers
+ status, self.stream = cudart.cudaStreamCreate()
+ assert status.value == 0, "IS NOT ZERO"
+ #self.build_engine()
+ self.last_publish_time = self.get_clock().now()
+ #Batch vis publishers
+ self.batched_camera_message_publisher = self.create_publisher(BatchDetection,self.batch_inference_topic, 10)
+ self.eve_batched_camera_message_publisher = self.create_publisher(EveBatchDetection, self.eve_batch_inference_topic, 10)
+ self.num_cameras = 3 # Adjust this based on the number of cameras
+ #Nuscenes Publishers
+ self.nuscenes_camera_names = ["/CAM_FRONT_LEFT", "/CAM_FRONT", "/CAM_FRONT_RIGHT"]
+ self.batch_vis_publishers = [
+ self.create_publisher(CompressedImage, f"{nuscenes}/viz", 10)
+ for nuscenes in self.nuscenes_camera_names
+ ]
+ self.batch_detection_publishers = [
+ self.create_publisher(Detection2DArray, f"{nuscenes}/detections", 10)
+ for nuscenes in self.nuscenes_camera_names
+ ]
+ #Eve Publishers
+ self.eve_camera_names = [self.left_camera_topic, self.center_camera_topic, self.camera_topic]
+ self.eve_batch_vis_publishers = [
+ self.create_publisher(Image, f"{eve}/eve_batch_viz", 10)
+ for eve in self.eve_camera_names
+ ]
+ self.eve_batch_detection_publishers = [
+ self.create_publisher(Detection2DArray, f"{eve}/eve_batch_detections", 10)
+ for eve in self.eve_camera_names
+ ]
+ # self.batch_detection_publisher = self.create_publisher(Detection2DArray, self.batch_publish_detection_topic, 10)
+ # self.batch_vis_publisher = self.create_publisher(CompressedImage, self.batch_publish_vis_topic, 10)
+ #vis publishers
self.vis_publisher = self.create_publisher(Image, self.publish_vis_topic, 10)
self.detection_publisher = self.create_publisher(
Detection2DArray, self.publish_detection_topic, 10
- self.get_logger().info(
+ self.get_logger().info(
f"Successfully created node listening on camera topic: {self.camera_topic}..."
- def crop_image(self, cv_image):
- if self.crop_mode == "LetterBox":
- img = LetterBox(self.image_size, stride=self.stride)(image=cv_image)
- elif self.crop_mode == "CenterCrop":
- img = CenterCrop(self.image_size)(cv_image)
- else:
- raise Exception("Invalid crop mode, please choose either 'LetterBox' or 'CenterCrop'!")
- return img
- def convert_bboxes_to_orig_frame(self, bbox):
+ def build_engine(self):
+ #Only calling this function when we dont have an engine file
+ #Reading the onnx file in the perception models directory
+ self.max_batch_size = 6
+ self.channels = 3
+ self.height = 640
+ self.width = 640
+ self.shape_input_model = [self.max_batch_size, self.channels, self.height, self.width]
+ self.logger = trt.Logger(trt.Logger.VERBOSE)
+ self.builder = trt.Builder(self.logger)
+ self.config = self.builder.create_builder_config()
+ self.cache = self.config.create_timing_cache(b"")
+ self.config.set_timing_cache(self.cache, ignore_mismatch=False)
+ self.total_memory = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(self.device).total_memory
+ self.config.set_memory_pool_limit(trt.MemoryPoolType.WORKSPACE, self.total_memory)
+ self.flag = 1 << int(trt.NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag.EXPLICIT_BATCH)
+ self.network = self.builder.create_network(self.flag)
+ self.parser = trt.OnnxParser(self.network, self.logger)
+ with open(self.onnx_model_path, "rb") as f:
+ if not self.parser.parse(f.read()):
+ self.get_logger().info("ERROR: Cannot read ONNX FILE")
+ for error in range(self.parser.num_errors):
+ self.get_logger().info(f"{self.parser.get_error(error)}")
+ self.inputs = [self.network.get_input(i) for i in range(self.network.num_inputs)]
+ self.outputs = [self.network.get_output(i) for i in range(self.network.num_outputs)]
+ for input in self.inputs:
+ self.get_logger().info(f"Model {input.name} shape:{input.shape} {input.dtype}")
+ for output in self.outputs:
+ self.get_logger().info(f"Model {output.name} shape: {output.shape} {output.dtype}")
+ if self.max_batch_size > 1:
+ self.profile = self.builder.create_optimization_profile()
+ self.min_shape = [1, 3, 640, 640]
+ self.opt_shape = [3, 3, 640, 640]
+ self.max_shape = [6, 3, 640, 640]
+ for input in self.inputs:
+ self.profile.set_shape(input.name, self.min_shape, self.opt_shape, self.max_shape)
+ self.config.add_optimization_profile(self.profile)
+ self.half = True
+ self.int8 = False
+ if self.half:
+ self.config.set_flag(trt.BuilderFlag.FP16)
+ elif self.int8:
+ self.config.set_flag(trt.BuilderFlag.INT8)
+ self.engine_bytes = self.builder.build_serialized_network(self.network, self.config)
+ assert self.engine_bytes is not None, "Failed to create engine"
+ self.get_logger().info("BUILT THE ENGINE ")
+ with open(self.tensorRT_model_path, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(self.engine_bytes)
+ self.get_logger().info("FINISHED WRITING ")
+ def initialize_engine(self, weight, batch_size, rgb, width, height):
- Converts bounding box coordinates from the scaled image frame back to the original image frame.
- This function takes into account the original image dimensions and the scaling method used
- (either "LetterBox" or "CenterCrop") to accurately map the bounding box coordinates back to
- their original positions in the original image.
- Parameters:
- bbox (list): A list containing the bounding box coordinates in the format [x1, y1, w1, h1]
- in the scaled image frame.
- Returns:
- list: A list containing the bounding box coordinates in the format [x1, y1, w1, h1]
- in the original image frame.
+ Initializes engine file requirements
+ - takes in file path for tensorRT file, batch size, # of rgb channels, width & height
+ - includes input names, output names, and setting dimensions for model input shape
- width_scale = self.orig_image_width / self.image_size
- height_scale = self.orig_image_height / self.image_size
- if self.crop_mode == "LetterBox":
- translation = (self.image_size - self.orig_image_height / width_scale) / 2
- return [
- bbox[0] * width_scale,
- (bbox[1] - translation) * width_scale,
- bbox[2] * width_scale,
- bbox[3] * width_scale,
- ]
- elif self.crop_mode == "CenterCrop":
- translation = (self.orig_image_width / height_scale - self.image_size) / 2
- return [
- (bbox[0] + translation) * height_scale,
- bbox[1] * height_scale,
- bbox[2] * height_scale,
- bbox[3] * height_scale,
- ]
- def crop_and_convert_to_tensor(self, cv_image):
+ self.weight = Path(weight) if isinstance(weight, str) else weight
+ self.logger = trt.Logger(trt.Logger.WARNING)
+ trt.init_libnvinfer_plugins(self.logger, namespace ='')
+ with trt.Runtime(self.logger) as runtime:
+ self.tensorRT_model = runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine(self.weight.read_bytes())
+ self.execution_context = self.tensorRT_model.create_execution_context()
+ self.num_io_tensors = self.tensorRT_model.num_io_tensors
+ self.input_tensor_name = self.tensorRT_model.get_tensor_name(0)
+ self.execution_context.set_input_shape(self.input_tensor_name, (batch_size, rgb, width, height))
+ self.inputShape = self.execution_context.get_tensor_shape(self.input_tensor_name)
+ self.names = [self.tensorRT_model.get_tensor_name(i) for i in range(self.num_io_tensors)]
+ self.num_io_tensors = self.tensorRT_model.num_io_tensors
+ self.bindings = [0] * self.num_io_tensors
+ self.num_inputs = 0
+ self.num_outputs = 0
+ self.input_names = []
+ self.output_names = []
+ for i in range(self.num_io_tensors):
+ self.tensor_name = self.tensorRT_model.get_tensor_name(i)
+ if self.tensorRT_model.get_tensor_mode(self.tensor_name) == trt.TensorIOMode.INPUT:
+ self.input_names.append(self.tensor_name)
+ self.num_inputs += 1
+ elif self.tensorRT_model.get_tensor_mode(self.tensor_name) == trt.TensorIOMode.OUTPUT:
+ self.output_names.append(self.tensor_name)
+ self.num_outputs += 1
+ self.num_inputs = len(self.input_names)
+ self.num_outputs = len(self.output_names)
+ self.input_names = self.names[:self.num_inputs]
+ self.output_names = [name for name in self.output_names if name not in self.input_names] # This line removes it
+ def initialize_tensors(self):
- Preprocess the image by resizing, padding and rearranging the dimensions.
- Parameters:
- cv_image: A numpy or cv2 image of shape (w,h,3)
- Returns:
- torch.Tensor image for model input of shape (1,3,w,h)
+ Initializes GPU from cuda to set up inferencing
+ - Assigns input names, and shape
+ - Assigns output names, and shapes
- img = self.crop_image(cv_image)
- # Convert
- img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1)
- # Further conversion
- img = torch.from_numpy(img).to(self.device)
- img = img.half() if self.half else img.float() # uint8 to fp16/32
- img /= 255.0 # 0 - 255 to 0.0 - 1.0
- img = img.unsqueeze(0)
+ self.dynamic = True
+ self.input_info = []
+ self.output_info = []
+ self.output_ptrs = []
+ # Initializing output tensors
+ for name in self.output_names:
+ self.tensorRT_output_shape = self.execution_context.get_tensor_shape(name)
+ self.outputDtype = trt.nptype(self.tensorRT_model.get_tensor_dtype(name))
+ self.output_cpu = np.empty(self.tensorRT_output_shape, dtype = self.outputDtype)
+ status, self.output_gpu = cudart.cudaMallocAsync(self.output_cpu.nbytes, self.stream)
+ assert status.value == 0
+ cudart.cudaMemcpyAsync(self.output_gpu, self.output_cpu.ctypes.data, self.output_cpu.nbytes,
+ cudart.cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, self.stream)
+ self.output_ptrs.append(self.output_gpu)
+ self.output_info.append(Tensor(name, self.outputDtype, self.tensorRT_output_shape, self.output_cpu, self.output_gpu))
+ #Initializes input tensors
+ for i, name in enumerate(self.input_names):
+ if self.tensorRT_model.get_tensor_name(i) == name:
+ self.tensorRT_input_shape = tuple(self.inputShape)
+ self.dtype = trt.nptype(self.tensorRT_model.get_tensor_dtype(name))
+ self.input_cpu = np.empty(self.tensorRT_input_shape, self.dtype)
+ status, self.input_gpu = cudart.cudaMallocAsync(self.input_cpu.nbytes, self.stream)
+ assert status.value == 0, "DOES NOT MATCH"
+ cudart.cudaMemcpyAsync(
+ self.input_gpu, self.input_cpu.ctypes.data, self.input_cpu.nbytes,
+ cudart.cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, self.stream)
+ self.input_info.append(Tensor(name, self.dtype, self.tensorRT_input_shape, self.input_cpu, self.input_gpu))
+ return self.input_info, self.output_info
+ def tensorRT_inferencing(self, batch_array):
+ """
+ Inferences through preprocessed batch images and gives data about detections
+ - Returns a contigious array of shape (3,84,8400)
+ """
+ assert batch_array.ndim == 4
+ batch_size = batch_array.shape[0]
+ assert batch_size == self.input_info[0].shape[0]
+ #Intializing memory, and names
+ self.contiguous_inputs = [np.ascontiguousarray(batch_array)]
+ for i in range(self.num_inputs):
+ name = self.input_info[i].name
+ cudart.cudaMemcpyAsync(
+ self.input_info[i].gpu,
+ self.contiguous_inputs[i].ctypes.data,
+ self.contiguous_inputs[i].nbytes,
+ cudart.cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice,
+ self.stream
+ )
+ self.execution_context.set_tensor_address(name, self.input_info[i].gpu)
+ self.output_gpu_ptrs = []
+ self.outputs_ndarray = []
+ for i in range(self.num_outputs):
+ output_shape = self.execution_context.get_tensor_shape(self.output_info[i].name)
+ # Reallocate output buffer if shape changed
+ if self.output_info[i].cpu.shape != tuple(output_shape):
+ self.output_info[i].cpu = np.empty(output_shape, dtype=self.output_info[i].cpu.dtype)
+ self.outputs_ndarray.append(self.output_info[i].cpu)
+ self.output_gpu_ptrs.append(self.output_info[i].gpu)
+ self.execution_context.set_tensor_address(
+ self.output_info[i].name,
+ self.output_info[i].gpu
+ )
+ # Execute inference
+ status = self.execution_context.execute_async_v3(self.stream)
+ assert status, "Inference execution failed"
+ # Synchronize and copy results
+ cudart.cudaStreamSynchronize(self.stream)
+ for i, gpu_ptr in enumerate(self.output_gpu_ptrs):
+ cudart.cudaMemcpyAsync(
+ self.outputs_ndarray[i].ctypes.data,
+ gpu_ptr,
+ self.outputs_ndarray[i].nbytes,
+ cudart.cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost,
+ self.stream
+ )
+ cudart.cudaStreamSynchronize(self.stream)
+ return tuple(self.outputs_ndarray) if len(self.outputs_ndarray) > 1 else self.outputs_ndarray[0]
- return img
- def postprocess_detections(self, detections, annotator):
+ # will be called with nuscenes rosbag
+ def batch_inference_callback(self,msg1,msg2,msg3):
- Post-process draws bouningboxes on camera image.
- Parameters:
- detections: A list of dict with the format
- {
- "label": str,
- "bbox": [float],
- "conf": float
- }
- annotator: A ultralytics.yolo.utils.plotting.Annotator for the current image
- Returns:
- processed_detections: filtered detections
- annotator_img: image with bounding boxes drawn on
+ Returns final detections array for publishing to foxglove
+ - Preprocess and batch images
+ - Call tensorRT and parse through detections and send for visualization
- processed_detections = detections
- for det in detections:
- label = f'{det["label"]} {det["conf"]:.2f}'
- x1, y1, w1, h1 = det["bbox"]
- xyxy = [x1, y1, x1 + w1, y1 + h1]
- annotator.box_label(xyxy, label, color=colors(1, True))
- annotator_img = annotator.result()
- return (processed_detections, annotator_img)
- def publish_vis(self, annotated_img, msg, feed):
- # Publish visualizations
- imgmsg = self.cv_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(annotated_img, "bgr8")
- imgmsg.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
- imgmsg.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id
- self.vis_publisher.publish(imgmsg)
- def publish_detections(self, detections, msg, feed):
- # Publish detections to an detectionList message
- detection2darray = Detection2DArray()
- # fill header for detection list
- detection2darray.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
- detection2darray.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id
- # populate detection list
- if detections is not None and len(detections):
- for detection in detections:
- detection2d = Detection2D()
- detection2d.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
- detection2d.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id
- detected_object = ObjectHypothesisWithPose()
- detected_object.hypothesis.class_id = detection["label"]
- detected_object.hypothesis.score = detection["conf"]
- detection2d.results.append(detected_object)
- detection2d.bbox.center.position.x = detection["bbox"][0]
- detection2d.bbox.center.position.y = detection["bbox"][1]
- detection2d.bbox.size_x = detection["bbox"][2]
- detection2d.bbox.size_y = detection["bbox"][3]
- # append detection to detection list
- detection2darray.detections.append(detection2d)
- self.detection_publisher.publish(detection2darray)
- def image_callback(self, msg):
- self.get_logger().debug("Received image")
- if self.orig_image_width is None:
- self.orig_image_width = msg.width
- self.orig_image_height = msg.height
- images = [msg] # msg is a single sensor image
- startTime = time.time()
- for image in images:
- # convert ros Image to cv::Mat
+ #Taking msgs from all 6 ros2 subscribers
+ image_list = [msg1,msg2,msg3]
+ batched_list = []
+ #Preprocessing
+ for msg in image_list:
+ numpy_array = np.frombuffer(msg.data, np.uint8)
+ compressedImage = cv2.imdecode(numpy_array, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
+ original_height, original_width = compressedImage.shape[:2]
+ resized_compressedImage = cv2.resize(compressedImage,(640, 640))
+ rgb_image = cv2.cvtColor(resized_compressedImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
+ normalized_image = rgb_image / 255.0
+ chw_image = np.transpose(normalized_image, (2,0,1))
+ float_image = chw_image.astype(np.float32)
+ batched_list.append(float_image)
+ batched_images = np.stack(batched_list, axis=0)
+ batch = batched_images.shape[0]
+ self.initialize_engine(self.tensorRT_model_path, batch,3,640,640)
+ self.input_info, self.output_info = self.initialize_tensors()
+ detections = self.tensorRT_inferencing(batched_images)
+ decoded_results = self.parse_detections(detections)
+ self.publish_batch_nuscenes(image_list, decoded_results)
+ def parse_detections(self, detections):
+ detection_tensor = detections[0]
+ batch_size = detection_tensor.shape[0]
+ num_anchors = detection_tensor.shape[2]
+ decoded_results = []
+ for batch_idx in range(batch_size):
+ image_detections = detection_tensor[batch_idx]
+ valid_detections = []
+ for anchor_idx in range(num_anchors):
+ detection = image_detections[:, anchor_idx]
+ x_center, y_center, width, height = detection[:4]
+ class_probs = detection[4:]
+ predicted_class = np.argmax(class_probs)
+ confidence = class_probs[predicted_class]
+ x_min = x_center - width / 2
+ y_min = y_center - height / 2
+ x_max = x_center + width / 2
+ y_max = y_center + height / 2
+ valid_detections.append([
+ x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, confidence, predicted_class
+ ])
+ valid_detections = torch.tensor(valid_detections)
+ nms_results = non_max_suppression(
+ valid_detections.unsqueeze(0), # Add batch dimension for NMS
+ conf_thres=0.5, # Confidence threshold
+ iou_thres=0.45 # IoU threshold
+ )
+ final_detections = []
+ for det in nms_results[0]: # Loop through detections in this image
+ x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, confidence, predicted_class = det.cpu().numpy()
+ final_detections.append({
+ "bbox": [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max],
+ "confidence": confidence,
+ "class": int(predicted_class),
+ })
+ decoded_results.append(final_detections)
+ return decoded_results
+ def publish_batch_nuscenes(self, image_list, decoded_results):
+ batch_msg = BatchDetection()
+ batch_msg.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg()
+ batch_msg.header.frame_id = "batch"
+ for idx, img_msg in enumerate(image_list):
+ #self.get_logger().info(f"{idx}")
+ numpy_image = np.frombuffer(img_msg.data, np.uint8)
+ image = cv2.imdecode(numpy_image, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
+ height, width = image.shape[:2]
+ annotator = Annotator(image, line_width=2, example="Class:0")
+ detection_array = Detection2DArray()
+ detection_array.header.stamp = batch_msg.header.stamp
+ detection_array.header.frame_id = f"camera_{idx}"
+ batch_detections = decoded_results[idx]
+ for anchor_idx, detection in enumerate(batch_detections):
+ # Extract values from the dictionary
+ bbox = detection["bbox"]
+ x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = bbox
+ confidence = detection["confidence"]
+ predicted_class = detection["class"]
+ x_min = int(x_min * width / 640)
+ x_max = int(x_max * width / 640)
+ y_min = int(y_min * height / 640)
+ y_max = int(y_max * height / 640)
+ label = f"Class: {predicted_class}, Conf: {confidence:.2f}"
+ annotator.box_label((x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max), label, color=(0, 255, 0))
+ detection = Detection2D()
+ detection.bbox.center.position.x = (x_min + x_max) / 2
+ detection.bbox.center.position.y = (y_min + y_max) / 2
+ detection.bbox.size_x = float(x_max - x_min)
+ detection.bbox.size_y = float(y_max - y_min)
+ detected_object = ObjectHypothesisWithPose()
+ detected_object.hypothesis.class_id = str(int(predicted_class))
+ detected_object.hypothesis.score = float(confidence)
+ detection.results.append(detected_object)
+ detection_array.detections.append(detection)
+ batch_msg.detections.append(detection_array)
+ annotated_image = annotator.result()
+ vis_compressed_image = CompressedImage()
+ vis_compressed_image.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg()
+ vis_compressed_image.header.frame_id = f"camera_{idx}"
+ vis_compressed_image.format = "jpeg"
+ vis_compressed_image.data = cv2.imencode('.jpg', annotated_image, [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 70])[1].tobytes()
+ self.batch_vis_publishers[idx].publish(vis_compressed_image)
+ # Publish Detection2DArray
+ self.batch_detection_publishers[idx].publish(detection_array)
+ # Publish batch detection message
+ self.batched_camera_message_publisher.publish(batch_msg)
+ def eve_batch_inference_callback(self, msg1,msg2,msg3):
+ image_list = [msg1,msg2,msg3]
+ batched_list = []
+ for msg in image_list:
if self.compressed:
- np_arr = np.frombuffer(msg.data, np.uint8)
- cv_image = cv2.imdecode(np_arr, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
+ numpy_array = np.frombuffer(msg.data, np.uint8)
+ cv_image = cv2.imdecode(numpy_array, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
+ original_height, original_width = cv_image.shape[:2]
- try:
- cv_image = self.cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(image, desired_encoding="passthrough")
- except CvBridgeError as e:
- self.get_logger().error(str(e))
- return
- # preprocess image and run through prediction
- img = self.crop_and_convert_to_tensor(cv_image)
- pred = self.model(img)
- # nms function used same as yolov8 detect.py
- pred = non_max_suppression(pred)
- detections = []
- for i, det in enumerate(pred): # per image
- if len(det):
- # Write results
- for *xyxy, conf, cls in reversed(det):
- label = self.names[int(cls)]
- bbox = [
- xyxy[0],
- xyxy[1],
- xyxy[2] - xyxy[0],
- xyxy[3] - xyxy[1],
- ]
- bbox = [b.item() for b in bbox]
- bbox = self.convert_bboxes_to_orig_frame(bbox)
- detections.append(
- {
- "label": label,
- "conf": conf.item(),
- "bbox": bbox,
- }
- )
- self.get_logger().debug(f"{label}: {bbox}")
- annotator = Annotator(
- cv_image,
- line_width=self.line_thickness,
- example=str(self.names),
- )
- (detections, annotated_img) = self.postprocess_detections(detections, annotator)
- # Currently we support a single camera so we pass an empty string
- feed = ""
- self.publish_vis(annotated_img, msg, feed)
- self.publish_detections(detections, msg, feed)
- if self.save_detections:
- cv2.imwrite(f"detections/{self.counter}.jpg", annotated_img)
- self.counter += 1
- self.get_logger().info(
- f"Finished in: {time.time() - startTime}, {1/(time.time() - startTime)} Hz"
- )
+ cv_image = self.cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, desired_encoding="passthrough")
+ resized_image = cv2.resize(cv_image, (640,640)) # can also be 1024, 1024
+ rgb_image = cv2.cvtColor(resized_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
+ normalized_image = rgb_image / 255
+ chw_image = np.transpose(normalized_image, (2,0,1))
+ float_image = chw_image.astype(np.float32)
+ batched_list.append(float_image)
+ batched_images = np.stack(batched_list, axis = 0)
+ self.get_logger().info(f"batched image shape:{batched_images.shape}")
+ self.initialize_engine(self.tensorRT_model_path, 3,3,640,640)
+ self.input_info, self.output_info = self.initialize_tensors()
+ detections = self.tensorRT_inferencing(batched_images)
+ decoded_results = self.parse_detections(detections)
+ def publish_batch_eve(self,image_list, decoded_results):
+ batch_msg = BatchDetection()
+ batch_msg.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg()
+ batch_msg.header.frame_id = "batch"
+ for idx, img_msg in enumerate(image_list):
+ if self.compressed:
+ numpy_array = np.frombuffer(msg.data, np.uint8)
+ image = cv2.imdecode(numpy_array, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
+ original_height, original_width = cv_image.shape[:2]
+ else:
+ image = self.cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, desired_encoding="passthrough")
+ height, width = image.shape[:2]
+ annotator = Annotator(image, line_width=2, example="Class:0")
+ detection_array = Detection2DArray()
+ detection_array.header.stamp = batch_msg.header.stamp
+ detection_array.header.frame_id = f"camera_{idx}"
+ batch_detections = decoded_results[idx]
+ for anchor_idx, detection in enumerate(batch_detections):
+ # Extract values from the dictionary
+ bbox = detection["bbox"]
+ x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = bbox
+ confidence = detection["confidence"]
+ predicted_class = detection["class"]
+ x_min = int(x_min * width / 640)
+ x_max = int(x_max * width / 640)
+ y_min = int(y_min * height / 640)
+ y_max = int(y_max * height / 640)
+ #self.get_logger().info(f"Camera {idx}: bbox: {x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max}, conf: {confidence}")
+ label = f"Class: {predicted_class}, Conf: {confidence:.2f}"
+ annotator.box_label((x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max), label, color=(0, 255, 0))
+ detection = Detection2D()
+ detection.bbox.center.position.x = (x_min + x_max) / 2
+ detection.bbox.center.position.y = (y_min + y_max) / 2
+ detection.bbox.size_x = float(x_max - x_min)
+ detection.bbox.size_y = float(y_max - y_min)
+ detected_object = ObjectHypothesisWithPose()
+ detected_object.hypothesis.class_id = str(int(predicted_class))
+ detected_object.hypothesis.score = float(confidence)
+ detection.results.append(detected_object)
+ detection_array.detections.append(detection)
+ batch_msg.detections.append(detection_array)
+ annotated_image = annotator.result()
+ vis_image = Image()
+ vis_image.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg()
+ vis_image.header.frame_id = f"camera_{idx}"
+ vis_image.format = "jpeg"
+ vis_image.data = self.cv_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg( annotated_image,encoding="bgr8")
+ self.batch_vis_publishers[idx].publish(vis_image)
+ # Publish Detection2DArray
+ self.batch_detection_publishers[idx].publish(detection_array)
+ # Publish batch detection message
+ self.batched_camera_message_publisher.publish(batch_msg)
def main(args=None):
diff --git a/src/perception/camera_object_detection/package.xml b/src/perception/camera_object_detection/package.xml
index a8b24405..fc078392 100755
--- a/src/perception/camera_object_detection/package.xml
+++ b/src/perception/camera_object_detection/package.xml
@@ -9,10 +9,13 @@
TODO: License declaration
+ rclpy
+ camera_object_detection_msgs
+ python3-pytest
diff --git a/src/perception/camera_object_detection/requirements.txt b/src/perception/camera_object_detection/requirements.txt
index 0807da67..877493f7 100644
--- a/src/perception/camera_object_detection/requirements.txt
+++ b/src/perception/camera_object_detection/requirements.txt
@@ -4,4 +4,11 @@ setuptools==65.5.1
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wato_msgs/perception_msgs/camera_object_detection_msgs/CMakeLists.txt b/src/wato_msgs/perception_msgs/camera_object_detection_msgs/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a9097e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wato_msgs/perception_msgs/camera_object_detection_msgs/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)
+ add_compile_options(-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic)
+find_package(ament_cmake REQUIRED)
+find_package(rosidl_default_generators REQUIRED)
+find_package(std_msgs REQUIRED)
+find_package(sensor_msgs REQUIRED)
+find_package(vision_msgs REQUIRED)
+ "msg/BatchDetection.msg"
+ "msg/EveBatchDetection.msg"
+ DEPENDENCIES std_msgs sensor_msgs vision_msgs
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wato_msgs/perception_msgs/camera_object_detection_msgs/msg/BatchDetection.msg b/src/wato_msgs/perception_msgs/camera_object_detection_msgs/msg/BatchDetection.msg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8ecdf73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wato_msgs/perception_msgs/camera_object_detection_msgs/msg/BatchDetection.msg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+std_msgs/Header header
+sensor_msgs/CompressedImage[] images # Array of compressed images in the batch
+vision_msgs/Detection2DArray[] detections # Array of detections for each image
diff --git a/src/wato_msgs/perception_msgs/camera_object_detection_msgs/msg/EveBatchDetection.msg b/src/wato_msgs/perception_msgs/camera_object_detection_msgs/msg/EveBatchDetection.msg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d8f55e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wato_msgs/perception_msgs/camera_object_detection_msgs/msg/EveBatchDetection.msg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+std_msgs/Header header
+sensor_msgs/Image[] images # Array of compressed images in the batch
+vision_msgs/Detection2DArray[] detections # Array of detections for each image
diff --git a/src/wato_msgs/perception_msgs/camera_object_detection_msgs/package.xml b/src/wato_msgs/perception_msgs/camera_object_detection_msgs/package.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62cae926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wato_msgs/perception_msgs/camera_object_detection_msgs/package.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+TODO: Package description
+TODO: License declaration
+ ament_cmake
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/watod-config.sh b/watod-config.sh
index 3255dd40..96033167 100755
--- a/watod-config.sh
+++ b/watod-config.sh
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
## - simulation : starts simulation
## - samples : starts sample ROS2 pubsub nodes
+ACTIVE_MODULES="perception infrastructure"
################################# MODE OF OPERATION #################################
## Possible modes of operation when running watod.