“Agriculture is the source of civilization, the way we are tied to the earth, and
the way we are most directly using and affecting nature. If you manage sourcing for
diff --git a/marketing/src/containers/repository/resources/releases/component.tsx b/marketing/src/containers/repository/resources/releases/component.tsx
index 59f8b1ca8..d5a4f956d 100644
--- a/marketing/src/containers/repository/resources/releases/component.tsx
+++ b/marketing/src/containers/repository/resources/releases/component.tsx
@@ -7,89 +7,7 @@ import Icon from 'components/icon';
import ARROW_SVG from 'svgs/ui/arrow-top-right.svg?sprite';
- title: 'Foundational datasets that underpin LandGriffon analysis:',
- datasets: [
- {
- name: 'Mekonnen and Hoekstra. The green, blue and grey water footprint of crops and derived crop products',
- url: 'https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-15-1577-2011',
- },
- {
- name: 'Kuzma et al. Aqueduct 4.0: Updated decision-relevant global water risk indicators',
- url: 'http://doi.org/10.46830/writn.23.00061',
- },
- {
- name: 'McDowell et al. Global Mapping of Freshwater Nutrient Enrichment and Periphyton Growth Potential',
- url: 'https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-60279-w',
- },
- {
- name: 'McDowell et al. Global Database of Diffuse Riverine Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loads and Yields',
- url: 'https://doi.org/10.1002/gdj3.111',
- },
- {
- name: 'International Food Policy Research Institute. Global Spatially-Disaggregated Crop Production Statistics Data for 2010 Version 2.0',
- url: 'https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PRFF8V',
- },
- {
- name: 'Halpern et al. The Environmental Footprint of Global Food Production.',
- url: 'https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-022-00965-x',
- },
- {
- name: 'Noon et al. Mapping the Irrecoverable Carbon in Earth’s Ecosystems.',
- url: 'https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-021-00803-6',
- },
- {
- name: 'Hansen et al. High-Resolution Global Maps of 21st-Century Forest Cover Change. ',
- url: 'https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1244693',
- },
- {
- name: 'Mazur et al. SBTN Natural Lands Map: Technical Documentation.',
- url: 'https://sciencebasedtargetsnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Technical-Guidance-2023-Step3-Land-v0.3-Natural-Lands-Map.pdf',
- },
- {
- name: 'Karra et al. Global Land Use / Land Cover with Sentinel 2 and Deep Learning.',
- url: 'https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9553499',
- },
- {
- name: 'Grantham et al. Anthropogenic Modification of Forests Means Only 40% of Remaining Forests Have High Ecosystem Integrity.',
- url: 'https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-19493-3',
- },
- {
- name: 'Gassert et al. Global 100m Projections of Biodiversity Intactness for the Years 2017 - 2020.',
- url: 'https://ai4edatasetspublicassets.blob.core.windows.net/assets/pdfs/io-biodiversity/Biodiversity_Intactness_whitepaper.pdf',
- },
- ],
- title: 'Datasets for EUDR:',
- datasets: [
- {
- name: 'Bourgoin et al. Global map of forest cover 2020 - version 1.',
- url: 'http://data.europa.eu/89h/10d1b337-b7d1-4938-a048-686c8185b290',
- },
- {
- name: 'Bourgoin et al. Mapping Global Forest Cover of the Year 2020 to Support the EU Regulation on Deforestation-free Supply Chains.',
- url: 'https://www.researchgate.net/publication/379119723_Mapping_Global_Forest_Cover_of_the_Year_2020_to_Support_the_EU_Regulation_on_Deforestation-free_Supply_Chains',
- },
- {
- name: 'Hansen et al. High-Resolution Global Maps of 21st-Century Forest Cover Change.',
- url: 'https://glad.earthengine.app/view/global-forest-change',
- },
- {
- name: 'Reiche et al. Forest disturbance alerts for the Congo Basin using Sentinel-1.',
- url: 'https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/abd0a8',
- },
- {
- name: 'Adrià et al. High resolution global industrial and smallholder oil palm map for 2019 (Version v1).',
- url: 'https://zenodo.org/records/4473715',
- },
- {
- name: 'Vancutsem et al. Long-term (1990-2019) monitoring of forest cover changes in the humid tropics. ',
- url: 'https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abe1603',
- },
- ],
+import { DATASET_FOR_EUDR, LANDGRIFFON_ANALYSIS } from './constants';
const DatasetReleases: React.FC = () => (
diff --git a/marketing/src/containers/repository/resources/releases/constants.ts b/marketing/src/containers/repository/resources/releases/constants.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5dcffc8d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/marketing/src/containers/repository/resources/releases/constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+export const LANDGRIFFON_ANALYSIS = {
+ title: 'Foundational datasets that underpin LandGriffon analysis:',
+ datasets: [
+ {
+ name: 'Mekonnen and Hoekstra. The green, blue and grey water footprint of crops and derived crop products',
+ url: 'https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-15-1577-2011',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Kuzma et al. Aqueduct 4.0: Updated decision-relevant global water risk indicators',
+ url: 'http://doi.org/10.46830/writn.23.00061',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'McDowell et al. Global Mapping of Freshwater Nutrient Enrichment and Periphyton Growth Potential',
+ url: 'https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-60279-w',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'McDowell et al. Global Database of Diffuse Riverine Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loads and Yields',
+ url: 'https://doi.org/10.1002/gdj3.111',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'International Food Policy Research Institute. Global Spatially-Disaggregated Crop Production Statistics Data for 2010 Version 2.0',
+ url: 'https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PRFF8V',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Halpern et al. The Environmental Footprint of Global Food Production.',
+ url: 'https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-022-00965-x',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Noon et al. Mapping the Irrecoverable Carbon in Earth’s Ecosystems.',
+ url: 'https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-021-00803-6',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Hansen et al. High-Resolution Global Maps of 21st-Century Forest Cover Change. ',
+ url: 'https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1244693',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mazur et al. SBTN Natural Lands Map: Technical Documentation.',
+ url: 'https://sciencebasedtargetsnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Technical-Guidance-2023-Step3-Land-v0.3-Natural-Lands-Map.pdf',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Karra et al. Global Land Use / Land Cover with Sentinel 2 and Deep Learning.',
+ url: 'https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9553499',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Grantham et al. Anthropogenic Modification of Forests Means Only 40% of Remaining Forests Have High Ecosystem Integrity.',
+ url: 'https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-19493-3',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Gassert et al. Global 100m Projections of Biodiversity Intactness for the Years 2017 - 2020.',
+ url: 'https://ai4edatasetspublicassets.blob.core.windows.net/assets/pdfs/io-biodiversity/Biodiversity_Intactness_whitepaper.pdf',
+ },
+ ],
+export const DATASET_FOR_EUDR = {
+ title: 'Datasets for EUDR:',
+ datasets: [
+ {
+ name: 'Bourgoin et al. Global map of forest cover 2020 - version 1.',
+ url: 'http://data.europa.eu/89h/10d1b337-b7d1-4938-a048-686c8185b290',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Bourgoin et al. Mapping Global Forest Cover of the Year 2020 to Support the EU Regulation on Deforestation-free Supply Chains.',
+ url: 'https://www.researchgate.net/publication/379119723_Mapping_Global_Forest_Cover_of_the_Year_2020_to_Support_the_EU_Regulation_on_Deforestation-free_Supply_Chains',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Hansen et al. High-Resolution Global Maps of 21st-Century Forest Cover Change.',
+ url: 'https://glad.earthengine.app/view/global-forest-change',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Reiche et al. Forest disturbance alerts for the Congo Basin using Sentinel-1.',
+ url: 'https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/abd0a8',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Adrià et al. High resolution global industrial and smallholder oil palm map for 2019 (Version v1).',
+ url: 'https://zenodo.org/records/4473715',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Vancutsem et al. Long-term (1990-2019) monitoring of forest cover changes in the humid tropics. ',
+ url: 'https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abe1603',
+ },
+ ],
diff --git a/marketing/src/containers/repository/resources/webinar/component.tsx b/marketing/src/containers/repository/resources/webinar/component.tsx
index b6d8fef47..65c7fd03c 100644
--- a/marketing/src/containers/repository/resources/webinar/component.tsx
+++ b/marketing/src/containers/repository/resources/webinar/component.tsx
@@ -7,38 +7,7 @@ import Icon from 'components/icon';
import ARROW_SVG from 'svgs/ui/arrow-right.svg?sprite';
-const DATA = [
- {
- index: '01',
- title: 'Urgency & Transparency',
- description:
- "Openly publishing data fosters a culture of urgency, transparency, and shared responsibility for change. Let's spend more time on action and less on data prep.",
- },
- {
- index: '02',
- title: 'Learning from Nature',
- description:
- 'Embrace the complexity of natural systems. Solutions should harmonize with nature, not oppose it. Nature Accounting aligns accounting solutions with the ecosystems they protect.',
- },
- {
- index: '03',
- title: 'Holistic Nature Accounting Standards',
- description:
- 'SBTN and TNFD offer holistic nature accounting standards. Granular data goes beyond country-level, even measuring the nature impact of a single rice field.',
- },
- {
- index: '04',
- title: 'Continuous Improvement',
- description:
- 'Our data is a work in progress. We invite your feedback and usage insights. Together, we can enhance and refine the datasets for a better future. ',
- },
- {
- index: '05',
- title: 'Transparent, Trusted, and Adaptable',
- description:
- "LandGriffon's open-source data is transparent and constantly reviewed. Our platform allows companies to measure supply chain activities against SBTN and TNFD indicators, providing valuable insights.",
- },
+import { DATA } from './constants';
const Webinar: React.FC = () => (
@@ -48,7 +17,7 @@ const Webinar: React.FC = () => (
title="Webinar & Podcast"
intro="In our 2023 webinar we delved into the release of our new global, open-access datasets that aim to revolutionize nature accounting."
{DATA.map(({ index, title, description }) => (
diff --git a/marketing/src/containers/repository/resources/webinar/constants.ts b/marketing/src/containers/repository/resources/webinar/constants.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e2f12e72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/marketing/src/containers/repository/resources/webinar/constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+export const DATA = [
+ {
+ index: '01',
+ title: 'Urgency & Transparency',
+ description:
+ "Openly publishing data fosters a culture of urgency, transparency, and shared responsibility for change. Let's spend more time on action and less on data prep.",
+ },
+ {
+ index: '02',
+ title: 'Learning from Nature',
+ description:
+ 'Embrace the complexity of natural systems. Solutions should harmonize with nature, not oppose it. Nature Accounting aligns accounting solutions with the ecosystems they protect.',
+ },
+ {
+ index: '03',
+ title: 'Holistic Nature Accounting Standards',
+ description:
+ 'SBTN and TNFD offer holistic nature accounting standards. Granular data goes beyond country-level, even measuring the nature impact of a single rice field.',
+ },
+ {
+ index: '04',
+ title: 'Continuous Improvement',
+ description:
+ 'Our data is a work in progress. We invite your feedback and usage insights. Together, we can enhance and refine the datasets for a better future. ',
+ },
+ {
+ index: '05',
+ title: 'Transparent, Trusted, and Adaptable',
+ description:
+ "LandGriffon's open-source data is transparent and constantly reviewed. Our platform allows companies to measure supply chain activities against SBTN and TNFD indicators, providing valuable insights.",
+ },
diff --git a/marketing/src/pages/repository.tsx b/marketing/src/pages/repository.tsx
index c74fdb742..f372cad9f 100644
--- a/marketing/src/pages/repository.tsx
+++ b/marketing/src/pages/repository.tsx
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ const RepositoryPage: NextPage
= () => {
+ {/* TO DO - Add image https://landgriffon.com/images/og/OG-Repository.png */}