Releases: Vizzuality/heco-invest
LET-376 Project developers creating a project can find a location
LET-380 IF - Generate a Places API token for the FE
LET-375 Visitors can sort project search results by impact
LET-409 DE - Redesign the sort dropdown to limit the number of options
LET-374 Visitors can see the impact of a project in its public page
LET-417 FE - Impact visualisation component
LET-368 Visitors can sort Projects search results by date and alphabetically
LET-326 BE - Project & PDs list sorting
LET-300 Visitors can find Projects (search functionality)
LET-395 FE - Search page layout & API connection
LET-394 FE - Tweak project card component for the search results
LET-393 FE - Search bar component
LET-299 Visitors can find Project developers (search functionality)
LET-414 FE - Tab component (search page)
LET-396 FE - Pagination component
LET-273 Project developer account creation enhancements
LET-321 BE - When direct upload integrated and json form enabled, remove multi-part form for upload to simplify
LET-269 Infrastructure setup - async & periodic background jobs
LET-392 BE - mechanism to track progress of background jobs
LET-244 Ad-hoc async tasks using Cloud Tasks
LET-262 Project Developers can create projects
LET-352 FE - Project creation form
LET-345 FE - Image uploader
LET-216 Signed up user can create an investor account
LET-387 BE - private endpoint to create investor account
LET-159 Visitors can see Project Developer accounts details (public page)
LET-354 FE - Allow account users to add PDs to their favourites
LET-353 FE - Update the header and contact section of the PD public page
LET-341 FE - Implement a breadcrumbs component
LET-318 BE - Restrict visibility of contact details in project developer public endpoint
LET-364 Design - Review Static pages
LET-252 Restructure "My area" section
LET-372 Visitors can share their search results
LET-100 Design a flow to allow users to share searches
LET-366 An image is displayed when sharing HeCo Invest links on social media
LET-16 Content for the Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
LET-343 Users can see that a project or open call is verified
LET-106 Design how non-verified projects/open calls are less promoted on the platform
LET-329 Users can filter search results for projects
LET-369 BE - filter projects
LET-311 Signed up user creating project developer account can select correct mosaics (correction)
LET-337 FE - Add an explanation (image or link) of the priority landscapes in the PD form
LET-335 FE - Populate the PD's form priority landscapes options with the enum endpoint
LET-315 Design - Add a link in the PD form
LET-314 BE - Return priority mosaics as enums
LET-310 User creating a Project Developer account is warned when leaving before completing the creation
LET-224 Create a confirmation modal to leave PD creation form
LET-308 Enhance "Project developer account creation" form text/copy
LET-340 FE - Update the copy of the PD form
LET-316 BE - add description of the new category
LET-300 Visitors can find Projects (search functionality)
LET-325 BE - FTS project search multi-language
LET-273 Project developer account creation enhancements
LET-344 FE - Upload the profile picture using Direct upload and convert back the multipart form into JSON data
LET-339 FE - Implement a layout for PD form to use a fixed viewport size
LET-336 BE - add authentication for the direct upload endpoint
LET-168 FE - Profile picture upload component
LET-269 Infrastructure setup - async & periodic background jobs
LET-259 BE - Configure Rails routes using an env var to switch between API and jobs
LET-257 BE - Integrate cloudtasker gem & create "something" to test Cloud Tasks
LET-263 Visitors can see the Project details (public page)
LET-323 BE - Endpoint to add project to favourites
LET-262 Project Developers can create projects
LET-377 BE - Ticket size should only be mandatory if looking_for_funding
LET-358 BE - when creating a project, ONLY ONE CATEGORY CAN BE SELECTED
LET-351 FE - SDG tag component
LET-350 FE - Tag radio button component
LET-349 FE - Implement a multi select component
LET-348 FE - Geometry upload/drawing on Project form
LET-347 FE - Location selectors
LET-346 FE - Image gallery (next to image upload) component
LET-342 FE - PD can create projects from My Area
LET-322 BE - Allow to upload and store drawn geometry for project
LET-307 BE - Allow to upload picture gallery with cover photo
LET-286 FE - Create a confirmation modal to leave project creation form
LET-93 Add some text to inform users which language to create their project/open call in
LET-201 Enhanced identity validation at login
LET-195 Design the two-factor authentication (2FA) for the sign up/log in flow
LET-161 Registered users can sign in
LET-279 Adjust page header when user is signed in
LET-159 Visitors can see Project Developer accounts details (public page)
LET-355 FE - Connect the PD public page with the API
LET-320 Design - Update PD page
LET-319 BE - Endpoint to add project developer to favorites
LET-317 BE - List of PD's projects as include on project developer endpoint
LET-361 Design - Add link to preview profile
LET-360 Design - Add checkbox to favorites
LET-309 Design - Enhance form text/copy
LET-105 In the project/open call creation flow, design an element that explains the verification process
LET-82 Design a CTA to allow the user to see the full catalogue of projects, open calls, etc.
LET-68 Design screens for how PD will keep track of the open calls he applied for
LET-57 Design how the investor see the open calls applications
LET-310 User creating a Project Developer account is warned when leaving before completing the creation
LET-224 Create a confirmation modal to leave PD creation form
LET-276 Project Developer account creation is improved
LET-214 FE - Display the API's PD types, categories, mosaics and impact types in the Project Developer form
LET-170 FE - Tag checkbox component
LET-262 Project Developers can create projects
LET-281 BE - review and update the project model
LET-280 BE - project creation endpoint
LET-255 Project Developers can add contact details to their account profiles
LET-288 BE - Add contact information to the PD endpoints (POST, PUT, GET)
LET-285 FE - Add contact information to project developer form
LET-161 Registered users can sign
LET-278 FE - Connect sign in page with backend (API)
LET-277 FE - Create Sign in page
LET-194 BE - Project Developer account details endpoint GET /api/v1/account/project_developer
LET-298 Design - Add "categories" to Investor forms
LET-155 Redesign public entity pages
LET-104 Design project without an impact score (yet)
LET-95 Design how open calls look like past their due date
LET-207 Infrastructure setup
LET-249 Mitigate cold starts at least on production CloudRun
LET-248 Load balancer
LET-241 Set up cloud shell for the database
LET-240 Pull back-end translations before the start of the server
LET-239 Push back-end translations to transifex
LET-193 Basic app servers setup
LET-128 Define tasks for infrastructure setup
LET-162 Visitors are able to sign up
LET-213 Creation signup/login form layout
LET-211 Connect the sign up form with the API
LET-196 Define password requirements & let FE know
LET-165 Sign up form
LET-158 Signed up user can create a Project Developer account
LET-250 Update list of project developer types
LET-212 Connect the Project Developer form with the API
LET-208 Combobox component
LET-206 Replace the account creation outro screen
LET-187 Project Developer account creation endpoint
LET-186 Allow upload of account profile picture through multi-part form
LET-174 Project Developer form
LET-173 Project Developer creation outro screen
LET-172 Account type selection screen
LET-167 Creation form layout
LET-236 Design - adjust "Open call" form
LET-235 Design - adjust "Project" form
LET-234 Design - adjust "Investor" forms
LET-233 Design - adjust "Project developer" form
LET-232 Create PUT /account/project_developer endpoint for updating profile information
LET-226 Rails - make sure that uploaded image is truly image
LET-209 Design account's users management section
LET-205 Import Location Members (intersections between regions and municipalities)
LET-198 Define 2FA approach to inform design
LET-191 Password reset endpoint
LET-189 Forgotten password link
LET-184 User should be able to request another verification email
LET-183 Email service configuration
LET-181 Send a confirmation email when signing up
LET-175 Update the architecture/security doc and share with the partners
LET-145 Push and pull translations from Transifex in the back-end
LET-136 Indicate when a project or open call is verified on their public page
LET-99 Add a share button on the public pages for investors, project developers, projects and open calls
LET-92 Add some text to inform users what is the original language of the projects, open calls, PDs and investors content
Visitors can see the detail page of a Project
LET-109 GET /api/v1/projects/:id Endpoint for project details page
Visitors can see the detail page of an Open Call
LET-110 GET /api/v1/open_calls/:id Endpoint for open call details page
Visitors can see the profile of a Project Developer
LET-142 Design how the expanded “Projects” section looks like on the project developer profile
LET-141 Implement the layout of the project developer public page
LET-140 Implement the layout of the investor public page
LET-139 Remove the list of funded projects from the public investor pages
LET-138 Remove most of the big numbers at the top of the investor and project developer public pages
LET-137 Remove the impact section of the investor, project developer and open call pages
LET-108 GET /api/v1/project_developers/:id Endpoint for project developer details page
LET-103 Add some text on the public page of projects/open calls/PDs/investors to explain why they haven't been translated yet
Visitors can see the profile of an Investor
LET-107 GET /api/v1/investors/:id Endpoint for investor details page
Visitors are able to sign up
LET-180 Sign up endpoint
LET-164 Checkbox component
LET-163 Input component
LET-102 Update the design of the sign up flow
LET-86 Design a flow diagram for the sign up process
Registered users can log in
LET-185 Sign in / me / sign out endpoint
Signed up user can create a Project Developer account
LET-179 Display validation errors in the account creation form
LET-178 Request the content language in the account creation form
LET-171 Select component
LET-169 Textarea component
LET-151 Jumbo endpoint for static models
LET-130 Import data for the locations endpoint
LET-129 GET /api/v1/locations Endpoint for list of geographical locations
Sign up user can create a Project
LET-88 Design a flow diagram for the project/open call approval process
Account owners can invite users
LET-101 Design the contact invitation flow
LET-87 Design a flow diagram for the user invitation process
Application scaffold
LET-156 Add react-intl support to Storybook
LET-154 Healthcheck endpoint
LET-153 Integrate rswag
LET-150 Update the front-end readme to document the use of Transifex
LET-146 Test whether Transifex Native works with SSR
LET-127 Set up Jest
LET-122 Link Jira with the GitHub deployments
LET-119 Set up API base controller and shared error handling
LET-117 GET /api/v1/open_calls Endpoint for open calls list page (no filters, pagination)
LET-115 GET /api/v1/projects Endpoint for projects list page (no filters, pagination)
LET-113 GET /api/v1/project_developers Endpoint for project developers list page (no filters, pagination)
LET-111 GET /api/v1/investors Endpoint for investors list page (no filters, pagination)
LET-81 Design the template of the emails sent to users
LET-80 Adapt the front-end application to the static content translation strategy
LET-79 Investigate and propose a plan for the static content translation
LET-78 Upgrade Next.js to version 12
LET-77 Wrap the application in React Aria's SSRProvider to remove errors
LET-76 Show the active element in the static layout's header
LET-72 Design the 404 and 500 error pages
LET-71 Design the FAQ page
LET-69 Create a layout for the static pages
LET-51 Implement the about page
LET-50 Implement the homepage
LET-11 Complete UI Kit