All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Dependencies updates
- Change Mongo mock server to use version 5.0.8 by default in order to test the new 5.x release
- move scripting lib to devDependencies
- use scripting lib
- remove tslint and prettier
- add nyc for code coverage
- restore eslint constraints that had been disabled
- remove promiseLibrary config option since it is marked as deprecated by Mongo
- upgrade mongodb, mongoose and mongodb-memory-server-core
breaking changes The version of the Mongoose dependency changed from 5.13.x to 6.5.x. You can look at the 5 to 6 migration guide for more information on this change.
breaking changes The version of the MongoDb driver dependency changed from 3.6.12 to 4.8.1. You can look at the MongoDb Node Driver 4.0 Migration guide for more information about this change.
breaking changes The version of Typescript has changed from 3.9.5 to 4.7.4
Tslint was replaced by Eslint
Added replica set feature when mocking a mongodb connection for unit tests.
Now use mongodb-memory-server-core instead of mongodb-memory-server to prevent downloading of mongo during npm install
Upgrade from mongodb-memory-server version 6 to 7
- Replace deprecated mockgoose by mongodb-memory-server
- breaking changes mongoUtils.getMockedServerPort is now
- update mongoose to 5.4.20
- breaking changes Rename mockgoose to mockServer in IMongooseConfigs
- breaking changes mongoUtils.dropMockedDatabases. Functionality offered by mockgoose. It's not available in mongodb-memory-server
- Bug fix pagination caused by deprecated mongoose functions
- Bug fix migration caused by deprecated mongoose functions
- breaking change Migration de mongodb 2.233 => 3.1.13 - see mongo upgrade guide
- Migration de mongoose 4.12.5 => 5.4.12 see deprecation warnings