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Videodr0me edited this page Jun 17, 2018 · 55 revisions


based on Leela Chess Zero

Update on Cetainty Propagation 11/06/2018

I tried a number of MCTS search ideas in lc0. If you find something interesting here feel free to open an issue and discuss. This is a work in progress and purely experimental - new ideas will be added from time to time. This serves as documentation of both the good as well as the bad tries - so do not expect huge gains - but some ideas yield a measurable elo gain.

Disclaimer: All changes are completely zero, completely game agnostic and need no parameters (except one).

Search Modifications

Certainty propagation & Single-legal-move extension

A variant of MCTS-Solver (Winands et. al). For a decription, example positions and self-play elo see:

P1: +181 -152 =667 Win: 51.45% Elo: 10.08 LOS: 94.40% P1-W: +102 -69 =328 P1-B: +79 -83 =339

Besides the small gain of elo, this has some additonal nice properties. Leela now finds shallow mates faster and certain winning moves at root can be played regardless of visit counts, which is beneficial in time pressure situations (typically MCTS is slow to revise initial estimates).


Tested some variants of Gudmundsson and Björnsson and Feldman and Domshlak. For a description see:

Large elo gains at low visit counts, but doesn't currently scale with larger visit searches. Interesting but needs further investigation.

Node Selection for Expansion:



Compress low policy move probabilites

Instead of changing softmax temperature this scheme encourages exploration of low policy priors by compressing low probabilites more than high probabilites in relation to search depths. This does well at tactics (>170/200 WAC Silvertestsuite with standard cpuct=1.2) but suffers somewhat in selfplay, even though results against different opponents (non leela) are better. Might be useful for long analysis as it restores MCTS convergence properties (under some circumstances leela would never find moves no matter how many nodes visited.).

-- policy-compression=0.0 (disabled)
---policy-compression=0.1 (medium)
---policy-compression=0.2 (strong)

Easy Early Visits:

Tweaks the formula slightly to encourage early visits. The confidence bound is asymptotically unchanged but second and to a lesser degree third visits are more probable.

--easy-early-visits=0 (disabled)
--easy-early-visits=1 (enabled)

Might help ever so slightly tactically - this is untested but might work well in conjunction with policy compression. Self-play might suffer, but untested against non-leela opponents.

Do not trust initial visits q (fully)

Similar to FPU this assumes that when selecting nodes for expansion that first backpropagated NN eval is still unreliable and gets averaged with parent-q for PUCT evaluation. Details of multiple flavours here:'t-trust-initial-visits

Inconclusive results or elo losses. Could not make this work.

UCB1 tuned and other variance based approaches

Variance of q is calculated for each node. And used for node selection. Work in progress: variances are calculated with a numerically robust "online" algorithm. Use --verbose-movestats to display variances for each node. These stats are very interesting, next is to use this info in a theoretically sound way in the PUCT formula.

Validation Runs

10.000 game (100 visits per move) validation run with these options enabled (uncertainty-prop=1, auto-extend=1, backpropagate-gamma=0.75)

tournamentstatus final P1: +3220 -2343 =4437 Win: 54.39% Elo: 30.55 LOS: 100.00% P1-W: +1721 -1184 =2095 P1-B: +1499 -1159 =2342

Unfortunately backpropagate-gamma does not scale for larger visit searches. Certainty-propagation has been improved since the above match. The next validation run with all modifications that gain elo will be done as soon as testing of new schemes is complete.


A number of "sanity tests" of FPU variants, Cpuct and various minor MCTS tweaks can be found here. These are mainly done to corroborate that current leela is working as expected and to restest some minor implementation details in chess:

Optimal-Selection (--optimal-select=1)

This is not yet final - and just a playground for various selection strategies, currently it does well at tactics (170/200 WAC Silvertestsuite) but suffers somewhat in selfplay, even though results against different opponents (non leela) are better. Needs more work. Might be useful for long analysis as it restores MCTS convergence properties (under some circumstances leela would never find moves no matter how many nodes visited.) Not recommended at the moment.


Test parameters were old default cpuct=1.2, fpu-reduction=0.0, and NN 5d46d9c438a6901e7cd8ebfde15ec00117119cabfcd528d4ce5f568243ded5ee

For test positions threads=1 and batchsize=1 were used for reproducability.

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