diff --git a/ios/verusMobile/Info.plist b/ios/verusMobile/Info.plist
index db904dcb..2a642ed7 100755
--- a/ios/verusMobile/Info.plist
+++ b/ios/verusMobile/Info.plist
@@ -48,16 +48,36 @@
- NSCameraUsageDescription
- Verus Mobile needs access to the camera to scan QR codes, and to allow you to add images to your locally encrypted personal profile
- NSFaceIDUsageDescription
- Enabling Face ID allows you quick and secure access to your account.
- NSMicrophoneUsageDescription
- Verus Mobile needs access to the camera to scan QR codes
- NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription
- The user can save QR code invoices to their photo library.
- NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription
- The user can use the photo library to add images to their locally encrypted personal profile
+ NSAppleMusicUsageDescription
+ The app does not request this permission or utilize this functionality but it is included in our info.plist since our app utilizes the react-native-permissions library, which references this permission in its code.
+ NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription
+ The app does not request this permission or utilize this functionality but it is included in our info.plist since our app utilizes the react-native-permissions library, which references this permission in its code.
+ NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription
+ The app does not request this permission or utilize this functionality but it is included in our info.plist since our app utilizes the react-native-permissions library, which references this permission in its code.
+ NSCalendarsUsageDescription
+ The app does not request this permission or utilize this functionality but it is included in our info.plist since our app utilizes the react-native-permissions library, which references this permission in its code.
+ NSCameraUsageDescription
+ Verus Mobile needs access to the camera to scan QR codes, and to allow you to add images to your locally encrypted personal profile
+ NSContactsUsageDescription
+ The app does not request this permission or utilize this functionality but it is included in our info.plist since our app utilizes the react-native-permissions library, which references this permission in its code.
+ NSFaceIDUsageDescription
+ Enabling Face ID allows you quick and secure access to your account.
+ NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription
+ The app does not request this permission or utilize this functionality but it is included in our info.plist since our app utilizes the react-native-permissions library, which references this permission in its code.
+ NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription
+ The app does not request this permission or utilize this functionality but it is included in our info.plist since our app utilizes the react-native-permissions library, which references this permission in its code.
+ NSMicrophoneUsageDescription
+ Verus Mobile needs access to the camera to scan QR codes
+ NSMotionUsageDescription
+ The app does not request this permission or utilize this functionality but it is included in our info.plist since our app utilizes the react-native-permissions library, which references this permission in its code.
+ NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription
+ The user can save QR code invoices to their photo library.
+ NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription
+ The user can use the photo library to add images to their locally encrypted personal profile
+ NSSiriUsageDescription
+ The app does not request this permission or utilize this functionality but it is included in our info.plist since our app utilizes the react-native-permissions library, which references this permission in its code.
+ NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription
+ The app does not request this permission or utilize this functionality but it is included in our info.plist since our app utilizes the react-native-permissions library, which references this permission in its code.
diff --git a/src/components/BarcodeReader/BarcodeReader.js b/src/components/BarcodeReader/BarcodeReader.js
index 3c49d5de..d0c84980 100644
--- a/src/components/BarcodeReader/BarcodeReader.js
+++ b/src/components/BarcodeReader/BarcodeReader.js
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ const BarcodeReader = props => {
- isActive={appStateVisible === 'active'}
+ isActive={appStateVisible === 'active' && !props.cameraDisabled}
+ const [preventExit, setPreventExit] = useState(false);
+ const [modalHeight, setModalHeight] = useState(600); // Adjust as needed
+ const activeCoinsForUser = useSelector(state => state.coins.activeCoinsForUser);
+ const [modalTitle, setModalTitle] = useState("Title");
+ useEffect(() => {
+ // Handle side effects here if necessary
+ }, []);
+ const cancel = () => {
+ if (!preventExit) {
+ setVisible(false);
+ if (onClose) {
+ onClose();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ const showHelpModal = () => {
+ // Implement your help modal logic here
+ };
+ return (
+ {loading ? :
+ (
+ {modalTitle}
+ ),
+ headerStyle: {
+ height: 52,
+ },
+ }}
+ >
+ {() => (
+ ,
+ }}
+ >
+ {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ },
+ }}
+ >
+ {tabProps => (
+ )}
+ {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ },
+ }}
+ >
+ {tabProps => (
+ )}
+ {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ },
+ }}
+ >
+ {tabProps => (
+ )}
+ )}
+ {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ },
+ }}
+ >
+ {tabProps => (
+ )}
+ )}
+ }
+ );
+export default ConvertCardModal;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/SearchableList.js b/src/components/SearchableList.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bfc7535d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/SearchableList.js
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import React, { useMemo, useState } from 'react';
+import { View, TextInput, FlatList } from 'react-native';
+import { List, Text } from 'react-native-paper';
+import { RenderCircleCoinLogo } from '../utils/CoinData/Graphics';
+import Colors from '../globals/colors';
+import { useNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native';
+const SearchableList = (props) => {
+ const [searchQuery, setSearchQuery] = useState('');
+ const items = props.items ? props.items : [];
+ const navigation = useNavigation();
+ // Filter the data based on the search query
+ const filteredData = useMemo(() => {
+ return items.filter(item =>
+ (
+ item.title.toLowerCase().includes(searchQuery.toLowerCase()) ||
+ item.description.toLowerCase().includes(searchQuery.toLowerCase())
+ )
+ );
+ }, [searchQuery, items]);
+ const handleSelect = (key) => {
+ if (props.onSelect) props.onSelect(key);
+ if (props.nextScreen) navigation.navigate(props.nextScreen)
+ }
+ // Render each item in the FlatList
+ const renderItem = ({ item }) => (
+ handleSelect(item.key)}
+ left={() => (
+ {RenderCircleCoinLogo(item.logo)}
+ )}
+ right={props =>
+ {item.rightTitle && (
+ {item.rightTitle}
+ )}
+ {item.rightDescription && (
+ {item.rightDescription}
+ )}
+ }
+ />
+ );
+ return (
+ setSearchQuery(text)}
+ />
+ item.key}
+ renderItem={renderItem}
+ ListEmptyComponent={
+ No items found
+ }
+ />
+ );
+export default SearchableList;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/SendModal/ConvertOrCrossChainSend/ConvertOrCrossChainSendForm/ConvertOrCrossChainSendForm.js b/src/components/SendModal/ConvertOrCrossChainSend/ConvertOrCrossChainSendForm/ConvertOrCrossChainSendForm.js
index de4b6ac9..e2f408d7 100644
--- a/src/components/SendModal/ConvertOrCrossChainSend/ConvertOrCrossChainSendForm/ConvertOrCrossChainSendForm.js
+++ b/src/components/SendModal/ConvertOrCrossChainSend/ConvertOrCrossChainSendForm/ConvertOrCrossChainSendForm.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { Alert, View, TouchableWithoutFeedback, Keyboard, FlatList, Animated, To
import { KeyboardAwareScrollView } from 'react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view';
import { TextInput, Button, Divider, Checkbox, List, Text, IconButton } from "react-native-paper";
import { createAlert } from "../../../../actions/actions/alert/dispatchers/alert";
-import { API_SEND, DLIGHT_PRIVATE, ERC20, ETH } from "../../../../utils/constants/intervalConstants";
+import { API_SEND, DLIGHT_PRIVATE, ERC20, ETH, VRPC } from "../../../../utils/constants/intervalConstants";
import {
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ import { useObjectSelector } from "../../../../hooks/useObjectSelector";
const ConvertOrCrossChainSendForm = ({ setLoading, setModalHeight, updateSendFormData, navigation }) => {
const { height } = Dimensions.get('window');
const sendModal = useObjectSelector(state => state.sendModal);
+ const allSubWallets = useObjectSelector(state => state.coinMenus.allSubWallets);
const activeUser = useObjectSelector(state => state.authentication.activeAccount);
const addresses = useObjectSelector(state => selectAddresses(state));
const activeAccount = useObjectSelector(state => state.authentication.activeAccount);
@@ -76,9 +77,17 @@ const ConvertOrCrossChainSendForm = ({ setLoading, setModalHeight, updateSendFor
[SEND_MODAL_EXPORTTO_FIELD]: "Destination network",
[SEND_MODAL_VIA_FIELD]: "Convert via",
[SEND_MODAL_CONVERTTO_FIELD]: sendModal.data[SEND_MODAL_IS_PRECONVERT] ? "Preconvert to" : "Convert to",
+ [SEND_MODAL_TO_ADDRESS_FIELD]: "Recipient address"
+ ];
const [searchMode, setSearchMode] = useState(false);
const [selectedField, setSelectedField] = useState("");
@@ -529,6 +538,80 @@ const ConvertOrCrossChainSendForm = ({ setLoading, setModalHeight, updateSendFor
+ const processSelfSuggestionPaths = () => {
+ const addresses = [];
+ const seen = new Set();
+ if (activeAccount) {
+ if (allSubWallets[coinsList.VRSC.id]) {
+ const vrscKeys = activeAccount.keys[coinsList.VRSC.id];
+ for (const channelId in vrscKeys) {
+ const [channelName, addr, network] = channelId.split('.');
+ if (channelName === VRPC && !seen.has(addr)) {
+ const walletId = `SUBWALLET_${channelId}`;
+ if (allSubWallets[coinsList.VRSC.id]) {
+ const wallet = allSubWallets[coinsList.VRSC.id].find(x => x.id === walletId);
+ if (wallet) {
+ seen.add(addr);
+ addresses.push({
+ title: wallet.name,
+ logoid: coinsList.VRSC.id,
+ key: addr,
+ description: addr,
+ values: {
+ },
+ right: "",
+ keywords: [
+ addr,
+ wallet.name
+ ],
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (const coinId in activeAccount.keys) {
+ if (activeAccount.keys[coinId] && (activeAccount.keys[coinId][ETH] || activeAccount.keys[coinId][ERC20])) {
+ const ethAddresses = activeAccount.keys[coinId][ETH] ?
+ activeAccount.keys[coinId][ETH].addresses : activeAccount.keys[coinId][ERC20].addresses;
+ if (ethAddresses && ethAddresses.length > 0) {
+ const addr = ethAddresses[0];
+ const addrTitle = addr.substring(0, 8) + '...' + addr.substring(addr.length - 8);
+ if (!seen.has(addr)) {
+ seen.add(addr);
+ addresses.push({
+ title: addrTitle,
+ logoid: coinsList.ETH.id,
+ key: addr,
+ description: addr,
+ values: {
+ },
+ right: "",
+ keywords: [
+ addr
+ ]
+ })
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return addresses;
+ };
const fetchSuggestionsBase = async (field) => {
if (loadingSuggestions) return;
let newSuggestionsBase = []
@@ -547,25 +630,27 @@ const ConvertOrCrossChainSendForm = ({ setLoading, setModalHeight, updateSendFor
// mapping: boolean;
// bounceback: boolean;
// }>}
- const paths = conversionPaths
- ? conversionPaths
- : await getConversionPaths(
- sendModal.coinObj,
- sendModal.subWallet.api_channels[API_SEND],
- {
- src: sendModal.coinObj.currency_id,
- },
- );
let flatPaths = []
+ if (CONVERSION_PATH_FIELDS.includes(field)) {
+ const paths = conversionPaths
+ ? conversionPaths
+ : await getConversionPaths(
+ sendModal.coinObj,
+ sendModal.subWallet.api_channels[API_SEND],
+ {
+ src: sendModal.coinObj.currency_id,
+ },
+ );
- for (const destinationid in paths) {
- flatPaths = flatPaths.concat(paths[destinationid])
+ for (const destinationid in paths) {
+ flatPaths = flatPaths.concat(paths[destinationid])
+ }
+ setConversionPaths(paths)
- setConversionPaths(paths)
switch (field) {
newSuggestionsBase = await processConverttoSuggestionPaths(flatPaths, sendModal.coinObj);
@@ -582,6 +667,9 @@ const ConvertOrCrossChainSendForm = ({ setLoading, setModalHeight, updateSendFor
newSuggestionsBase = await processMappingSuggestionPaths(flatPaths, sendModal.coinObj);
+ newSuggestionsBase = processSelfSuggestionPaths();
+ setSuggestionBase(newSuggestionsBase);
@@ -817,7 +905,7 @@ const ConvertOrCrossChainSendForm = ({ setLoading, setModalHeight, updateSendFor
if (addr.endsWith("@")) {
const identityRes = await getIdentity(coinObj, activeAccount, channel, addr);
- if (identityRes.error) throw new Error("Failed to fetch " + addr);
+ if (identityRes.error) throw new Error(`Failed to get information about ${addr}. Try using the i-address of this VerusID.`);
keyhash = identityRes.result.identity.identityaddress;
} else keyhash = addr;
@@ -1018,7 +1106,8 @@ const ConvertOrCrossChainSendForm = ({ setLoading, setModalHeight, updateSendFor
right={() =>
selectedField !== SEND_MODAL_EXPORTTO_FIELD &&
- selectedField !== SEND_MODAL_MAPPING_FIELD ? (
+ selectedField !== SEND_MODAL_MAPPING_FIELD &&
+ selectedField !== SEND_MODAL_TO_ADDRESS_FIELD ? (
updateSendFormData(SEND_MODAL_TO_ADDRESS_FIELD, text)
- onSelfPress={() => setAddressSelf()}
+ onSelfPress={() => handleFieldFocus(SEND_MODAL_TO_ADDRESS_FIELD)}
onAmountChange={text =>
updateSendFormData(SEND_MODAL_AMOUNT_FIELD, text)
diff --git a/src/containers/Coin/DynamicHeader.js b/src/containers/Coin/DynamicHeader.js
index cf757ccf..bab4291d 100644
--- a/src/containers/Coin/DynamicHeader.js
+++ b/src/containers/Coin/DynamicHeader.js
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import { GestureDetector, Gesture, Directions } from 'react-native-gesture-handl
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import Styles from '../../styles';
import { useObjectSelector } from '../../hooks/useObjectSelector';
+import { coinsList } from '../../utils/CoinData/CoinsList';
const DynamicHeader = ({ switchTab }) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ const DynamicHeader = ({ switchTab }) => {
let mappedCoin = null;
- if (activeCoin.mapped_to != null) {
+ if (activeCoin.mapped_to != null && activeCoin.id !== coinsList.VRSC.id) {
try {
mappedCoin = CoinDirectory.getBasicCoinObj(activeCoin.mapped_to);
} catch (e) {
diff --git a/src/containers/Coin/SendCoin/SendCoin.js b/src/containers/Coin/SendCoin/SendCoin.js
index ab7e923a..b0b46b5c 100644
--- a/src/containers/Coin/SendCoin/SendCoin.js
+++ b/src/containers/Coin/SendCoin/SendCoin.js
@@ -43,7 +43,9 @@ const SendCoin = ({ navigation }) => {
const generalWalletSettings = useObjectSelector(
state => state.settings.generalWalletSettings,
const dispatch = useDispatch()
+ const [cameraDisabled, setCameraDisabled] = useState(generalWalletSettings.enableSendCoinCameraToggle === true);
@@ -207,6 +209,10 @@ const SendCoin = ({ navigation }) => {
openConvertOrCrossChainSendModal(activeCoin, subWallet, option.data)
+ const toggleCameraDisabled = () => {
+ setCameraDisabled(!cameraDisabled);
+ }
const openConvertOrCrossChainModal = () => {
const { ackedCurrencyDisclaimer } = generalWalletSettings;
@@ -261,6 +267,7 @@ By proceeding, you confirm that you've read, understood, and agreed to this. Ens
+ >
+ {CONVERSION_DISABLED ? "Send cross-chain" : "Convert or cross-chain"}
+ )}
+ {generalWalletSettings.enableSendCoinCameraToggle && (
diff --git a/src/containers/Convert/Convert.js b/src/containers/Convert/Convert.js
index 3f79f9d6..350092fb 100644
--- a/src/containers/Convert/Convert.js
+++ b/src/containers/Convert/Convert.js
@@ -4,11 +4,839 @@ import Styles from "../../styles";
import { Button } from "react-native-paper";
import Colors from "../../globals/colors";
import ConvertCard from "./ConvertCard/ConvertCard";
+import { useSelector } from "react-redux";
+import { extractLedgerData } from "../../utils/ledger/extractLedgerData";
+import { API_GET_BALANCES, API_SEND, ERC20, ETH, GENERAL, IS_CONVERTABLE_WITH_VRSC_ETH_BRIDGE, IS_PBAAS_ROOT, VRPC } from "../../utils/constants/intervalConstants";
+import { IS_PBAAS_CHAIN, USD } from "../../utils/constants/currencies";
+import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
+import ConvertCardModal from "../../components/ConvertCardModal/ConvertCardModal";
+import { CONVERT_CARD_MODAL_MODES } from "../../utils/constants/convert";
+import { normalizeNum } from "../../utils/normalizeNum";
+import { formatCurrency } from "react-native-format-currency";
+import { useObjectSelector } from "../../hooks/useObjectSelector";
+import { CoinDirectory } from "../../utils/CoinData/CoinDirectory";
+import { closeLoadingModal, openLoadingModal } from "../../actions/actionDispatchers";
+import { createAlert } from "../../actions/actions/alert/dispatchers/alert";
+import { getConversionPaths } from "../../utils/api/routers/getConversionPaths";
+import { VETH } from "../../utils/constants/web3Constants";
+import { coinsList } from "../../utils/CoinData/CoinsList";
const Convert = (props) => {
- useEffect(() => {
+ const displayCurrency = useSelector(state => state.settings.generalWalletSettings.displayCurrency || USD);
+ const allSubWallets = useObjectSelector(state => state.coinMenus.allSubWallets);
+ const activeCoinsForUser = useObjectSelector(state => state.coins.activeCoinsForUser);
+ const rates = useObjectSelector(state => state.ledger.rates);
+ const balances = useObjectSelector(state => extractLedgerData(state, 'balances', API_GET_BALANCES));
+ const activeAccount = useObjectSelector(state => state.authentication.activeAccount);
+ const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
+ const [totalBalances, setTotalBalances] = useState({});
+ const [convertCardModalMode, setConvertCardModalMode] = useState(CONVERT_CARD_MODAL_MODES.SEND);
+ const [convertCardModalVisible, setConvertCardModalVisible] = useState(false);
+ // These key value maps that contain the data that the form needs to execute on a user's selection
+ const [sourceCurrencyMap, setSourceCurrencyMap] = useState({});
+ const [destCurrencyMap, setDestCurrencyMap] = useState({});
+ // These are in display format, with props: title, description, rightTitle, rightDescription, logo, and key
+ const [sourceCurrencyOptionsList, setSourceCurrencyOptionsList] = useState([]);
+ const [destCurrencyOptionsList, setDestCurrencyOptionsList] = useState([]);
+ const [sourceNetworkOptionsList, setSourceNetworkOptionsList] = useState([]);
+ const [destNetworkOptionsList, setDestNetworkOptionsList] = useState([]);
+ const [destConverterOptionsList, setDestConverterOptionsList] = useState([]);
+ const [sourceWalletOptionsList, setSourceWalletOptionsList] = useState([]);
+ const [destAddressOptionsList, setDestAddressOptionsList] = useState([]);
+ const [selectedSourceCurrency, setSelectedSourceCurrency] = useState(null);
+ const [selectedSourceCoinObj, setSelectedSourceCoinObj] = useState(null);
+ const [selectedSourceNetwork, setSelectedSourceNetwork] = useState(null);
+ const [selectedSourceWallet, setSelectedSourceWallet] = useState(null);
+ const [selectedDestCurrencyId, setSelectedDestCurrencyId] = useState(null);
+ const [selectedDestCoinObj, setSelectedDestCoinObj] = useState(null);
+ const [selectedDestNetworkId, setSelectedDestNetworkId] = useState(null);
+ const [selectedConverterId, setSelectedConverterId] = useState(null);
+ const [selectedDestAddress, setSelectedDestAddress] = useState(null);
+ const [sendAmount, setSendAmount] = useState(null);
+ const [sourceBalance, setSourceBalance] = useState(null);
+ const [conversionPaths, setConversionPaths] = useState(null);
+ const getTotalBalances = () => {
+ let coinBalances = {};
+ activeCoinsForUser.map(coinObj => {
+ coinBalances[coinObj.id] = {
+ crypto: BigNumber('0'),
+ rate: null
+ };
+ allSubWallets[coinObj.id].map(wallet => {
+ if (
+ balances[coinObj.id] != null &&
+ balances[coinObj.id][wallet.id] != null
+ ) {
+ const cryptoBalance = coinBalances[coinObj.id].crypto.plus(
+ balances[coinObj.id] &&
+ balances[coinObj.id][wallet.id] &&
+ balances[coinObj.id][wallet.id].total != null
+ ? BigNumber(balances[coinObj.id][wallet.id].total)
+ : null,
+ );
+ const uniRate = rates[GENERAL] && rates[GENERAL][coinObj.id] ? rates[GENERAL][coinObj.id][displayCurrency] : null
+ coinBalances[coinObj.id] = {
+ crypto: cryptoBalance,
+ rate: uniRate != null ? BigNumber(uniRate) : null
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ return coinBalances;
+ };
+ const getSourceCurrencyMap = () => {
+ const currencyMap = {};
+ const usedCoins = [];
+ for (const coinObj of activeCoinsForUser.sort(x => (x.mapped_to ? -1 : 1))) {
+ if (!usedCoins.includes(coinObj.id) && (coinObj.proto === 'vrsc' || coinObj.tags.includes(IS_CONVERTABLE_WITH_VRSC_ETH_BRIDGE))) {
+ currencyMap[coinObj.currency_id] = [coinObj];
+ if (coinObj.mapped_to != null && coinObj.tags.includes(IS_CONVERTABLE_WITH_VRSC_ETH_BRIDGE)) {
+ const mappedCoinObj = activeCoinsForUser.find(x => x.id === coinObj.mapped_to);
+ if (mappedCoinObj != null) {
+ usedCoins.push(mappedCoinObj.id)
+ currencyMap[coinObj.currency_id].push(mappedCoinObj);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return currencyMap;
+ };
+ const formatFiatValue = (n) => {
+ const rawFiatDisplayValue = normalizeNum(
+ n,
+ 2,
+ )[3];
+ const [valueFormattedWithSymbol] = formatCurrency({amount: rawFiatDisplayValue, code: displayCurrency});
- }, [])
+ return valueFormattedWithSymbol;
+ }
+ const getRightText = (coinId, walletIds) => {
+ let title = '-';
+ let description = '-';
+ if (balances[coinId] != null) {
+ const uniRate = rates[GENERAL] && rates[GENERAL][coinId] ? BigNumber(rates[GENERAL][coinId][displayCurrency]) : null;
+ let totalCryptoBalance = BigNumber(0);
+ for (const walletId of walletIds) {
+ const cryptoBalance = balances[coinId][walletId];
+ if (cryptoBalance != null) {
+ totalCryptoBalance = totalCryptoBalance.plus(BigNumber(cryptoBalance.confirmed));
+ }
+ }
+ description = `${Number(totalCryptoBalance.toString())}`;
+ if (uniRate != null) {
+ title = formatFiatValue(Number((totalCryptoBalance.multipliedBy(uniRate)).toString()));
+ }
+ }
+ return { title, description };
+ }
+ const getSourceCurrencyOptionsList = () => {
+ const currencies = [];
+ for (const coinObjs of Object.values(sourceCurrencyMap)) {
+ const rootCoinObj = coinObjs[0];
+ const mappedCoinObj = coinObjs.length > 1 ? coinObjs[1] : null;
+ const titleCoinObj = mappedCoinObj && mappedCoinObj.display_name.length < rootCoinObj.display_name.length ?
+ mappedCoinObj
+ :
+ rootCoinObj;
+ const title = titleCoinObj.display_name;
+ const description = coinObjs.map(x => x.display_ticker).join(' / ');
+ let rightTitle = '-';
+ let rightDescription = '-';
+ let totalCryptoBalance = BigNumber(0);
+ let fiatRate;
+ if (totalBalances[rootCoinObj.id]) {
+ if (totalBalances[rootCoinObj.id].crypto) {
+ totalCryptoBalance = totalCryptoBalance.plus(totalBalances[rootCoinObj.id].crypto);
+ }
+ if (totalBalances[rootCoinObj.id].rate) fiatRate = totalBalances[rootCoinObj.id].rate;
+ }
+ if (mappedCoinObj && totalBalances[mappedCoinObj.id]) {
+ if (totalBalances[mappedCoinObj.id].crypto) {
+ totalCryptoBalance = totalCryptoBalance.plus(totalBalances[mappedCoinObj.id].crypto);
+ }
+ if (!fiatRate && totalBalances[mappedCoinObj.id].rate) fiatRate = totalBalances[mappedCoinObj.id].rate;
+ }
+ const totalFiatBalance = fiatRate != null ? totalCryptoBalance.multipliedBy(fiatRate) : null;
+ if (totalFiatBalance != null) {
+ rightTitle = formatFiatValue(Number(totalFiatBalance.toString()));
+ }
+ rightDescription = `${Number(totalCryptoBalance.toString())}`;
+ currencies.push({
+ title,
+ description,
+ rightDescription,
+ rightTitle,
+ key: rootCoinObj.currency_id,
+ logo: rootCoinObj.id
+ });
+ }
+ return currencies;
+ };
+ const getDestCurrencyOptionsList = () => {
+ const currencies = [];
+ if (conversionPaths) {
+ for (const destinationCurrencyId in conversionPaths) {
+ let title = "-";
+ let logo;
+ let aliases = [];
+ let rightTitle = formatFiatValue(0);
+ let rightDescription = "-";
+ if (conversionPaths[destinationCurrencyId].length > 0) {
+ try {
+ const destCurrencyObj = CoinDirectory.findSimpleCoinObj(destinationCurrencyId);
+ aliases.push(destCurrencyObj.display_ticker);
+ let totalCryptoBalance = BigNumber(0);
+ let fiatRate;
+ if (totalBalances[destCurrencyObj.id]) {
+ if (totalBalances[destCurrencyObj.id].crypto) {
+ totalCryptoBalance = totalCryptoBalance.plus(totalBalances[destCurrencyObj.id].crypto);
+ }
+ if (totalBalances[destCurrencyObj.id].rate) fiatRate = totalBalances[destCurrencyObj.id].rate;
+ }
+ if (destCurrencyObj.mapped_to && conversionPaths[destinationCurrencyId].some(x => {
+ return x.ethdest || (x.exportto && x.exportto.fullyqualifiedname === VETH)
+ })) {
+ const mappedCoinObj = CoinDirectory.findSimpleCoinObj(destCurrencyObj.mapped_to);
+ if (totalBalances[mappedCoinObj.id]) {
+ if (totalBalances[mappedCoinObj.id].crypto) {
+ totalCryptoBalance = totalCryptoBalance.plus(totalBalances[mappedCoinObj.id].crypto);
+ }
+ if (!fiatRate && totalBalances[mappedCoinObj.id].rate) fiatRate = totalBalances[mappedCoinObj.id].rate;
+ }
+ const titleCoinObj = mappedCoinObj && mappedCoinObj.display_name.length < destCurrencyObj.display_name.length ?
+ mappedCoinObj
+ :
+ destCurrencyObj;
+ title = titleCoinObj.display_name;
+ aliases.push(mappedCoinObj.display_ticker);
+ logo = titleCoinObj.id;
+ } else {
+ title = destCurrencyObj.display_name;
+ logo = destCurrencyObj.id;
+ }
+ const totalFiatBalance = fiatRate != null ? totalCryptoBalance.multipliedBy(fiatRate) : null;
+ if (totalFiatBalance != null) {
+ rightTitle = formatFiatValue(Number(totalFiatBalance.toString()));
+ }
+ rightDescription = `${Number(totalCryptoBalance.toString())}`;
+ currencies.push({
+ title,
+ description: aliases.join(' / '),
+ rightDescription,
+ rightTitle,
+ key: destinationCurrencyId,
+ logo
+ });
+ } catch(e) {
+ title = conversionPaths[destinationCurrencyId][0].ethdest ?
+ conversionPaths[destinationCurrencyId][0].destination.mapto.fullyqualifiedname
+ :
+ conversionPaths[destinationCurrencyId][0].destination.fullyqualifiedname;
+ currencies.push({
+ title,
+ description: title,
+ rightDescription: "0",
+ rightTitle,
+ key: destinationCurrencyId,
+ logo: conversionPaths[destinationCurrencyId][0].ethdest ?
+ conversionPaths[destinationCurrencyId][0].destination.mapto.currencyid
+ :
+ destinationCurrencyId
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return currencies;
+ };
+ const getSourceNetworkOptionsList = () => {
+ const networks = [];
+ if (selectedSourceCurrency) {
+ for (const alias of selectedSourceCurrency) {
+ if (alias.proto === 'vrsc') {
+ if (allSubWallets[alias.id]) {
+ const networkWallets = {};
+ for (const subWallet of allSubWallets[alias.id]) {
+ const [channelName, addr, network] = subWallet.channel.split('.');
+ if (channelName === VRPC) {
+ if (!networkWallets[network]) networkWallets[network] = [subWallet.id];
+ else networkWallets[network].push(subWallet.id);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const network in networkWallets) {
+ try {
+ const networkObj = CoinDirectory.getBasicCoinObj(network);
+ if (networkObj) {
+ const rightText = getRightText(alias.id, networkWallets[network]);
+ networks.push({
+ title: `From ${networkObj.display_name} network`,
+ description: `as ${alias.display_ticker}`,
+ logo: networkObj.id,
+ key: networkObj.id,
+ rightTitle: rightText.title,
+ rightDescription: rightText.description
+ });
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.warn(e)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (alias.proto === 'eth' || alias.proto === 'erc20') {
+ const rightText = getRightText(alias.id, ['MAIN_WALLET']);
+ networks.push({
+ title: 'From Ethereum network',
+ description: `as ${alias.display_ticker}`,
+ logo: alias.testnet ? 'GETH' : 'ETH',
+ key: alias.testnet ? 'GETH' : 'ETH',
+ rightTitle: rightText.title,
+ rightDescription: rightText.description
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return networks;
+ };
+ const getDestNetworkOptionsList = () => {
+ const networks = [];
+ if (selectedSourceNetwork && selectedSourceCoinObj && selectedDestCurrencyId && conversionPaths[selectedDestCurrencyId]) {
+ const conversionOptions = conversionPaths[selectedDestCurrencyId];
+ const exportDests = {};
+ let hasLocalConversion = false;
+ for (const option of conversionOptions) {
+ let networkName;
+ let coinAlias;
+ let logo;
+ let key;
+ let rightTitle = formatFiatValue(0);
+ let rightDescription = "0";
+ function setRightText (networkId) {
+ if (selectedDestCoinObj && allSubWallets[selectedDestCoinObj.id]) {
+ const walletIds = [];
+ for (const wallet of allSubWallets[selectedDestCoinObj.id]) {
+ const [channelName, addr, network] = wallet.channel.split('.');
+ if (network === networkId) {
+ walletIds.push(wallet.id);
+ }
+ }
+ const rightText = getRightText(selectedDestCoinObj.id, walletIds);
+ rightTitle = rightText.title;
+ rightDescription = rightText.description;
+ }
+ }
+ function pushNetwork() {
+ networks.push({
+ title: `On ${networkName}`,
+ description: `as ${coinAlias}`,
+ logo,
+ key,
+ rightTitle,
+ rightDescription
+ })
+ }
+ if (option.exportto && !exportDests[option.exportto.currencyid]) {
+ exportDests[option.exportto.currencyid] = option.exportto;
+ let exportToEth = false;
+ try {
+ const exportNetworkObj = CoinDirectory.getBasicCoinObj(option.exportto.currencyid);
+ if (exportNetworkObj.mapped_to && !((exportNetworkObj.pbaas_options & IS_PBAAS_CHAIN) === IS_PBAAS_CHAIN)) {
+ const mappedObj = CoinDirectory.getBasicCoinObj(exportNetworkObj.mapped_to);
+ networkName = mappedObj.display_name;
+ logo = mappedObj.id
+ exportToEth = true;
+ } else {
+ networkName = exportNetworkObj.display_name;
+ logo = exportNetworkObj.id
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ networkName = option.exportto.fullyqualifiedname;
+ logo = 'VRSC'
+ }
+ if (selectedDestCoinObj) {
+ if (selectedDestCoinObj.mapped_to && exportToEth) {
+ const mappedObj = CoinDirectory.getBasicCoinObj(selectedDestCoinObj.mapped_to);
+ coinAlias = mappedObj.display_ticker;
+ } else {
+ coinAlias = selectedDestCoinObj.display_ticker;
+ }
+ } else {
+ coinAlias = option.ethdest ? option.destination.name : option.destination.fullyqualifiedname;
+ }
+ key = option.exportto.currencyid;
+ setRightText(option.exportto.currencyid ? option.exportto.currencyid : option.exportto.currencyid);
+ pushNetwork();
+ } else if (!hasLocalConversion) {
+ hasLocalConversion = true;
+ networkName = selectedSourceNetwork.display_name;
+ if (option.ethdest) {
+ if (selectedDestCoinObj && selectedDestCoinObj.mapped_to) {
+ try {
+ const mappedObj = CoinDirectory.getBasicCoinObj(selectedDestCoinObj.mapped_to);
+ coinAlias = mappedObj.display_ticker;
+ } catch(e) {
+ coinAlias = option.destination.name;
+ }
+ } else {
+ coinAlias = option.destination.name;
+ }
+ } else if (selectedDestCoinObj) {
+ coinAlias = selectedDestCoinObj.display_ticker;
+ } else {
+ coinAlias = option.destination.fullyqualifiedname;
+ }
+ logo = selectedSourceNetwork.id;
+ key = selectedSourceNetwork.currency_id;
+ setRightText(selectedSourceNetwork.currencyid);
+ pushNetwork();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return networks;
+ };
+ const getDestConverterOptionsList = () => {
+ const converters = [];
+ function pushConverter(title, ticker, logo, key, price) {
+ converters.push({
+ title: title,
+ description: '',
+ logo,
+ key,
+ rightTitle: price,
+ rightDescription: `Est. ${ticker} per ${selectedSourceCoinObj.display_ticker}`
+ })
+ }
+ if (selectedSourceNetwork && selectedDestCurrencyId && conversionPaths[selectedDestCurrencyId] && selectedDestNetworkId) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < conversionPaths[selectedDestCurrencyId].length; i++) {
+ const path = conversionPaths[selectedDestCurrencyId][i];
+ if ((selectedDestNetworkId === selectedSourceNetwork.currency_id && path.exportto == null) ||
+ (path.exportto && (path.exportto.currencyid === selectedDestNetworkId))) {
+ let title;
+ let logo;
+ const ticker = selectedDestCoinObj ?
+ selectedDestCoinObj.display_ticker : path.ethdest ?
+ path.mapto.destination.fullyqualifiedname : path.destination.fullyqualifiedname;
+ if (path.via) {
+ try {
+ const converterObj = CoinDirectory.getBasicCoinObj(path.via.currencyid);
+ title = `Via ${converterObj.display_name}`;
+ logo = converterObj.id;
+ } catch(e) {
+ title = `Via ${path.via.fullyqualifiedname}`;
+ logo = path.via.currencyid;
+ }
+ } else {
+ title = "Direct"
+ logo = path.ethdest ? path.destination.mapto.currencyid : path.destination.currencyid;
+ }
+ pushConverter(title, ticker, logo, `${selectedDestCurrencyId}:${i}`, normalizeNum(path.price, 8)[3]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return converters;
+ };
+ const getSourceWalletOptionsList = () => {
+ const wallets = [];
+ if (selectedSourceCurrency && selectedSourceNetwork) {
+ if (selectedSourceCoinObj && allSubWallets[selectedSourceCoinObj.id]) {
+ for (const wallet of allSubWallets[selectedSourceCoinObj.id]) {
+ const [channelName, addr, network] = wallet.channel.split('.');
+ if (
+ channelName === ERC20 ||
+ channelName === ETH ||
+ (channelName === VRPC && selectedSourceNetwork.currency_id === network)
+ ) {
+ const rightText = getRightText(selectedSourceCoinObj.id, [wallet.id]);
+ wallets.push({
+ title: wallet.name,
+ description: `as ${selectedSourceCoinObj.display_ticker}`,
+ logo: selectedSourceNetwork.id,
+ key: wallet.id,
+ rightTitle: rightText.title,
+ rightDescription: rightText.description
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return wallets;
+ };
+ const getDestAddressOptionsList = () => {
+ const addresses = [];
+ if (activeAccount && allSubWallets[coinsList.VRSC.id] && conversionPaths && selectedConverterId && selectedDestNetworkId) {
+ const [currencyKey, converterIndex] = selectedConverterId.split(':');
+ if (conversionPaths[currencyKey] && conversionPaths[currencyKey][converterIndex]) {
+ const converter = conversionPaths[currencyKey][converterIndex];
+ const currencyAlias = selectedDestCoinObj ?
+ selectedDestCoinObj.display_ticker : converter.ethdest ?
+ converter.destination.name : converter.destination.fullyqualifiedname;
+ const allowEthAddrs = converter.ethdest || (converter.exportto && converter.exportto.fullyqualifiedname === VETH);
+ if (!converter.ethdest) {
+ const vrscKeys = activeAccount.keys[coinsList.VRSC.id];
+ for (const channelId in vrscKeys) {
+ const [channelName, addr, network] = channelId.split('.');
+ let rightTitle = formatFiatValue(0);
+ let rightDescription = '0';
+ if (channelName === VRPC) {
+ const walletId = `SUBWALLET_${channelId}`;
+ if (allSubWallets[coinsList.VRSC.id]) {
+ const wallet = allSubWallets[coinsList.VRSC.id].find(x => x.id === walletId);
+ if (wallet) {
+ if (selectedDestCoinObj) {
+ const rightText = getRightText(selectedDestCoinObj.id, [walletId]);
+ rightTitle = rightText.title;
+ rightDescription = rightText.description;
+ }
+ addresses.push({
+ title: wallet.name,
+ description: `as ${currencyAlias}`,
+ logo: selectedDestNetworkId,
+ key: addr,
+ rightTitle,
+ rightDescription
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (allowEthAddrs) {
+ for (const coinId in activeAccount.keys) {
+ if (activeAccount.keys[coinId] && (activeAccount.keys[coinId][ETH] || activeAccount.keys[coinId][ERC20])) {
+ const ethAddresses = activeAccount.keys[coinId][ETH] ?
+ activeAccount.keys[coinId][ETH].addresses : activeAccount.keys[coinId][ERC20].addresses;
+ if (ethAddresses && ethAddresses.length > 0) {
+ const addr = ethAddresses[0];
+ const addrTitle = addr.substring(0, 8) + '...' + addr.substring(addr.length - 8);
+ let rightTitle = formatFiatValue(0);
+ let rightDescription = "0";
+ if (selectedDestCoinObj) {
+ const rightText = getRightText(selectedDestCoinObj.id, ['MAIN_WALLET']);
+ rightTitle = rightText.title;
+ rightDescription = rightText.description;
+ }
+ addresses.push({
+ title: addrTitle,
+ description: `as ${currencyAlias}`,
+ logo: coinsList.ETH.id,
+ key: addr,
+ rightTitle,
+ rightDescription
+ })
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return addresses;
+ };
+ const getSourceBalance = () => {
+ return balances[selectedSourceCoinObj.id][selectedSourceWallet.id].confirmed;
+ }
+ const fetchConversionPaths = async () => {
+ try {
+ const paths = await getConversionPaths(
+ selectedSourceCoinObj,
+ selectedSourceWallet.api_channels[API_SEND],
+ {
+ src: selectedSourceCoinObj.currency_id,
+ },
+ );
+ const processedPaths = {};
+ const bounceBacks = {};
+ for (const destId in paths) {
+ processedPaths[destId] = paths[destId].filter(x => {
+ if (x.bounceback && x.ethdest) bounceBacks[x.destination.mapto.currencyid] = x;
+ return !x.mapping && !x.bounceback;
+ });
+ }
+ for (const destId in bounceBacks) {
+ if (processedPaths[destId]) {
+ processedPaths[destId].push(bounceBacks[destId])
+ } else {
+ processedPaths[destId] = [bounceBacks[destId]]
+ }
+ }
+ setConversionPaths(processedPaths)
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.warn(e);
+ createAlert("Error", "Error fetching conversion options. Try going into the wallet for the coin you want to send, and converting through the send tab.")
+ }
+ }
+ const handleCurrencySelection = (key) => {
+ if (convertCardModalMode === CONVERT_CARD_MODAL_MODES.SEND) {
+ setSelectedSourceCurrency(sourceCurrencyMap[key]);
+ } else {
+ setSelectedDestCurrencyId(key);
+ }
+ }
+ const handleNetworkSelection = (key) => {
+ try {
+ if (convertCardModalMode === CONVERT_CARD_MODAL_MODES.SEND) {
+ const networkObj = CoinDirectory.getBasicCoinObj(key);
+ setSelectedSourceNetwork(networkObj);
+ } else {
+ setSelectedDestNetworkId(key);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.warn(e)
+ }
+ }
+ const handleAddressSelection = (key) => {
+ try {
+ if (convertCardModalMode === CONVERT_CARD_MODAL_MODES.SEND) {
+ if (selectedSourceCoinObj) {
+ const subWallets = allSubWallets[selectedSourceCoinObj.id];
+ if (subWallets) {
+ const selectedWallet = subWallets.find(x => x.id === key);
+ setSelectedSourceWallet(selectedWallet);
+ setConvertCardModalVisible(false);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ setSelectedDestAddress(key);
+ setConvertCardModalVisible(false);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.warn(e)
+ }
+ }
+ const handleConverterSelection = (key) => {
+ setSelectedConverterId(key);
+ }
+ const handleSendSelectPressed = () => {
+ setSelectedSourceCoinObj(null);
+ setSelectedDestCoinObj(null);
+ setSelectedSourceWallet(null);
+ setSelectedSourceNetwork(null);
+ setSelectedSourceCurrency(null);
+ setConvertCardModalVisible(true);
+ }
+ const handleDestSelectPressed = async () => {
+ setSelectedDestCurrencyId(null);
+ setLoading(true);
+ setConvertCardModalVisible(true);
+ await fetchConversionPaths();
+ setLoading(false);
+ }
+ useEffect(() => {
+ setTotalBalances(getTotalBalances());
+ }, [allSubWallets, activeCoinsForUser, balances, displayCurrency, rates]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (selectedSourceCoinObj &&
+ selectedSourceWallet &&
+ balances[selectedSourceCoinObj.id] &&
+ balances[selectedSourceCoinObj.id][selectedSourceWallet.id]) {
+ setSourceBalance(getSourceBalance())
+ }
+ }, [selectedSourceCoinObj, selectedSourceWallet, balances])
+ useEffect(() => {
+ setSourceCurrencyMap(getSourceCurrencyMap());
+ }, [activeCoinsForUser]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ setSourceCurrencyOptionsList(getSourceCurrencyOptionsList());
+ }, [sourceCurrencyMap, totalBalances]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (conversionPaths != null && totalBalances != null && selectedSourceCoinObj != null) {
+ setDestCurrencyOptionsList(getDestCurrencyOptionsList());
+ }
+ }, [conversionPaths, totalBalances, selectedSourceCoinObj]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ setSourceNetworkOptionsList(getSourceNetworkOptionsList());
+ }, [selectedSourceCurrency, totalBalances]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ setDestNetworkOptionsList(getDestNetworkOptionsList());
+ }, [selectedDestCurrencyId, selectedSourceCoinObj, selectedDestCoinObj, conversionPaths]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ setDestConverterOptionsList(getDestConverterOptionsList());
+ }, [selectedDestCurrencyId, selectedSourceCoinObj, selectedDestNetworkId, conversionPaths]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ setDestAddressOptionsList(getDestAddressOptionsList());
+ }, [activeAccount, allSubWallets, conversionPaths, selectedConverterId, selectedDestCurrencyId, selectedSourceCoinObj, selectedDestNetworkId]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (selectedSourceCurrency && selectedSourceNetwork) {
+ const sourceCoinObj = selectedSourceCurrency.find(x => {
+ const networkProtocol = x.proto === 'erc20' ? 'eth' : x.proto;
+ return networkProtocol === selectedSourceNetwork.proto
+ });
+ setSelectedSourceCoinObj(sourceCoinObj);
+ } else setSelectedSourceCoinObj(null);
+ }, [selectedSourceCurrency, selectedSourceNetwork]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (selectedDestCurrencyId) {
+ try {
+ setSelectedDestCoinObj(CoinDirectory.findSimpleCoinObj(selectedDestCurrencyId));
+ } catch(e) {
+ setSelectedDestCoinObj(null);
+ }
+ } else setSelectedDestCoinObj(null);
+ }, [selectedDestCurrencyId]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ setSourceWalletOptionsList(getSourceWalletOptionsList());
+ }, [selectedSourceCoinObj, totalBalances]);
return (
justifyContent: 'space-between'
+ setConvertCardModalVisible(false)}
+ mode={convertCardModalMode}
+ totalBalances={totalBalances}
+ currencies={convertCardModalMode === CONVERT_CARD_MODAL_MODES.SEND ? sourceCurrencyOptionsList : destCurrencyOptionsList}
+ networks={convertCardModalMode === CONVERT_CARD_MODAL_MODES.SEND ? sourceNetworkOptionsList : destNetworkOptionsList}
+ converters={convertCardModalMode === CONVERT_CARD_MODAL_MODES.SEND ? null : destConverterOptionsList}
+ addresses={convertCardModalMode === CONVERT_CARD_MODAL_MODES.SEND ? sourceWalletOptionsList : destAddressOptionsList}
+ onSelectCurrency={(currencyId) => handleCurrencySelection(currencyId)}
+ onSelectNetwork={(networkId) => handleNetworkSelection(networkId)}
+ onSelectAddress={(addressKey) => handleAddressSelection(addressKey)}
+ onSelectConverter={(converterId) => handleConverterSelection(converterId)}
+ setVisible={setConvertCardModalVisible}
+ loading={loading}
+ />
+ setSendAmount(sourceBalance ? sourceBalance.toString() : 0)}
+ />
+ setSendAmount(sourceBalance ? sourceBalance.toString() : 0)}
+ />
+ setCardActive(false);
+ if (onSelectPressed) onSelectPressed();
+ }
return (
+ disabled={!setAmount}
{!cardActive ?
- {!cardActive ? '' : `${balance == null ? balance : '-'} ${coinObj.display_ticker}`}
+ {!cardActive ? '' : `${balance != null ? balance : '-'} ${coinObj.display_ticker}`}