RemRem-Publish is configured via Spring/Java properties that can be provided as Java properties or via a Spring file. This page will describe which configuration and properties RemRem-Publish uses.
RemRem-Publish web-server port is set by setting property "server.port":
In the example above RemRem-Publish will be started on port 8080 and accessed with address "http://hostname:8080". If RemRem-Publish is executed on same host as user accesses the RemRem-Publish service, then user can use the localhost address: "http://localhost:8080"
MessageBus(RabbitMq) connections is configured via property "rabbitmq.instances.jsonlist":
rabbitmq.instances.jsonlist=[{ "mp": "eiffelsemantics", "host": "", "port": "5672", "virtualHost": "", "username": "guest", "password": "guest", "tls": "", "exchangeName": "", "domainId": "eiffelxxx", "channelsCount": "1", "createExchangeIfNotExisting":true,"waitForConfirmsTimeOut":"5000", "tcpTimeOut": "5000" }, \
{ "mp": "eiffel3", "host": "", "port": "5672", "virtualHost": "", "username": "guest", "password": "guest", "tls": "", "exchangeName": "", "domainId": "eiffelxxx", "channelsCount": "1", "createExchangeIfNotExisting":true,"waitForConfirmsTimeOut":"5000", "tcpTimeOut": "5000" }]
"rabbitmq.instances.jsonlist" property can be configured with one or several Messagebus per Eiffel protocol/version, "mp" key in json list. Most common is that user have only one MessageBus which uses one specific Eiffel protocol version and the property should be configured with only one RabbitMq connection:
rabbitmq.instances.jsonlist=[{ "mp": "eiffelsemantics", "host": "", "port": "5672", "virtualHost": "", "username": "guest", "password": "guest", "tls": "", "exchangeName": "", "domainId": "eiffelxxx", "channelsCount": "1","createExchangeIfNotExisting":true,"waitForConfirmsTimeOut":"5000", "tcpTimeOut": "5000" }]
RemRem-Publish uses the RemRem-Generate service to generate Eiffel event contents. RemRem-Generate connection properties:
"generate.server.uri" property is the url address to the RemRem-Generate service.
"generate.server.contextpath" property is the contextpath in RemRem-Generate web server, if it's configured with any context path. If RemRem-Generate web-server is not configured with any context path, then this property can be leaved empty or set to "/".
Logging levels is configured by properties:
All available RemRem-Publish properties can be found in example file.