This library is a Qt wrapper for the Bloomberg open API.
This layer removes the need for magic strings that are often poorly documented, takes care of handling services for you and give a unique correlation (using a pair of integers) between requests and responses.
The library supports all operating systems and both 32 and 64 bits configurations.
Licensing adheres to LGPL v3. Please see the included LICENSE file
A C++11 compatible compiler will be necessary.
To build open the Qt developer console, set the BLPPATH environmental variable to the path of the Bloomberg API. For example, in Windows
SET BLPPATH=C:\blp\API\APIv3\C++API\v3.8.18.1
Now run
qmake "PREFIX=InstallDirectory"
Replacing InstallDirectory with the destination where the library will be installed and nmake with your build tool name (mingw-32-make for MinGW, etc.).
Documentation in Qt Assistant format is packed with the repository, it is also available online at
To build the documentation in other formats you'll need Doxygen. Just run it using the included doxyfile config.
The conceptual schema of how this library work is represented in the image
Please refer to the example folder for code snippets that illustarte the library in action.
This library is still under development. This is a list of what has been done, what needs to be done and what could be done.
- Implemented Functionalities
- Missing Functionalities
- Missing and Undocumented Functionalities ( these are available on the API but there is no mention of them in the docs )
- Whishlist
- Use CMake instead of qmake as build tool
- Make the library depend only on STL and possibly Boost and make Qt only optional
- Make library usable from QML
- C++/CLI overlay of the API to make it available to .Net programming languages (C#, VB.Net, etc.)
- Find a way to build reliable unit tests that do not break in time
The documentation on the Bloomberg API running underneath this library can be found on the Bloomberg Open API website