Configuring the display is done by editing VDrift.config manually, or by changing the settings in the Options -> Display and Options -> Display -> Advanced menus.
- type: integer pair
- settings: display.width, display.height
- values: depends on the file vdrift/data/lists/videomodes and the resolutions your video card makes available
Change the resolution of the game display.
See Adding video modes for how to make new video modes available to choose from.
- type: boolean
- setting: display.fullscreen
- values: on, off
Make the game take up the entire screen.
- type: boolean
- setting: display.mph
- values: on = "MPH", off = "km/h"
Change the units that speed is displayed in.
- type: boolean
- setting: display.show_fps
- values: on, off
Enable/disable the framerate counter.
- type: boolean
- setting: display.show_hud
- values: on, off
Enable/disable the heads up display.
- type: string
- setting:
- values: default "simple", the name of any directory in vdrift/data/skins/
Change the graphics and layout of the VDrift menus.
- type: boolean
- setting: display.input_graph
- values: on, off
Visualize the steering and acceleration/braking on screen.
- type: integer
- setting: display.depth
- values: 16, 32
Adjust the amount of colors available.
- type: string
- setting: display.texture_size
- values: "small", "medium", "large"
Change the size of the textures displayed.
- type: floating-point
- setting: display.view_distance
- values: any positive decimal number of meters
Change the maximum view distance.
- type: integer
- setting: display.anisotropic
- values: depends on your video card
Set anisotropic filtering level for textures.
- type: integer
- setting: display.antialiasing
- values: depends on your video card
Set the full scene antialiasing level.
- type: boolean
- setting: display.car_shadows
- values: on, off
Draw simple static shadows beneath the cars.
- type: floating-point
- setting: display.FOV
- values: any positive decimal number
Field of view angle in the vertical direction.
- type: integer
- setting:
- values: 0, 1
Set how good the lighting looks during gameplay. 0 is Low, which is totally static lighting. 1 is Medium, static cube-mapped lighting.
- type: integer
- setting: display.reflections
- values: 0, 1, 2
Set how good the reflections look during gameplay. 0 is Low, static sphere-mapped reflections. 1 is Medium, static cube-mapped reflections, and 2 is High, dynamic cube-mapped reflections.