This project provides a command-line interface (CLI) for a small RGB minting service based on the RGB protocol. It is designed to facilitate the creation and the transfer of RGB20 and RGB121 assets on the Bitcoin regtest network.
The service accepts a definition of the assets and a blinded UTXO. The newly minted assets ownership is then transferred to the owner of the specified UTXO.
For more in-depth information about the RGB protocol, please visit the official RGB website.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your local machine:
- Rust: Use rustup to manage your Rust installation.
- Docker: Follow the official installation guide.
- Docker Compose: The instructions can be found on the official documentation page.
To try the service by minting RGB121 assets execute:
cargo run mint-rgb121 "Test" "Test description" 1 "sample.png" "txob1y3w8h9n4v4tkn37uj55dvqyuhvftrr2cxecp4pzkhjxjc4zcfxtsmdt2vf"
To try the service minting RGB20 assets execute:
cargo run mint-rgb20 "Test" "TST" 100 "txob1y3w8h9n4v4tkn37uj55dvqyuhvftrr2cxecp4pzkhjxjc4zcfxtsmdt2vf"
For help execute:
cargo run help
cargo run mint-rgb121 --help
cargo run mint-rgb20 --help