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Extension API

Uwe Trottmann edited this page Sep 23, 2016 · 33 revisions

Learn how to build extensions for SeriesGuide.

If enabled in SeriesGuide, an extension can provide an action button shown below an episode or movie.

The button might link to external content (app deep-link, web page, ...) or trigger an action in another app (play, record, ...). Or it can just display some status information (e.g. "downloaded"). Have a look at the available extensions on Google Play.

Get started

  1. If your Android project is built with Gradle or Maven, add the following dependency:
    For everyone else, the API jar is available on Maven Central.
  2. Create a new class that extends SeriesGuideExtension and implements at least one of the onRequest methods.
  3. Add the required tags to your AndroidManifest.xml file. Read the class documentation of SeriesGuideExtension for details.

Install your extension side-by-side with SeriesGuide. You should be able to add it from the extension customization screen. The activity of this screen, ExtensionsConfigurationActivity, is also exported so you can directly start it if you want to direct users to it.

Sample extension

A sample extension Android project for Android Studio is available.

API Reference

Take a look at the API reference documentation for additional details, for example to add a configuration screen.

Change log

1.3.0 (2016-09-22, supported as of SeriesGuide 33-beta1)

  • Add show release date to Episode. Formatted as an ISO string, for example: 2016-09-22T02:00:00.000Z.
  • Support for movies. Added Movie and an additonal onRequest method specific for movie actions. Extensions can choose if to implement episode or movie actions, or both.

1.2.0 (2015-07-13, supported as of SeriesGuide 24-beta3)

1.1.1 (2014-08-21)

  • Updated Intents helper class to create intents that do not create new tasks.

1.1.0 (2014-04-02)

  • Create Intents class to create intents for viewing shows or episodes with SeriesGuide.

1.0.1 (2014-03-26)

  • Initial release. Extensions can provide actions for episodes.
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