Now you get to make some changes. The website has "cards" to display some information for each cohort. Each person will be assigned a cohort number and will only make changes to that "card".
Open Terminal and navigate to your project folder. Make sure to checkout the branch you created earlier and check status - this is important.
%git checkout <yourBranch>
While in Terminal open VS code by entering the following command:
%code .
VS Code will open in the corresponding folder. If this command does not launch VS Code for you, please follow these instructions to configure this shortcut from Terminal.
In order to preview your work in your browser, use Live Server. This is a VS code feature that will show a "live" version of the website and will update when you make changes in the html. To access the Live Server, right click on the <>home.html
file and select "Open with Live Server" from the pop up menu.
The webpage will open in your browser and should look like this:
Each person will be assigned a cohort card number. You can find your assigned Cohort number in the the HTML under "title"
<p class="title">COHORT 1</p>
<div class="column">
<div class="card">
<img src="images/SamplePic.jpg" alt="Cohort1">
<div class="container">
<h2>Your Name</h2>
<p class="title">COHORT 1</p>
<p>Some text that describes me lorem ipsum ipsum lorem.</p>
<p>[email protected]</p>
<p><button class="button">Contact</button></p>
You will update the following:
- Upload your picture to the image folder (shoulder and up). We can take the picture here. The image file name will be
. So the image for cohort 1 will becohort1.jpg
. In order to make the image square you can use the following website: - Change the
img src=
to point to the image you uploaded - In the
<h2>Your Name
, enter your First and Last Name - In the
<p>Some text...
, enter a short sentence that describes something about you (i.e.: a hobby, that you are a Tech Participant at NFAR, etc.) - in the
<p> [email protected]
, [email protected] email address
Review your work as you are making changes. Save changes and refresh the browser to see your changes. Once you are satisfied with your changes you can submit for it to get merged with the main repository.
Once you are ready to merge your branch changes with the main repository, you will need to stage, commit, and push to the remote repository.
Stage your files:
%git add home.html
%git add images/<cohort#.jpg>
Commit your files:
%git commit –m “changes to card "#" ”
Push your branch changes to the remote repository:
%git push
Go to the website project repository in GitHub. While in GitHub, click on "branches":
Make sure your remote branch is updated with the changes you pushed.
You are now ready to submit a pull request.