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Can not install Forked DAAPD addon #26

gieljnssns opened this issue May 15, 2021 · 16 comments

Can not install Forked DAAPD addon #26

gieljnssns opened this issue May 15, 2021 · 16 comments


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De installatie van de invoegtoepassing is mislukt
The command '/bin/bash -o pipefail -c sed -i -e 's/\(uid.*=.*\)/uid = "root"/g' forked-daapd.conf && sed -i s#"ipv6 = yes"#"ipv6 = no"#g forked-daapd.conf && sed -i s#/srv/music#/share/forked-daapd/music#g forked-daapd.conf && sed -i s#/usr/local/var/cache/forked-daapd/songs3.db#/share/forked-daapd/cache/songs3.db#g forked-daapd.conf && sed -i s#/usr/local/var/cache/forked-daapd/cache.db#/share/forked-daapd/cache/cache.db#g forked-daapd.conf && sed -i s#/usr/local/var/log/forked-daapd.log#/dev/stdout#g forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/websocket_port\ =/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/trusted_networks\ =/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/pipe_autostart\ =/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/db_path\ =/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/cache_path\ =/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/airplay_shared/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/control_port\ =/ s/#/ /" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/timing_port\ =/ s/#/ /" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/timing_port/{N;s/\n#/\n/}" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "s/\(control_port =\).*/\1 3690/" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "s/\(timing_port =\).*/\1 3691/" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/type\ =/ s/#/ /" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i 's/\(type =\).*/\1 "pulseaudio"/' forked-daapd.conf' returned a non-zero code: 2
## System Health

version | core-2021.5.4
-- | --
installation_type | Home Assistant OS
dev | false
hassio | true
docker | true
virtualenv | false
python_version | 3.8.9
os_name | Linux
os_version | 5.4.109
arch | x86_64
timezone | Europe/Brussels

<details><summary>Home Assistant Community Store</summary>

GitHub API | ok
-- | --
Github API Calls Remaining | 4568
Installed Version | 1.12.3
Stage | running
Available Repositories | 900
Installed Repositories | 30


<details><summary>Home Assistant Supervisor</summary>

host_os | Home Assistant OS 5.13
-- | --
update_channel | beta
supervisor_version | supervisor-2021.04.3
docker_version | 19.03.15
disk_total | 457.7 GB
disk_used | 67.6 GB
healthy | true
supported | true
board | intel-nuc
supervisor_api | ok
version_api | ok
installed_addons | Samba share (9.3.1), AdGuard Home (4.0.0), AppDaemon 4 (0.6.0), Caddy (1.6), Check Home Assistant configuration (3.7.1), Duck DNS (1.12.5), ESPHome (1.17.2), Mosquitto broker (5.1.1), Visual Studio Code (3.3.1), WireGuard (0.5.1), MariaDB (2.3.0), Samba Backup (4.5.0), InfluxDB (4.0.6), Grafana (6.3.4), Frigate NVR (1.13), SSH & Web Terminal (8.2.1), Metabase (0.2.1)



dashboards | 2
-- | --
resources | 17
views | 16
mode | storage

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Ulrar commented May 15, 2021


That's very strange. Any chance you could grab that forked-daapd.conf file from the container during the build maybe ? I just tried running that command against the default file and I didn't get any errors, but maybe they changed something recently.

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How can I do that?

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REDDE4D commented Jun 5, 2021

Hi, i am facing a similar problem:

Logger: homeassistant.components.hassio
Source: components/hassio/
Integration: Home Assistant Supervisor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 21:20:32 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 21:26:32

Failed to to call /addons/e4ac757a_forked-daapd/install - The command '/bin/bash -o pipefail -c sed -i -e 's/\(uid.*=.*\)/uid = "root"/g' forked-daapd.conf && sed -i s#"ipv6 = yes"#"ipv6 = no"#g forked-daapd.conf && sed -i s#/srv/music#/share/forked-daapd/music#g forked-daapd.conf && sed -i s#/usr/local/var/cache/forked-daapd/songs3.db#/share/forked-daapd/cache/songs3.db#g forked-daapd.conf && sed -i s#/usr/local/var/cache/forked-daapd/cache.db#/share/forked-daapd/cache/cache.db#g forked-daapd.conf && sed -i s#/usr/local/var/log/forked-daapd.log#/dev/stdout#g forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/websocket_port\ =/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/trusted_networks\ =/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/pipe_autostart\ =/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/db_path\ =/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/cache_path\ =/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/airplay_shared/ s/# *//" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/control_port\ =/ s/#/ /" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/timing_port\ =/ s/#/ /" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/timing_port/{N;s/\n#/\n/}" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "s/\(control_port =\).*/\1 3690/" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "s/\(timing_port =\).*/\1 3691/" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i "/type\ =/ s/#/ /" forked-daapd.conf && sed -i 's/\(type =\).*/\1 "pulseaudio"/' forked-daapd.conf' returned a non-zero code: 2
## System Health

version | core-2021.6.2
-- | --
installation_type | Home Assistant OS
dev | false
hassio | true
docker | true
virtualenv | false
python_version | 3.8.9
os_name | Linux
os_version | 5.4.83-v7l
arch | armv7l
timezone | Europe/Berlin

<details><summary>Home Assistant Community Store</summary>

GitHub API | ok
-- | --
Github API Calls Remaining | 4895
Installed Version | 1.12.4
Stage | running
Available Repositories | 822
Installed Repositories | 5


<details><summary>Home Assistant Cloud</summary>

logged_in | true
-- | --
subscription_expiration | 6. Juli 2021, 2:00
relayer_connected | true
remote_enabled | true
remote_connected | true
alexa_enabled | true
google_enabled | true
can_reach_cert_server | ok
can_reach_cloud_auth | ok
can_reach_cloud | ok


<details><summary>Home Assistant Supervisor</summary>

host_os | Home Assistant OS 5.13
-- | --
update_channel | stable
supervisor_version | supervisor-2021.05.4
docker_version | 19.03.15
disk_total | 58.0 GB
disk_used | 4.1 GB
healthy | true
supported | true
board | rpi4
supervisor_api | ok
version_api | ok
installed_addons | AirCast (3.1.0), Mosquitto broker (5.1.1), TasmoAdmin (0.15.0), Node-RED (9.1.3), Let's Encrypt (4.11.0), Terminal & SSH (9.1.3), File editor (5.3.1), FTP (4.1.0)



dashboards | 2
-- | --
resources | 3
views | 3
mode | storage


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mrachm commented Jul 15, 2021

Same Problem here:

System Health

version core-2021.7.2
installation_type Home Assistant OS
dev false
hassio true
docker true
virtualenv false
python_version 3.9.5
os_name Linux
os_version 5.10.17-v8
arch aarch64
timezone Europe/Berlin
Home Assistant Community Store
GitHub API ok
Github API Calls Remaining 4905
Installed Version 1.13.2
Stage running
Available Repositories 847
Installed Repositories 6
Home Assistant Cloud
logged_in false
can_reach_cert_server ok
can_reach_cloud_auth ok
can_reach_cloud ok
Home Assistant Supervisor
host_os Home Assistant OS 6.1
update_channel stable
supervisor_version supervisor-2021.06.8
docker_version 20.10.6
disk_total 28.6 GB
disk_used 8.6 GB
healthy true
supported true
board rpi4-64
supervisor_api ok
version_api ok
installed_addons Mosquitto broker (6.0.1), Visual Studio Code (3.4.1), Samba share (9.5.1), File editor (5.3.2), Terminal & SSH (9.1.3), Node-RED (9.1.4), Home Assistant Google Drive Backup (0.104.3), Spotify Connect (0.9.0), Zigbee2mqtt (1.20.0-1), RPC Shutdown (2.2), AdGuard Home (4.1.6)
dashboards 1
resources 1
views 4
mode storage
api_endpoint_reachable ok

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Same problem here as well.

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ddollar commented Aug 26, 2021

I'm still seeing this issue. Any pointers on where we can look?

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ddollar commented Aug 26, 2021

FWIW I get this same error if I just git clone this repository and try to run docker build . from inside the forked-daapd directory.

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ddollar commented Aug 27, 2021

Did a bit more digging and this appears to be a result of forked-daapd renaming to owntone

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Ulrar commented Aug 27, 2021

Hey, yeah there's probably been a lot of changes. Since I don't use this anymore I can't do much about it sorry, if someone wants to take over I'm happy to link to their repo but apart from that I'm just going to archive this I think, sorry.

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ChipWolf commented Nov 29, 2021

Hey, yeah there's probably been a lot of changes. Since I don't use this anymore I can't do much about it sorry, if someone wants to take over I'm happy to link to their repo but apart from that I'm just going to archive this I think, sorry.

@theocoutu your fork looks like the most up to date, I couldn't convince it to work though (expired cert on repo)

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ChipWolf commented Nov 30, 2021

My fork is working for amd64 if anyone's interested (caveat is you have to start the dbus/avahi-damon services in the container manually)

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I'm interested but when I add
I get

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I think you have to change

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ChipWolf commented Nov 30, 2021

I think you have to change repository.json

That's fine, and it's not important, just cosmetic ;) It's not my upstream repo at the end of the day and I don't really intend to maintain it (yet)

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gieljnssns commented Dec 1, 2021

When installing your addon as a local addon

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] executing... 
 Add-on: Forked DAAPD
 Linux/FreeBSD DAAP (iTunes) and MPD media server with support for AirPlay devices (multiroom), Apple Remote (and compatibles), Chromecast, Spotify and internet radio.
 Add-on version: dev
 There is an update available for this add-on!
 Latest add-on version: null
 Please consider upgrading as soon as possible.
parse error: Expected string key before ':' at line 1, column 4
[17:25:16] ERROR: Unknown HTTP error occured
 System:   (amd64 / generic-x86-64)
 Home Assistant Core: 2021.11.5
 Home Assistant Supervisor: 2021.10.8
 Please, share the above information when looking for help
 or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums or the Discord chat.
[cont-init.d] exited 0.
[cont-init.d] executing... 
[cont-init.d] exited 0.
[cont-init.d] executing... 
[cont-init.d] exited 0.
[cont-init.d] executing... 
[cont-init.d] exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
[17:25:16] INFO: Starting the owntone Server...
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: OwnTone version 28.2 taking off
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: Built with:
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: OwnTone version 28.2 taking off
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: Built with:
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - ffmpeg
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - Spotify
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - librespot-c
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - LastFM
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - ffmpeg
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - Spotify
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - librespot-c
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - Chromecast
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - LastFM
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - MPD
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - Websockets
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - ALSA
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - Pulseaudio
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - Webinterface
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - Regex
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - Chromecast
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - MPD
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - Websockets
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - ALSA
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - Pulseaudio
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: mDNS init
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - Webinterface
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: - Regex
[2021-12-01 17:25:16] [  LOG]     main: mDNS init
owntone: client.c:791: avahi_client_errno: Assertion `client' failed.
[17:25:17] INFO: Starting the owntone Server...
[2021-12-01 17:25:17] [  LOG]     main: OwnTone version 28.2 taking off

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ChipWolf commented Dec 1, 2021

My fork is working for amd64 if anyone's interested (caveat is you have to start the dbus/avahi-damon services in the container manually)

@gieljnssns carefully read the comment

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