This file originally listed all non-trivial changes to Beautiful Jekyll, and now serves to list changes for the usrse site.
Changelogs usually describe significant changes that future developers might want to know about. In the case of a website, these are far fewer than for a software repository. Examples of changes to include here might be adding an entire new section, re-organizing or restyling, or anything that changes a state to something different. Changes that aren't necessary to add are small bug fixes, content tweaks, etc.
There isn't a definitive rule, and it comes down to the intuition of a contributor, and reviewers that are discussing the change. If you or your reviewers think that a change warrants adding a line to the log, you should add it.
2019-09-27 Adding Code of Conduct (@cosden)
2019-09-06 Adding pull request template and (@vsoch)
2019-07-25 Adjusting name to US Research Software Engineer Association (@vsoch)
2019-06-13 Removing Gemfile.lock (@vsoch)
2019-06-11 Adding lunr.js search to site (@vsoch)
2019-05-18 Reorganizing pages, adding testing, jobs listing by @vsoch
2018-12-24 Add support for Staticman comments (#440) (thanks @VincentTam)
2018-10-19 Move Google Analytics to the head (#419) (thanks @jpvicari)
2018-06-08 Add support for Facebook comments (#350) (thanks @npes87184)
2018-02-22 Automatically generate sitemap (#323) (thanks @JosemyDuarte)
2018-01-18 Add clickable tags to each post and a tags index page, works for GitHub sites (#307) (thanks @OCram85)
2018-01-14 Redo Dockerfile (#302) (thanks @jennydaman)
2018-01-06 More color personalization options (#297 and #299) (thanks @jennydaman)
2018-01-05 Abstract the social networks logic (thanks @OCram85)
2018-01-03 Avatar image no longer causes a ghost click (thanks @alefi87)
2017-10-16 Add GitHub buttons to posts (#265) (thanks @yonicd)
2017-09-04 Ability to change colour/image of navbar/footer/body
2017-08-17 Add support for notification, error, and warning boxes in markdown (#227) (thanks @OCram85)
2017-08-12 Add social buttons for twitch, yelp, and steam (#234) (thanks @TheRealBenForce)
2017-03-30 Make the footer contact links friendly for screen readers (thanks @eugenius1)
2017-03-30 Started a CHANGELOG file (thanks @eugenius1)
2017-01-28 Add Subresource Integrity (SRI) support (#164) (thanks @tony-ho)
2017-01-09 Add Google Tag Manager Integration (#157) (thanks @csarigoz)
2017-01-06 Add options to configure HTML document title (#154) (thanks @tony-ho)
2016-12-25 Allow dynamic images on each blog post (#143) (thanks @bbritten)
2016-12-15 Support title-img
config param to have image in the navbar instead of text
2016-12-08 Add support for phone numbers in footer; fix #136
2016-12-06 Update gemfile (#134) (thanks @stephentuso)
2016-10-09 Add Docker deployment (#114) (thanks @mangar)
2016-08-06 Add social share buttons for posts (thanks @rtlee9)
2016-07-29 Add CSS styling to code chunks
2016-07-27 Add clickable tags that lead to a tag page (doesn't work for GitHub hosted sites) (thanks @epwalsh)
2016-07-21 Add support for twitter cards (sharing on Twitter will be better); fixes #70
2016-03-18 Support full-width images in page headers; fixes #37
2016-03-18 Support menus in navigation bar
2016-02-07 Avatar is now conditional (thanks @hristoyankov)
2016-02-02 Migrate (forced to...) to jekyll 3
2016-01-22 Make sure not to include JQuery twice, fixes #29
2015-11-19 Support external links in navigation bar; fixes #3
... Many small changes because the site was in its infancy
2015-03-12 Beautiful Jekyll version 0.0000001 is released!