It is possible to use a Julia environment in the CARC Jupyter Hub. To get Julia to appear as a Jupyter Notebook option, you must install the IJulia package to your home directory using a terminal. Follow the setup steps below to install the package. Once the package is installed, you will not need to repeat the setup steps.
First you must load the julia module. To see a list of available julia versions enter module spider julia
$> module load julia
Next, start an interactive Julia session:
$> julia
Enter two commands into Julia to download the IJulia package and build it:
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("IJulia")
Exit Julia:
julia> exit()
Julia should now appear as an option in JupyterHub.
- Start a JupyterHub job.
- In the upper right portion of the screen, click on the 'new' drop-down menu.
- Select the Julia option.