You will need to set Intellij to use your Java 11 SDK installation:
If Intellij is giving project errors related to not being able to find maven dependencies, the following steps may help:
- Right click on the pom.xml file for the project and go to Maven > Reload Project
- Perform a
mvn clean install -DskipTests
in the box-c project, then in intellij go to File > Invalidate Caches, and restart intellij.
Preferences > Editor > Code Style > Java
Click the gear menu next to the "Scheme" input box, and select "Import Scheme" > "Intellij IDEA code style XML".
Then navigate to and select box-c/etc/ide_setup/boxc_code_profile.xml
A version of Eclipse with m2e is required
In order to run tests in Eclipse, you will need to set an environment variable. Go to Preferences > Java > Installed JREs. Select your JRE and click Edit, then type ```-Dfcrepo.baseUri=```` in the Default VM Arguments box in the Default VM Arguments box