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Sial is not case sensitive, except for string literals. EOLs are significant white space.
Sial ::= EOLsopt ImportProgList Program
Program ::= sial Ident EOLs DecList StatementList endsial Ident EOLsopt
EOLsopt ::= %empty | EOLs
ImportProgList ::= %empty | ImportProgList ImportProg
ImportProg ::= import STRINGLIT EOLs --use STRINGLIT for case sensitive file name, should have .sialx suffix
Modifiersopt$$Modifier ::= %Empty | Modifiers
Modifiers ::= Modifier | Modifiers Modifier
Modifier ::= 'predefined' | 'contiguous' | 'sparse'
DecList ::= %empty | DecList Dec EOLs
Dec ::= ScalarDec | ArrayDec | IndexDec | SubIndexDec | IntDec | ProcDec | SpecialDec
ScalarDec ::= Modifiersopt scalar Ident ScalarInitializationOpt
ScalarInitializationOpt ::= %empty | '=' DOUBLELIT
IntDec ::= Modifiersopt int Ident IntInitializationOpt
IntInitializationOpt$IntInitialValue ::= %empty | '=' INTLIT
ArrayDec ::= Modifiersopt ArrayKind Ident '[' DimensionList ']'
ArrayKind$ArrayKind ::= static | temp | local | distributed | served
DimensionList ::= Dimension | DimensionList ',' Dimensio
Dimension ::= Ident
IndexDec ::= Modifiersopt IndexKind Ident = Range
IndexKind ::= aoindex | moindex | moaindex | mobindex | index | laindex
SubIndexDec ::= subindex Ident of Ident
Range ::= RangeVal ':' RangeVal
RangeVal ::= INTLIT | '-'$ INTLIT | Ident
ProcDec ::= proc Ident EOLs StatementList endproc Ident
SpecialDec ::= special Ident IdentOpt
--the Signature isn't really an ident, but is a list made up of r (read) w(write) u(update) indicating the intent of each argument. There must be exactly one intent for each argument
IdentOpt ::= Ident | %empty
StatementList ::= %empty | StatementList Statement EOLs
WhereClause ::= where RelationalExpression
WhereClauseList ::= %empty | WhereClauseList WhereClause EOLs
Statement ::= call Ident
Statement ::= return
Statement ::= stop
Statement ::= server_barrier
Statement ::= sip_barrier
Statement ::= do Ident EOLs WhereClauseList StatementList enddo Ident
Statement ::= do Ident in Ident EOLs WhereClauseList StatementList enddo Ident in Ident
Statement ::= pardo Indices EOLs WhereClauseList StatementList endpardo Indices
Statement ::= section EOLs StatementList endsection
Statement ::= exit
Statement ::= cycle Ident
Statement ::= if RelationalExpression EOLs StatementList endif
Statement ::= if RelationalExpression EOLs StatementList else EOLs StatementList endif
Statement ::= allocate Ident AllocIndexListopt
Statement ::= deallocate Ident AllocIndexListopt
AllocIndex ::= Ident | '*'
AllocIndexList ::= AllocIndex | AllocIndexList ',' $ AllocIndex
AllocIndexListopt ::= %empty | '[' AllocIndexList ']'
Statement ::= allocate contiguous Ident '[' ContiguousIndexRangeExprList ']'
Statement ::= deallocate contiguous Ident '[' ContiguousIndexRangeExprList ']'
ContiguousIndexRangeExpr ::= Expression ':' Expression
ContiguousIndexRangeExprList ::= ContiguousIndexRangeExpr | ContiguousIndexRangeExprList ',' ContiguousIndexRangeExpr
Statement ::= create Ident
Statement ::= delete Ident
Statement ::= put DataBlock AssignOp DataBlock
Statement ::= get DataBlock
Statement ::= prepare DataBlock AssignOp DataBlock
Statement ::= request DataBlock
Statement ::= collective Ident AssignOp Expression
Statement::= destroy Ident
Statement ::= print$ Expression
Statement ::= println Expression
Arg ::= ContiguousDataBlock | DataBlock | IDENTIFIER | DOUBLELIT | INTLIT
ArgList ::= %empty | ArgList Arg
Statement ::= execute Ident ArgList
Statement ::= Ident AssignOp Expression
Statement ::= DataBlock AssignOp Expression
Statement ::= ContiguousDataBlock AssignOp Expression
Statement ::= gpu_on EOLs StatementList gpu_off
Statement ::= gpu_allocate Arg
Statement ::= gpu_free Arg
Statement ::= gpu_put Arg
Statement ::= gpu_get Arg
Statement ::= set_persistent Ident StringLiteral
Statement ::= restore_persistent Ident StringLiteral
Statement ::= assert_same Ident
Statement ::= broadcast_from Primary Ident
AssignOp ::= '=' | '+=' | '-=' | '*='
DataBlock ::= Ident '[' Indices ']'
Indices ::= Ident | Indices ',' Ident
ContiguousDataBlock ::= Ident '[' ContiguousIndexRangeExprList ']'
RelOp ::= '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | '==' | '!='
RelationalExpression ::= Expression RelOp Expression
Expression ::= Term | Expression '+' Term | Expression '-' Term
Term ::= ExponentExpression |= Term '*' ExponentExpression | Term '/' ExponentExpression | Term '^' ExponentExpression
ExponentExpression ::= CastExpression | ExponentExpression '**' CastExpression
CastExpression ::= UnaryExpression | '(' int ')' CastExpression | '(' scalar ')' CastExpression
UnaryExpression ::= Primary
UnaryExpression ::= '-' Primary | 'sqrt' Primary
Primary ::= '(' Expression ')'
Primary ::= INTLIT | DOUBLELIT | Ident | DataBlock | ContiguousDataBlock | StringLiteral
StringLiteral ::= STRINGLIT