This is the starter code for the changes to the tokenizer for a lab on recursive descent parsing.
See for more explanation.
The pom.xml
file allows you to use Maven (mvn
) rather than ant.
The main advantage for this project is the addition of test coverage measurement via jacoco
To do this ... | type this... | Notes |
compile | mvn compile |
clean up | mvn clean |
test | mvn test |
build an executable jar | mvn package |
Builds a jar in target/cs56Parser-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar |
generate javadoc | mvn javadoc:javadoc |
Javadoc goes into target/site/javadoc |
generate a test coverage report | mvn jacoco:report |
Report goes into target/site/jacoco |
run | see below | You first generate a jar, then you run the jar |
mvn package
java -jar target/cs56Parser-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
To check test coverage:
mvn test
mvn jacoco:report
Then, in a web broswer, open up the file ./target/site/jacoco/index.html
On CSIL, you can use this command if you are in the root directory of the repo. If you get X11 DISPLAY
errors, be sure you use ssh -X
(Mac/Linux) or MobaXTerm (Windows).
firefox file://`pwd`/target/site/jacoco/index.html
On Mac, you can just type the following to open the file in your default web browser:
open target/site/jacoco/index.html