A low intrusive, configurable android library that converts layout XML files into Java code to improve performance.
Compared with inflate, it can reduce 40% + loading time, which increases with the increase of layout complexity. See demo for details.
Gradle 3.5.0 above
Component | Attr | Component | Attr | Component | Attr |
View | almost | TextView | almost | EditText | almost |
Button | almost | ImageView | almost | Button | almost |
CheckBox | almost | ImageButton | almost | ImageView | almost |
SeekBar | almost | RatingBar | almost | Spinner | almost |
Switch | almost | tableLayout | almost | TableRow | almost |
ViewStub | almost | ScrollView | almost | HorizontalScrollView | almost |
ProgressBar | almost | SurfaceView | almost | RadioGroup | almost |
RadioButton | almost | LinearLayout | almost | RelativeLayout | almost |
FrameLayout | almost | TextureView | almost | WebView | almost |
ListView | almost | GridLayout | almost | ExpandableListView | almost |
ViewFlipper | almost | ViewSwitcher | almost | TextSwitcher | almost |
VideoView | almost | ||||
include | almost | merge | almost | DataBinding | almost |
custom style | almost | system style | none | layout multi type | almost |
Component | Attr | Component | Attr | Component | Attr |
AppBarLayout | almost | CardView | almost | CollapsingToolbarLayout | almost |
ConstraintLayout | almost | Group | almost | Guideline | almost |
Placeholder | almost | Barrier | almost | MotionLayout | almost |
CoordinatorLayout | almost | DrawerLayout | almost | RecyclerView | almost |
NestedScrollView | almost | TabLayout | almost | TabItem | almost |
Toolbar | almost | ViewPager | almost | Fragment | almost |
Component | Attr | Component | Attr | Component | Attr |
Lottie | almost |
The newest version code is 1.0.3,check Releases to get newest version info
buildscript {
ext.qxml_version = "1.0.3"
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "io.github.duduhuang88:gradle-plugin:$qxml_version"
// after apply plugin: 'com.android.application' or 'com.android.library'
apply plugin: 'com.qxml.code.plugin'
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
dependencies {
kapt "io.github.duduhuang88:qxml-processor:$qxml_version"
annotationProcessor "io.github.duduhuang88:qxml-processor:$qxml_version"
implementation "io.github.duduhuang88:qxml-support:$qxml_version"
implementation "io.github.duduhuang88:qxml-androidx:$qxml_version"
keep resource ID unchanged can optimize cache usage
android {
sourceSets {
main {
resources.srcDirs += "build/qxml/tempRes"
//Optional setting, keep resource ID unchanged can optimize cache usage
aaptOptions {
File publicTxtFile = new File(buildDir, "qxml/public.txt")
if (publicTxtFile.exists()) {
additionalParameters "--stable-ids", "${publicTxtFile.absolutePath}"
qxml {
enable true //qxml enable option
useFactory false //whether or not to use the factory of the layoutinflate, there is a loss of performance when it is turned on
viewDebug false //show flag on converted view
logEnable true //log option
compatMode com.qxml.CompatMode.AUTO //compat mode
acceptReferenceStyle true //whether to accept style reference, only a few references are supported
useCreateViewListener true //using createViewListener
//default config above
buildType {
debug { //the default option will be used for values that are not set
viewDebug true
release {
viewDebug false
Attr can be used in the root node of layout xml:
: genIgnore(ignore) genWithUnImplementAttr(generate all the time) genWithoutUnImplementAttr(generate when all attr implement)
: use Layoutinflater factory
:display view debug flag
:never(do not use compat) auto(auto chose) force(force use)
Note: The configuration takes effect for all views under the root node, and the priority is higher than that in gradle
After the build, there is a simple result chart in build/qxml/report.html
no need
2. Increase the build time and increase linearly according to the number of layouts, after first time, the build will use cache
3. Increase the raw size of APK. When there are 52 layout files in the demo, the size of release APK increases by about 38K. The option of repackaging and removing converted layout files may be added later
4. The extension of view needs to use fully qualified class names, which may be improved in the future
Copyright 2021 duduhuang88
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.