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This project uses Python ROS2 to fuse the SICK LiDAR with a camera. It runs object detection using the camera images and get the depth of detected objects using LiDAR pointcloud.



  • Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04 (Earlier versions may also work but not tested)
  • ROS2 Humble or Iron (Other ROS2 releases should also work but not tested)
  • ultralytics (For running YOLOv8)
  • If using Luxonis's OAK cameras
    • depthai
    • blobconverter (If wants to run YOLO model on OAK camera's computer)
    • NOTE: If not using OAK cameras please comment out the import statements for depthai and blobconverter


# clone the repo
cd sick_lidar_fusion_project
sudo apt-get install python3-rosdep
sudo rosdep init
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build
source install/setup.bash

Run Fusion

Launch the SICK LiDAR and make sure it is publishing the /cloud_unstructured_fullframe topic.

# cd into sick_lidar_fusion_project
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run sick_lidar_fusion fusion_node

Once it runs, it will publish the fused result image in the /camera/fused_img topic. You can also adjust the config for show_fusion_result_opencv to make it True if you want it to display the fused result using cv2.imshow.


There are config variables as global variables in src/cam_lidar_fusion/cam_lidar_fusion/

Please pay attention to "LiDAR and Camera Coordinate Frames Config," "YOLO Model Config," and "Camera Config" as they likely need to be changed.

LiDAR and Camera Coordinate Frames Config

R: (3,3) np array rotation matrix from lidar to camera

T: (3,) np array lidar frame's position seen from the camera's frame

Features Config

camera_type: str choose between WEBCAM and OAK_LR. WEBCAM really means any camera that can be opened by OpenCV's VideoCapture function. OAK_LR is Luxonis's OAK-D Long Range camera, which is what's being used in our project for SICK's 10K Challenge 2024.

show_lidar_projections: bool whether or not to draw lidar points on the output image

lidar_projections_size: int radius of the lidar points on the image

use_ROS_camera_topic: bool use ROS subscriber to get camera images

img_topic_name: str the topic name of the image we want to subscribe to

show_fusion_result_opencv: bool use cv2.imshow to show the fusion result

run_yolo_on_camera: bool ONLY FOR OAK CAMERAS, run the YOLO detection model on camera or not

record_video: bool whether record a video or not

video_file_name: str (.avi) name of the video being recorded

YOLO Model Config

yolo_model_path: str the path to the .pt YOLOv8 trained model file

yolo_config: str ONLY FOR RUNNING YOLO MODEL ON OAK CAMERAS, the path to the .json YOLOv8 trained model file

yolo_model: str ONLY FOR RUNNING YOLO MODEL ON OAK CAMERAS, the path to the .blob YOLOv8 trained model file

Camera Config

K: (3,3) np array the camera's intrinsic matrix

img_size: array-like size (# rows, # columns) of the camera output image

YOLO Model Training

See here for detailed instruction on how to train a YOLOv8 object detection model and how to convert the .pt model to blob model if you want to run the YOLO model on an OAK camera.

  • Please put the trained .pt YOLOv8 model in the src/cam_lidar_fusion/model folder.
  • If you want to run YOLOv8 models on OAK cameras, please follow the instructions provided in the link above to convert the .pt file. Extract the result and put everything into the src/cam_lidar_fusion/blob_model folder. NOTE: We switched to 320x320 size instead of the 640x640 as shown in the link to reduce computation time of the YOLO model.

Other scripts in cam_lidar_fusion

  • Computes the K matrix for WEBCAM type camera. Will print the K matrix and the img_size in the console.
  • Before running, please print the camera calibration grid in src/cam_lidar_fusion/calibration_resources/pattern.png.
  • To run, cd into its directory and python3 or run it in an IDE.
  • Capture the grid using the camera and move the grid or the camera slowly.
  • Press 'q' after a couple of seconds to finish recording the pictures for calibration.
  • It will print the K matrix and the img_size. These values need to be put into the if statement for self.camera_type == <the_corresponding_camera_type>.
    • If want to open camera using the cv2.VideoCapture(0) function, put the values in WEBCAM camera_type if statement.
    • If want to subscribe to camera images in a ROS2 topic, put the values in ROS camera_type if statement, and make sure to adjust the config for the topic name.

  • Works the same way as but for OAK cameras.
  • Can choose to set img_size to get K for that size
    • useful when we want to run YOLO on camera, where the output image size is currently forced to equal to the YOLO model's input img size.
    • to set custom image size, set use_custom_img_size to True and set the custom_img_size to desired value

Future Improvements

  • Add launch file and save config variables as param files
  • Add calibration methods to compute the frame transformation R and T from LiDAR to Camera.


Camera + LiDAR fusion project for the SICK 10K Challenge 2024







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