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File metadata and controls

325 lines (273 loc) · 16.8 KB

Product structure

Tranzakt is intended to be delivered in the following forms:

  • Tranzakt Developer - the full Tranzakt environment, capable of developing and running Tranzakt apps.
  • Tranzakt Runtime - a runtime environment which can execute pre-developed Tranzakt apps but does not have any ability to develop or modify those apps. The intention here is to enable the metadata for an app developed with Tranzakt developer to be exported from Tranzakt Developer and then imported into Tranzakt Runtime.
  • Tranzakt Compiler - a possible future enhancement allowing the metadata to be compiled into faster, native php code which makes direct calls to Tranzakt Runtime. This could either run through the command line, or on a JIT basis by tracking changes to Metadata. The functionality could either be integrated into Tranzakt Runtime, or if revenue is needed to fund ongoing support and development, then instead it could be sold as a chargeable additional package.

Similarly we may want to use something like Svelte to compile the web components and improve the browser performance.

Directory structure

The directory structure below has been defined to hold Tranzakt code and perhaps some files generated by user developed Tranzakt apps - though most of the apps will be held dynamically in Tranzakt metadata database tables (unless we develop a compiler to compile Tranzakt apps to Laravel php code that can be executed directly rather than run by the Tranzakt runtime interpreter).

This design separates Laravel and other external open source code from Tranzakt code and from user developed code. Wherever possible standard Laravel directory names are used to aid familiarity as defined here.

The standard Laravel directory stucture will be extended (by additional root sub-directories) to segregate files for ease of management:

  • Tranzakt Runtime
  • Tranzakt Developer
  • User developed apps
  • Tranzakt internal runtime files
  • User developed apps runtime files

A decision on whether to have e.g.

  • apps/core
  • tests/core


  • core/apps
  • core/tests

has yet to be made and will likely depend on ease of implementation.

  • userapp - Will hold static files relating to user developed Tranzakt apps including static Blade templates, media etc. with subdirectories for each user app. The reason this directory is not in storage is so that you can choose to treat it as a deployment directory or not (whereas storage is never deployed.

  • public - the root webspace directory for the webserver - holds all publicly accessible static files separate from php files which for security reasons are not directly accessible from the webserver. As per Laravel SoP, the public directory will contain subdirectories for js, css, media, uploads etc. and these will contain symbolic links to other directories holding the static files.

  • storage - In addition to normal app, framework and logs directories this will have the following subdirectories:

    • tranzakt_runtime
    • tranzakt_dev
    • userapp containing files related to user developed Tranzakt apps.

    We will try to redirect app, framework and log files to subdirectories of the above directories however standard app, framework and log directories will remain to catch any laravel files not redirected.

Design principles

  • Asynchronous initiation of API responses for later retrieval
  • Parallelism and Asynchronous execution of i/o
  • Loosely coupled architecture - use of server events and both server and browser listeners to break transactions into smaller pieces
  • Design by Contract to ensure interfaces are called correctly (using php-deal?)
  • PHP Unit testing using phpunit
  • Regression testing to ensure end-user experience using Laravel Dusk
  • Defaults hierarchy to avoid having to set e.g. security on every e.g. element
  • Element constraint / validation hierarchy - specify constraints and validations at table, element or form level.
  • Settings for logging Tranzakt activities to JS console during development either globally or for specific activities.
  • Analytics for development / production (using Laravel Telescope)
  • Runtime security
  • Admin/dev security (using Laravel Sanctum?)
  • Queue management (if we ever implement batch queuing) using Laravel Horizon
  • Support for SQL Transactions - all or nothing changes on submitting a form.
  • Support for proper foreign-key relationships in SQL.

Laravel Research Results

  • Laravel Scout for search
  • Vite (bundled with Laravel 8) for bundling JS files to reduce number of downloads
  • Mews HTMLPurifier for Laravel to avoid XSS
  • Laravel Sanctum (SPA / API authentication - for Admin pages which will be SPA)
  • Mateus Junges' Laravel-ACL for User groups
  • Spatie Laravel-Permission - roles/permissions by Model (database)?
  • Laravel UI (Vue scaffolding)
  • Inertia.js (to simplify Vue usage)
  • dillingham/soft-deletes-parent - we will use soft-deletes, so this is essential but won't install due to version string mismatch "8.37" vs "v8.37.0"
  • wulfheart/pretty_routes 0.3.0 - ditto.
  • for ERD diagramming

Note: Need to choose between installed security frameworks or something else.

Vue research results


Icon packs

** (though this may need the UI kit which needs Livewire rather than Initial)

This supports hundreds of icon packages, but has special support for:

*[email protected]/outline/ with
* with

* coreui.ui has many icons

Other resources

This is simply a list of resources that could be useful. Please feel free to add to the list when you find anything useful, and remove from the list once a Tranzakt component has been created using it or equivalent.

  • Physical Data Model for inspiration on table editor

  • Devdojo's Wave to pick and choose functionality for:

    • Authentication - Fully loaded authentication, email verification, and password reset.
    • User Profiles - Easily Customizable User Profiles.
    • User Impersonation - Login as another user to resolve an issue/bug.
    • Billing - Allow users to pay for your service.
    • Subscription Plans - Subscription plans with different features.
    • User Roles - Assign a role and permissions to a specific plan.
    • Notifications - Ready-to-use Notification System.
    • Announcements - Notify users about new features or updates.
    • Blog - Equipped with a fully-functional blog.
    • API - Ready-to-consume API for your application
    • Themes - Fully configurable themes.
    • Voyager integration

    Note: We cannot use Wave out of the box because it is not updated frequently enough, is back level. But we can use it as inspiration.

  • Sentry - A way of getting end-to-end exception reporting. Open Source free usage has been requested.

  • Spatie Laravel-backup - integrate automated backups into Tranzakt.

  • Spatie Laravel-medialibrary - integrate media file uploads / thumbnail gen etc.

  • Spatie Browsershot - possible use for creating screenshots for documentation and / or PDF's like Fabrik

  • Spatie Laravel Activity Log - programmable logging to a database table

  • Square laravel-hyrule - for programmatic creation of validation rules (rather than laravel's strings) and for validating arrays.

  • Spatie laravel-data - avoid lots of code transferring attributes from one object to another e.g. request to model

  • spatie/laravel-view-components - moves view logic out of controller enabling single copy of code reused.

For specialised Tranzakt components:

  • Cashier - Stripe payment processing interface

  • Koel - music streaming

  • Flarum - forum software for standalone functionality

  • October or phpReel - CMS for standalone functionality

  • Laravel Stats Tracker

  • Laravel tags

  • Bookstack - Wiki software

  • Michael Dyrynda's laravel-model-uuid for UUID elements

  • Torann's laravel-geoip to determine user geographic location from IP

  • Ralph J Smit's laravel-seo

  • Laravel new relic for New Relic performance management support

  • for performance management support

  • Laravel Navigation (provides scaffolding for navigation - may already be used by Jetstream.

  • Laravel Scout for search

  • Laravel-Lang - a set of components to assist with i18n translations.

  • LarsWiegers laravel-translations-checker (plus Github action) once we start doing i18n

  • themsaid/laravel-langman-gui for a translation GUI (not sure this is appropriate) once we start doing i18n

  • tonysm/tailwindcss-laravel if using node for tailwind is a problem (doubtful)

  • cerbero90/eloquent-inspector (possibly useful for checking that the actual schema matches the metadata)

  • glhd/laravel-dumper if the laravel dd() function needs enhancing (not yet used this so no idea)

  • xiCO2k/laravel-vue-i18n to integrate Laravel i18n with Vue (which is likely to be needed when we do i18n)

  • TheDragonCode/laravel-cache - will be needed if we start caching URLs for specific data and need to delete cache entries when data is updated.

  • michael-rubel/laravel-formatters - provides locale aware formatters - all numeric formatting should (have an option) to be locale aware.

  • nnjeim/world - provides world data (like a list of countries)

  • squirephp/squire provides static tables containing similar country etc. data

  • nunomaduro/larastan - code static analysis - callable in a Github action.

  • pricecurrent/laravel-eloquent-filters - reusable Eloquent filters (may be useful)

  • current plan is support only common SQL features and not DB implementation-specific features unique to MySQL, MariaDB, PostGres or SQLLite. If we decide to support special features (because use chose e.g. Postgres because of them), then we might need e.g. laravel-postgresql-enhanced

  • spatie/laravel-markdown if we want to support markdown at anypoint

  • 365Werk/etagconditionals to support etags for browser caching

  • coderello/laravel-populated-factory to auto generate test data (once we get phpunit tests)

  • tanmuhittin/laravel-google-translate for automated initial translation using Google.

  • generate db migration files from database:

    • laracademy/generators
    • kitloong/laravel-migrations-generator
    • bennett-treptow/laravel-migration-generator
  • davestewart/laravel-sketchpad provides an interactive shell for Laravel and davestewart/laravel-sketchpad-reload provides dynamic reload of changed files - whilst these look like they might be VERY useful during early development, neither of these appears to be actively maintained. Videos:

    This last video looks BRILLIANT for fast development so I intend to see if it still works. We should also look at whether this functionality could be useful in Tranzakt proper.

  • Spacie Laravel Package Tools - useful when we want to make Tranzakt into a Composer package.

  • Spacie Laravel Model States - useful for multi-step processes separated in time where you want to retain and act on the process state.

  • Spacie Laravel Menu - allows you to define screen menus.

  • Spacie Laravel Settings.

  • haruncpi/laravel-option-framework 1.0.0 - easy backend settings page

  • Spacie Laravel Ignition (nice error / exception display)

  • Spacie Laravel Event Sourcing - extend Tranzakt to support Event Sourced applications.

  • Spacie Laravel Queueable Actions - if we use Actions or support Tranzakt apps which use Actions.

  • Spacie laravel-schemaless-attributes - JSON used like columns.

  • The Control Group's Voyager - Admin feature set which appears to be for older versions of Laravel but includes:

    • settings management
    • BREAD (CRUD) operations
    • a media manager
    • menu builder
    • table management

Other security:

  • Laratrust / Defender (very similar models) - roles / permissions by user

Other admin panels:

  • Orchid


  • Cypress + laracasts/cypress for regression testing?

User Interface Design

Use Storybook?

Design questions

We need to decide:

  • Do we need a (Component based) plugin architecture like Fabrik's to keep both disk space and attack surface down or can we simply have an enable/disable setting? Because of the way things hook in, it might be quite complex to hook in an element plugin everywhere needed. Alternatively Composer and Laravel Services might make the whole thing easy.

  • Settings hierarchy will need to be defined

  • What functionality do we want to enable from the command line

  • Should we use Laravel API for Joomla/Wordpress integration? For security we probably need to authenticate both the server and (for non-anonymous users) the specific J/WP user.

  • How can we do async requests from Joomla/Wordpress to initiate creation of HTML and then do a second call to retrieve it?

Laravel Design

  • To enable compiling, most functionality should be moved to one or more Tranzakt service providers with facades and interpreter should make a single (or a few) calls to these based on what is read from the metadata. The services should do the heavy lifting. This will make translation of interpreted to compiled relatively easy.

  • Extensions to Laravel functionality:

    • Extended Migration class to add standardised common fields to all internal tables.

    • Extended Schema facade etc. to take advantage of specific advanced functionality in each type and version of database server (see for an example)

    • Make non-core stuff into Composer based plugins and provide functionality to install / deinstall it.

    • Use Laravel Services to decouple interpretation of the metadata from runtime execution - this will help enable JIT compiling.

    • Configure Ignition to send errors in production to Flare or use HoneyBadger.

    • What does a Fabrik-equivalent "element" need to contain:

      • HTML components to display the element in lists, forms (r/w, r/o)
      • JS to manage validate input and create JS events when the field changes
      • validation methods for both front-end (HTML/JS) and back-end (Laravel) and for both inbuilt rules and user selected
      • Laravel events to do server-side processing (just like client-side)
      • Unit and regression tests for all of the above
      • Definition of settings that need to be shown and stored (JSON for definition, JSON for storing settings)
      • I18n
      • Cast classes (to cast user data to how it is held in the database)
      • DB definitions for e.g. Pivot tables (for many to many)
      • Support for themes and dumb browsers i.e. different sets of web components
      • Support for responsive web (variable width)
    • Need to define HTML metadata for standalone user apps (Page description, structured metadata OpenGraph etc.)

    • Need to deliver non SPA / simplified HTML pages for search engine robots?

    • Do we want to support Redis in Tranzakt?


  • If we do anything really clever in ORM (or elsewhere in Laravel) that would be generally useful we should try to get it included in Laravel. That said, Laravel is already way ahead of Fabrik in respect of what it can do with RDBs.

Future restructuring

For development purposes, this is currently created as a download-from-gitgub stand-alone full website, but once it is developed we should restructure this as:

  • A single Laravel Package Laravel-Tranzakt that can be added into any site, installable by Composer. This would only have the minimum code necessary to provide Laravel API and possibly RPC API. Use compose laravel-tranzakt --dev to get the additional development part. Composer would install any necessary prerequisites, but user would be responsible for integrating it into their site (using documentation we provide).
  • Split out specialised optional functionality into separate Composer packages (like Fabrik plugins)
  • A downloadable standalone website which would have all the additional code to run it either as a stand-alone website or as an RPC server for Joomla/WP. This would have all other add-ons needed to make it work pre-integrated (like Jetpack for admin etc.) and a UI for installing additional plugins.

But for the moment, we are building a single downloadable webserver with everything in a single repo.

When we do this restructuring - allowing users to add Tranzakt to any Laravel installation rather than installing an integrated, ready to go website - we will also need to take a view on whether we should support JS frameworks other than Inertia+Vue e.g. Livewire+Blade etc.

Also the development will assume e.g. Jetstream for authentication etc. so we may need to make authentication and back-end code more generic so that it can interface with alternative authentication schemas.