- Network module: new clustering table/plot
- ANOVA : simple effects
- ANOVA : fix for repeated contrast
- Logistic regression: changes to stepwise regression.
- Logistic regression : AIC fior variable selection & removal p-values
- Independent sample Bayesian t-test #2196
- Wrong valid percent in frequency table #2202
- Improve ODS Importer #2167
New Features:
- Added meta analysis
- Added network analysis
- Improved the module layout
- Added stepwise methods to logistic regression
- Added effect size measures to post-hoc analyses in ANOVA / ANCOVA
- Improved backwards compatibility for Linux users with older R versions
- Fixed situation where JASPEngine process would linger after closing JASP
- Better handling of utf8 characters ((#1695), (#1704) and (#1719)
- Fixed confidence intervals cohens d (t-test)
- Fixed bug where prior posterior plot could not be made
- Fixed confusion in Subjective priors widget
- p-value chi-square Logistic Regression (#2054)
New Features:
- New Progressbar (implemented for Bayesian ANOVAs and Regression)
- Preference menu - specify missing values and number of decimals
- JASPTools package
- Added logistic regression
- Added hierarchical regression
- Added ability to add/change missing values
- Added progress bar to Bayesian ANOVA’s and regression
- Added preference option to change the number of decimals that are displayed
- Reworked the layout of the Preferences window
- Added option to toggle frequentist correlation table to pairwise display
- Added ability to change y-axis in RM ANOVA descriptives plots
- Added effect sizes to post-hoc tests ANOVA
- Added confidence intervals to rank correlations
- Changed display of Bayesian and frequentist correlations to below diagonal
- Removed autofilling of options when another instance of an analysis is started
- Remove unused R packages
- Additional Info for T-Test and Correlation Bayesian Pairs Robustness plots (Common module)
- Fixed analysis crash when RM and between factors name match (#1906)
- Fixed bug where JASP crashes if you load data between running analyses
- Fixed issue where files from old JASP versions cause problems in newer versions
- Fixed bug where About window would go behind main window
- Fixed analysis crash when vovk-sellke was selected in correlations (#1959)
- Fixed issue with importing of PSPP files (#1966)
- Fixed issue where RM factor is reset when the analysis options are refreshed (#1921)
- Changed base of logarithm to e in Bayesian correlation matrix (#1981)
- Fixed vanishing of footnotes in Bayesian correlation matrix
- Fixed plot for logBF robustness in correlation pairs
New Features:
- Classical Linear Regression (basic implementation)
- Bayesian ANCOVA
- Bayesian Crosstabs
- Custom models in Bayesian ANOVA
- X-Squared in Classical Crosstabs
- Refinement of all the T-Tests (these are really polished now)
- Fixes to add Linux support
- Several bug fixes