All contributions to the GitLab OAuth Plugin are welcome. This project runs completely off of pull requests and code review. There are a couple ways of contributing. This document serves as helpful guidelines to contributing and isn't necessarily the full scope of available ways to contribute.
- Fork the project.
- Create a feature or bugfix branch.
- Commit your fix or feature. Be sure to reference any related Jenkins issues
in the commit message surrounded by square brackets. e.g.
- Create a pull request.
Please keep in mind that pull requests tend to stay open for a week or two. This allows sufficient time for interested individuals to code review open pull requests.
What sort of code could use contributing?
- Working on open issues.
- Unit tests - there simply aren't enough so writing unit tests alone is a plus.
- Adding code coverage metrics such as cobertura.
- Javadoc - it would be nice if Javadoc was complete.
Review open pull requests. When reviewing, a simple :+1:
is good enough. Make a best effort at catching bugs. For extra credit, build
the plugin and manually test it yourself. Things to look out for:
- Potential bugs with the way methods are called.
- Missing unit tests and perhaps suggestion on improving unit tests.
- Code style.
- Not mixing tabs with spaces. All indentation should be spaces only. Typical indentation is 4 spaces.
The current maintainers make a best effort to build and test the plugin manually before merging a pull request.
Filing new issues and commenting on existing issues is a great help for validating or debunking potential bug reports.