Releases: TongchengOpenSource/smart-doc
Releases · TongchengOpenSource/smart-doc
Emergency fix version for 1.9.2
Bug Fixes
- Fix jsr 303 verification parsing error.
- Modify smart-doc to read beetl configuration files to avoid conflicts with beetl configuration in user applications.
- Added configuration for ignoring request parameter objects .
- ApiDataBuilder adds an interface for obtaining parameter data in tree format,#40 .
- Added support for Open Api 3.0.
- Optimize the curl use case and add request header settings in the use case.
Bug Fixes
- Fix the display error of dubbo method name.
- Fix generic parsing errors.
- support dubbo 2.7.7 #47 .
New Features
- Added display control configuration items for request and response examples.
- Add configuration of custom settings document name.
Bug Fixes
- Modify the problem that jackson JsonIgnore annotation does not take effect in the parameter object .
- Modify the problem that the default group verification is ignored when using JSR303 parameter verification.
- Modify the dubbo api document to display confusion.
New Features
- Add Feign support.
- Optimized the display of enumerated parameters and supports custom control display.
- Optimize recursive execution and provide a limit to the number of recursive times.
Bug Fixes
- Ignore the analysis of LinkedHashMap .
- Modifying the interface or merging analysis with the implementation class is a field duplication problem.
- Optimization interface method field can not get docletTag problem.
New Features
- Added support for Apache Dubbo RPC interface documentation.
- Added conversion of field format from camel to underline.
- The maven plugin and gradle plugin provide includes configuration for loading third-party libraries.
- Added document interface sorting function according to interface title.
- Enhance the analysis of java interface.
- Enhance the analysis of the method of using @RequestBody to bind parameters.
Bug Fixes
- fix #32 .
New Features
- Added LocalTime support.
- The smart-doc-gradle-plugin is released for the first time.
- Optimize the filtering of smart-doc-maven-plugin loading source, support the use of wildcards to filter.
Bug Fixes
- Optimized the default setting of header when smart-doc exported Postman collection
- fix #28 。
- Add @PatchMapping support.
- Support the use of an object to replace the interface parameter object to complete better document rendering.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed maven plugin class loader loading enum class error.
- Fixed When the request parameters are generic, smart-doc parsing generates documentation errors.
- Fixed the problem of group verification null pointer, do not perform group verification processing on returned objects.
- Optimize smart-doc-maven-plugin support for multi-level maven projects.
- Support to ignore specified Spring MVC Controller.#24
- Enhanced support for complex parameter group validation.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug with infinite parsing of HttpSession objects.
- Modify the smart-doc-maven-plugin default character set encoding to UTF-8.