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243 lines (160 loc) Β· 12.1 KB

File metadata and controls

243 lines (160 loc) Β· 12.1 KB

13.4.0 - 2021-02-20

[email protected], [email protected]

13.3.0 - 2021-01-26

  • Add stroke-dasharray for SVG by @pzshine

[email protected], [email protected]

13.2.0 - 2020-11-20

[email protected], [email protected]

13.1.0 - 2020-10-09


  • New CssJs module that uses arrays instead of list for styles, more friendly to js and Rescript. This is not a breaking change, to use that new code you need to import CssJs instead of Css.

13.0.0 - 2020-08-26


Breaking change

  • Update rgba/hsl/hsla signatures - #194
  • Update SVG fill property - #193
  • Delete the empty rule, it was just a shortcut to [] and was conflicting with the empty selector

[email protected], [email protected]

12.2.0 - 2020-04-14

[email protected], [email protected]

12.1.0 - 2020-03-20

12.0.1 - 2020-03-04

This release introduce 2 new packages: bs-css-emotion and bs-css-dom. You need to replace bs-css with bs-css-emotion (or bs-css-dom) in your package.json, and you need to add either bs-css-emotion or bs-css-dom in your bsconfig.json.

  • Add cursor aliases - #179
  • Add objectPosition by @damianfral - #177
  • Add support for fontDisplay in fontFace by @bloodyowl - #176
  • Fix typo string of `easeIn by @zalcode - #175
  • github repository moved to reasonml-labs organisation

Breaking change

  • Redesign content rule to support all possible values by @erykpiast - #180

  • FontFamily accepts cascading and predefined generic font names by @erykpiast - #171

    if you have code like this: fontFamily("Helvetica, sans-serif") you need to convert it to: fontFamilies([`custom("Helvetica"), `sansSerif])


  • Add upper bound to union types in Css.rei by @tomiS - #172

11.0.0 - 2019-11-12

Major release because of the breaking change in background-position definition, and some elements removed.


  • Extend rule to use gridLength type by @lukiwolski - #168
  • background-position definition by @lucasweng - #167
  • Rename Css_Types to Css_AtomicTypes


  • noContent selector, duplicate of empty
  • type aliases

10.0.1 - 2019-09-23


  • textDecorationLine


  • Pseudo classes selectors have been updated and documented
  • Update properties : backgroundAttachment, backgroundClip, backgroundOrigin, backgroundRepeat, textOverflow, textDecorationLine, textDecorationStyle, width, wordWrap

10.0.0 - 2019-09-04

Major release because of the breaking change in shadows definition.

Breaking change

  • Css.rule is now an abstract type #153
  • Update shadow definition #148

boxShadow has been changed to be a rule to allow for none, important and all other rule related functions.

It means that the shadow properties must be updated to the following patterns:

// before:
boxShadow(~x=px(1), ~y=px(2));
boxShadows([boxShadow(yellow), boxShadow(red)]);
textShadow(~y=px(3), ~blur=px(2), black);
textShadows([textShadow(~y=px(3), ~blur=px(2), black), textShadow(~x=px(3), green)]);

// after:
boxShadow(, ~y=px(2)));
textShadow(Shadow.text(~y=px(3), ~blur=px(2), black));
textShadows([Shadow.text(~y=px(3), ~blur=px(2), black), Shadow.text(~x=px(3), green)]);


  • Support for for object-fit property by @kuy - #125
  • Add fit-content option for width property by @mwarni - #149
  • Add support for grid-template-areas and grid-area by @drew887 - #156


  • BoxShadow: none doesn't work - #148
  • !important doesn't apply to boxShadow - #147


  • Move types to Css.Types, updated some css properties
  • Use yarn instead of npm

9.0.1 - 2019-07-01

This is a major release: bs-css now depend on emotion 10.x instead of 9.x (see #114).

  • πŸ› #139 - Units for hsl(a)
  • πŸ› #138 - (top, bottom, left, right) properties should also belong to the 'cascading' type
  • πŸ› #133 - Support pixel units for gradient color stops
  • πŸš€ #131 - Support for "direction" property
  • πŸ› #109 - flexShrink and flex should accept a float instead of a int

contributors: @simonkberg, @JakubMarkiewicz, @remitbri, @lucasweng

8.0.4 - 2019-04-04

  • πŸš€ #125 - Add textShadows
  • 🏠 webpack is replaced by parcel, zero config local server

contributors: @Freddy03h

8.0.3 - 2019-03-20

  • πŸš€ #118 - Minmax should allow fr
  • πŸš€ Add a toJson function to convert a list of rules to a json object

contributors: @JakubMarkiewicz

8.0.2 - 2019-02-25

  • πŸš€ #119 - Missing resize attribute
  • πŸš€ #117 - Add spaceEvenly for justifyContent and alignContent
  • πŸš€ #113 - Minmax in grid implementation

contributors: @JakubMarkiewicz, @lucasweng, @wegry

8.0.1 - 2019-01-31

  • πŸ› #108 - Wrong value for minWidth/maxWidth
  • πŸš€ #111 - Fill all allowed display values

contributors: @sean-clayton, @c19

8.0.0 - 2018-12-18

  • πŸš€ #76 - Add support for commonly used name for font weight
  • πŸ› #86 - Losing styles when merging nested selectors
  • πŸ› #105 - flexGrow should accept a float instead of a int
  • 🏠 #95 - Remove unnecessary reverse of styles before passing to JS obj
  • 🏠 #91 - Swapped glamor runtime to emotion runtime

Breaking changes

This version of bs-css is using a new runtime library that replaces glamor.

This decision is driven by the following points:

  • the author of glamor is no more maintaining its project, the last commit happened more than one year ago,
  • emotion is the recommended alternative because it mostly matches glamor's API
  • better grid support : glamor uses a lot of the old -ms-grid and -webkit-grid prefixes (with IE11 support)
  • Merging styles with sub selectors work as expected and fix a bug bs-css had

Given that it is a major version, we also changed some functions in the API, especially regarding merging.


  • fontWeight number must now use the num constructor: you must change fontWeight(300) to fontWeight(num(300)). The benefit is that you can transform your absolute numbers to font names, see
  • merge was really a concat function and could lead to problems as seen in #86. This is why it has been changed to use the internal library (emotion) and its signature is now : list(string) => string. If you want to keep the same functionality than before, you can use List.concat instead or @ operator.
  • if you are mixin reason/js, you need to change your dependency and replace glamor with emotion
  • flexGrow accepts a float instead of an int, add a . to your int value (for ex, convert 1 to 1.)


Big thanks to @baldurh and @wegry for their work on emotion.