Citekey | KeoghEtAl2005HOT |
Source Code | |
Learning type | unsupervised |
Input dimensionality | univariate |
We use the source code from the Github repository instead of the published library on pypi because it contains runtime improvements and edge case fixes.
HOT-SAX outputs the distance of discords to their nearest non-self match. Therefore, the results require post-processing.
U can use the following code snippet for the post-processing step in TimeEval (default parameters directly filled in from the source code):
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, hstack
from timeeval.utils.window import ReverseWindowing
from timeeval import AlgorithmParameter
# post-processing for HOT-SAX
def post_hotsax(algorithm_parameter: AlgorithmParameter, args: dict) -> np.ndarray:
window_size = args.get("hyper_params", {}).get("anomaly_window_size", 100)
if isinstance(algorithm_parameter, np.ndarray):
results = pd.DataFrame(algorithm_parameter)
results = pd.read_csv(algorithm_parameter)
results.columns = ["score"]
anomalies = results[results["score"] > .0]
# use scipy sparse matrix to save memory
matrix = csc_matrix((len(results), 1), dtype=np.float64)
counts = np.zeros(len(results))
for i, row in anomalies.iterrows():
idx = int(
tmp = np.zeros(len(results))
tmp[idx:idx + window_size] = np.repeat([row["score"]], repeats=window_size)
tmp = tmp.reshape(-1, 1)
matrix = hstack([matrix, tmp])
counts[idx:idx + window_size] += 1
sums = matrix.sum(axis=1)
counts = counts.reshape(-1, 1)
scores = np.zeros_like(sums)
np.divide(sums, counts, out=scores, where=counts != 0)
# returns the completely flattened array (from `[[1.2], [2.3]]` to `[1.2, 2.3]`)
return scores.A1 # type: ignore
Senin, P., Lin, J., Wang, X., Oates, T., Gandhi, S., Boedihardjo, A.P., Chen, C., Frankenstein, S., Lerner, M., GrammarViz 2.0: a tool for grammar-based pattern discovery in time series, ECML/PKDD Conference, 2014.