diff --git a/pkg/security/risks/builtin/missing_vault_isolation_rule_test.go b/pkg/security/risks/builtin/missing_vault_isolation_rule_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce1eaba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/security/risks/builtin/missing_vault_isolation_rule_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+package builtin
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "testing"
+ "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
+ "github.com/threagile/threagile/pkg/security/types"
+func TestMissingVaultIsolationRuleGenerateRisksEmptyModelNotRisksCreated(t *testing.T) {
+ rule := NewMissingVaultIsolationRule()
+ risks, err := rule.GenerateRisks(&types.Model{})
+ assert.Nil(t, err)
+ assert.Empty(t, risks)
+func TestMissingVaultIsolationRuleGenerateRisksOutOfScopeNoRisksCreated(t *testing.T) {
+ rule := NewMissingVaultIsolationRule()
+ risks, err := rule.GenerateRisks(&types.Model{
+ TechnicalAssets: map[string]*types.TechnicalAsset{
+ "ta1": {
+ Title: "Test Technical Asset",
+ OutOfScope: true,
+ Technologies: types.TechnologyList{
+ {
+ Name: "vault",
+ Attributes: map[string]bool{
+ types.Vault: true,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ assert.Nil(t, err)
+ assert.Empty(t, risks)
+func TestMissingVaultIsolationRuleGenerateRisksNoVaultNoRisksCreated(t *testing.T) {
+ rule := NewMissingVaultIsolationRule()
+ risks, err := rule.GenerateRisks(&types.Model{
+ TechnicalAssets: map[string]*types.TechnicalAsset{
+ "ta1": {
+ Title: "Test Technical Asset",
+ OutOfScope: false,
+ Technologies: types.TechnologyList{
+ {
+ Name: "no-vault",
+ Attributes: map[string]bool{
+ types.Vault: false,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ assert.Nil(t, err)
+ assert.Empty(t, risks)
+func TestMissingVaultIsolationRuleGenerateRisksTwoVaultsNoRisksCreated(t *testing.T) {
+ rule := NewMissingVaultIsolationRule()
+ risks, err := rule.GenerateRisks(&types.Model{
+ TechnicalAssets: map[string]*types.TechnicalAsset{
+ "ta1": {
+ Title: "First Vault",
+ OutOfScope: false,
+ Technologies: types.TechnologyList{
+ {
+ Name: "service-registry",
+ Attributes: map[string]bool{
+ types.Vault: true,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "ta2": {
+ Title: "Second Vault",
+ OutOfScope: false,
+ Technologies: types.TechnologyList{
+ {
+ Name: "vault",
+ Attributes: map[string]bool{
+ types.Vault: true,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ assert.Nil(t, err)
+ assert.Empty(t, risks)
+func TestMissingVaultIsolationRuleGenerateRisksVaultAndStorageNoRisksCreated(t *testing.T) {
+ rule := NewMissingVaultIsolationRule()
+ risks, err := rule.GenerateRisks(&types.Model{
+ TechnicalAssets: map[string]*types.TechnicalAsset{
+ "ta1": {
+ Id: "ta1",
+ Title: "Vault",
+ OutOfScope: false,
+ Technologies: types.TechnologyList{
+ {
+ Name: "service-registry",
+ Attributes: map[string]bool{
+ types.Vault: true,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "ta2": {
+ Id: "ta2",
+ Title: "Vault Datastore",
+ OutOfScope: false,
+ Type: types.Datastore,
+ },
+ },
+ IncomingTechnicalCommunicationLinksMappedByTargetId: map[string][]*types.CommunicationLink{
+ "ta1": {
+ {
+ TargetId: "ta1",
+ SourceId: "ta2",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ assert.Nil(t, err)
+ assert.Empty(t, risks)
+func TestMissingVaultIsolationRuleGenerateRisksDifferentTrustBoundariesNoRisksCreated(t *testing.T) {
+ rule := NewMissingVaultIsolationRule()
+ tb1 := &types.TrustBoundary{
+ Id: "tb1",
+ Title: "First Trust Boundary",
+ TechnicalAssetsInside: []string{"ta1"},
+ Type: types.NetworkCloudProvider,
+ }
+ tb2 := &types.TrustBoundary{
+ Id: "tb2",
+ Title: "Second Trust Boundary",
+ TechnicalAssetsInside: []string{"ta1"},
+ Type: types.NetworkCloudProvider,
+ }
+ risks, err := rule.GenerateRisks(&types.Model{
+ TechnicalAssets: map[string]*types.TechnicalAsset{
+ "ta1": {
+ Id: "ta1",
+ Title: "Vault",
+ OutOfScope: false,
+ Technologies: types.TechnologyList{
+ {
+ Name: "service-registry",
+ Attributes: map[string]bool{
+ types.Vault: true,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "ta2": {
+ Id: "ta2",
+ Title: "Vault Consumer",
+ OutOfScope: false,
+ Type: types.Process,
+ },
+ },
+ IncomingTechnicalCommunicationLinksMappedByTargetId: map[string][]*types.CommunicationLink{
+ "ta1": {
+ {
+ TargetId: "ta1",
+ SourceId: "ta2",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ TrustBoundaries: map[string]*types.TrustBoundary{
+ "tb1": tb1,
+ "tb2": tb2,
+ },
+ DirectContainingTrustBoundaryMappedByTechnicalAssetId: map[string]*types.TrustBoundary{
+ "ta1": tb1,
+ "ta2": tb2,
+ },
+ })
+ assert.Nil(t, err)
+ assert.Empty(t, risks)
+type MissingVaultIsolationRuleTest struct {
+ confidentiality types.Confidentiality
+ integrity types.Criticality
+ availability types.Criticality
+ tbType types.TrustBoundaryType
+ expectedImpact types.RiskExploitationImpact
+ expectedLikelihood types.RiskExploitationLikelihood
+ expectedMessage string
+func TestMissingVaultIsolationRuleGenerateRisksRiskCreated(t *testing.T) {
+ testCases := map[string]MissingVaultIsolationRuleTest{
+ "medium impact": {
+ confidentiality: types.Confidential,
+ integrity: types.Critical,
+ availability: types.Critical,
+ tbType: types.NetworkCloudProvider,
+ expectedImpact: types.MediumImpact,
+ expectedLikelihood: types.Unlikely,
+ expectedMessage: "network segment",
+ },
+ "strictly confidential high impact": {
+ confidentiality: types.StrictlyConfidential,
+ integrity: types.Critical,
+ availability: types.Critical,
+ tbType: types.NetworkCloudProvider,
+ expectedImpact: types.HighImpact,
+ expectedLikelihood: types.Unlikely,
+ expectedMessage: "network segment",
+ },
+ "mission critical integrity high impact": {
+ confidentiality: types.Confidential,
+ integrity: types.MissionCritical,
+ availability: types.Critical,
+ tbType: types.NetworkCloudProvider,
+ expectedImpact: types.HighImpact,
+ expectedLikelihood: types.Unlikely,
+ expectedMessage: "network segment",
+ },
+ "mission critical availability high impact": {
+ confidentiality: types.Confidential,
+ integrity: types.Critical,
+ availability: types.MissionCritical,
+ tbType: types.NetworkCloudProvider,
+ expectedImpact: types.HighImpact,
+ expectedLikelihood: types.Unlikely,
+ expectedMessage: "network segment",
+ },
+ "same execution environment": {
+ confidentiality: types.Confidential,
+ integrity: types.Critical,
+ availability: types.Critical,
+ tbType: types.ExecutionEnvironment,
+ expectedImpact: types.MediumImpact,
+ expectedLikelihood: types.Likely,
+ expectedMessage: "execution environment",
+ },
+ }
+ for name, testCase := range testCases {
+ t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ rule := NewMissingVaultIsolationRule()
+ tb1 := &types.TrustBoundary{
+ Id: "tb1",
+ Title: "First Trust Boundary",
+ TechnicalAssetsInside: []string{"ta1", "ta2"},
+ Type: testCase.tbType,
+ }
+ risks, err := rule.GenerateRisks(&types.Model{
+ TechnicalAssets: map[string]*types.TechnicalAsset{
+ "ta1": {
+ Id: "ta1",
+ Title: "Vault",
+ OutOfScope: false,
+ Technologies: types.TechnologyList{
+ {
+ Name: "service-registry",
+ Attributes: map[string]bool{
+ types.Vault: true,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ Confidentiality: testCase.confidentiality,
+ Integrity: testCase.integrity,
+ Availability: testCase.availability,
+ },
+ "ta2": {
+ Id: "ta2",
+ Title: "Vault Consumer",
+ OutOfScope: false,
+ Type: types.Process,
+ },
+ },
+ IncomingTechnicalCommunicationLinksMappedByTargetId: map[string][]*types.CommunicationLink{
+ "ta1": {
+ {
+ TargetId: "ta1",
+ SourceId: "ta2",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ TrustBoundaries: map[string]*types.TrustBoundary{
+ "tb1": tb1,
+ },
+ DirectContainingTrustBoundaryMappedByTechnicalAssetId: map[string]*types.TrustBoundary{
+ "ta1": tb1,
+ "ta2": tb1,
+ },
+ })
+ assert.Nil(t, err)
+ assert.Len(t, risks, 1)
+ assert.Equal(t, testCase.expectedImpact, risks[0].ExploitationImpact)
+ assert.Equal(t, testCase.expectedLikelihood, risks[0].ExploitationLikelihood)
+ expTitle := fmt.Sprintf("Missing Vault Isolation to further encapsulate and protect vault-related asset Vault against unrelated "+
+ "lower protected assets in the same %s, which might be easier to compromise by attackers", testCase.expectedMessage)
+ assert.Equal(t, expTitle, risks[0].Title)
+ })
+ }