+# Homelab Kubernetes Cluster
+#### My homelab running K3S on a [Turing Pi 2](https://turingpi.com/product/turing-pi-2/)
+## Nodes setup using Ansible
+Create the cluster using Ansible:
+1. Go to `ansible/inventory` and change the controlplane and workers IP addresses.
+2. Go to `ansible/playbooks/playbook-worker.yml` and change the controlplane IP (line 36).
+3. Go to `ansible/variables.yml` and add your k3s token.
+4. Run this command at the root folder:
+This command runs the k3s installation script with specific options to disable several components including flannel backend, network policy, cloud controller, servicelb, traefik, metrics-server, and kube-proxy in preparation to install Cilium.
+ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory ansible/playbook.yml --user=