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Alex edited this page Mar 11, 2022 · 4 revisions




1 byte - Compression type: 0x12: zlib, 0x13: lzss 1 byte - version 1 byte - bit count 1 byte - unknown 2 bytes - width 2 bytes - height 2 bytes - Y channel quantization scale 2 bytes - Cb channel quantization scale 2 bytes - Cr channel quantization scale 2 bytes - A channel quantization scale 4 bytes - block 0 size 4 bytes - block 1 size 4 bytes - unknown

Decoding Image

  1. Get aligned width / height
uint32_t GetAlignedSize(uint32_t size)
	uint32_t value = (size - 1);
	uint32_t n = 1;
	for (; (value >>= 1) != 0;){
	if (n < 3){
		n = 3;
	return 1 << n;
  1. Calc max size (largest of aligned width / height)
  2. Set up quantization values
float float8 = 1.0f - ((float)header.YChannelQuantizationScale * -0.5f);
float floatA = 1.0f - ((float)header.CbChannelQuantizationScale * -0.25f);
float floatC = 1.0f - ((float)header.CrChannelQuantizationScale * -0.25f);
float floatE = (float)header.AChannelQuantizationScale + 1.0f;
  1. Decompress


result := []
while true:
  isDelta := GetBit( 1 )
  if isDelta:
    literalValue := GetBits( 8 )
    push literalValue to result
    offset := GetBits( 12 )
    length := GetBits( 7 ) + 1
    if offset == 0:
    for 0..length:
      push result[ current - offset ] to result
  1. Decode channels using quantization scales Cb/Cr use size / 2

  2. Convert YCbCr values to RGB