diff --git a/api/coverage.py b/api/coverage.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 05e561fd2b..0000000000
--- a/api/coverage.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-"""Base classes for CoverageProviders.
-The CoverageProviders themselves are in the file corresponding to the
-service that needs coverage -- overdrive.py, and so on.
-from core.coverage import CollectionCoverageProvider, CoverageFailure
-from core.model import DataSource
-from core.opds_import import OPDSImporter
-class OPDSImportCoverageProvider(CollectionCoverageProvider):
- """Provide coverage for identifiers by looking them up, in batches,
- using the Simplified lookup protocol.
- """
- def __init__(self, collection, lookup_client, **kwargs):
- """Constructor.
- :param lookup_client: A SimplifiedOPDSLookup object.
- """
- super().__init__(collection, **kwargs)
- self.lookup_client = lookup_client
- def process_batch(self, batch):
- """Perform a Simplified lookup and import the resulting OPDS feed."""
- (
- imported_editions,
- pools,
- works,
- error_messages_by_id,
- ) = self.lookup_and_import_batch(batch)
- results = []
- imported_identifiers = set()
- # We grant coverage if an Edition was created from the operation.
- for edition in imported_editions:
- identifier = edition.primary_identifier
- results.append(identifier)
- imported_identifiers.add(identifier)
- # The operation may also have updated information from a
- # number of LicensePools.
- for pool in pools:
- identifier = pool.identifier
- if identifier in imported_identifiers:
- self.finalize_license_pool(pool)
- else:
- msg = "OPDS import operation imported LicensePool, but no Edition."
- results.append(self.failure(identifier, msg, transient=True))
- # Anything left over is either a CoverageFailure, or an
- # Identifier that used to be a CoverageFailure, indicating
- # that a simplified:message that a normal OPDSImporter would
- # consider a 'failure' should actually be considered a
- # success.
- for failure_or_identifier in sorted(error_messages_by_id.values()):
- if isinstance(failure_or_identifier, CoverageFailure):
- failure_or_identifier.collection = self.collection_or_not
- results.append(failure_or_identifier)
- return results
- def process_item(self, identifier):
- """Handle an individual item (e.g. through ensure_coverage) as a very
- small batch. Not efficient, but it works.
- """
- [result] = self.process_batch([identifier])
- return result
- def finalize_license_pool(self, pool):
- """An OPDS entry was matched with a LicensePool. Do something special
- to mark the occasion.
- By default, nothing happens.
- """
- @property
- def api_method(self):
- """The method to call to fetch an OPDS feed from the remote server."""
- return self.lookup_client.lookup
- def lookup_and_import_batch(self, batch):
- """Look up a batch of identifiers and parse the resulting OPDS feed.
- This method is overridden by MockOPDSImportCoverageProvider.
- """
- # id_mapping maps our local identifiers to identifiers the
- # foreign data source will reocgnize.
- id_mapping = self.create_identifier_mapping(batch)
- if id_mapping:
- foreign_identifiers = list(id_mapping.keys())
- else:
- foreign_identifiers = batch
- response = self.api_method(foreign_identifiers)
- # import_feed_response takes id_mapping so it can map the
- # foreign identifiers back to their local counterparts.
- return self.import_feed_response(response, id_mapping)
- def create_identifier_mapping(self, batch):
- """Map the internal identifiers used for books to the corresponding
- identifiers used by the lookup client.
- By default, no identifier mapping is needed.
- """
- return None
- def import_feed_response(self, response, id_mapping):
- """Confirms OPDS feed response and imports feed through
- the appropriate OPDSImporter subclass.
- """
- self.lookup_client.check_content_type(response)
- importer = self.OPDS_IMPORTER_CLASS(
- self._db,
- self.collection,
- identifier_mapping=id_mapping,
- data_source_name=self.data_source.name,
- )
- return importer.import_from_feed(response.text)
-class MockOPDSImportCoverageProvider(OPDSImportCoverageProvider):
- SERVICE_NAME = "Mock Provider"
- def __init__(self, collection, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(collection, None, *args, **kwargs)
- self.batches = []
- self.finalized = []
- self.import_results = []
- def queue_import_results(self, editions, pools, works, messages_by_id):
- self.import_results.insert(0, (editions, pools, works, messages_by_id))
- def finalize_license_pool(self, license_pool):
- self.finalized.append(license_pool)
- super().finalize_license_pool(license_pool)
- def lookup_and_import_batch(self, batch):
- self.batches.append(batch)
- return self.import_results.pop()
diff --git a/core/opds_import.py b/core/opds_import.py
index 6b52d77406..faca6de823 100644
--- a/core/opds_import.py
+++ b/core/opds_import.py
@@ -16,14 +16,12 @@
from api.circulation import CirculationConfigurationMixin
from api.selftest import HasCollectionSelfTests
-from core.integration.goals import Goals
from core.integration.settings import (
-from core.model.integration import IntegrationConfiguration
from .classifier import Classifier
from .config import IntegrationException
@@ -95,59 +93,6 @@ def parse_identifier(db, identifier):
return parsed_identifier
-class AccessNotAuthenticated(Exception):
- """No authentication is configured for this service"""
-class SimplifiedOPDSLookup:
- """Tiny integration class for the Simplified 'lookup' protocol."""
- LOOKUP_ENDPOINT = "lookup"
- @classmethod
- def check_content_type(cls, response):
- content_type = response.headers.get("content-type")
- if content_type != OPDSFeed.ACQUISITION_FEED_TYPE:
- raise BadResponseException.from_response(
- response.url, "Wrong media type: %s" % content_type, response
- )
- @classmethod
- def from_protocol(cls, _db, protocol, goal=Goals.LICENSE_GOAL, library=None):
- config = get_one(_db, IntegrationConfiguration, protocol=protocol, goal=goal)
- if config is not None and library is not None:
- config = config.for_library(library.id)
- if config is None:
- return None
- return cls(config.settings_dict["url"])
- def __init__(self, base_url):
- if not base_url.endswith("/"):
- base_url += "/"
- self.base_url = base_url
- @property
- def lookup_endpoint(self):
- return self.LOOKUP_ENDPOINT
- def _get(self, url, **kwargs):
- """Make an HTTP request. This method is overridden in the mock class."""
- kwargs["timeout"] = kwargs.get("timeout", 300)
- kwargs["allowed_response_codes"] = kwargs.get("allowed_response_codes", [])
- kwargs["allowed_response_codes"] += ["2xx", "3xx"]
- return HTTP.get_with_timeout(url, **kwargs)
- def urn_args(self, identifiers):
- return "&".join({"urn=%s" % i.urn for i in identifiers})
- def lookup(self, identifiers):
- """Retrieve an OPDS feed with metadata for the given identifiers."""
- args = self.urn_args(identifiers)
- url = self.base_url + self.lookup_endpoint + "?" + args
- logging.info("Lookup URL: %s", url)
- return self._get(url)
class OPDSXMLParser(XMLParser):
"simplified": "http://librarysimplified.org/terms/",
diff --git a/tests/api/mockapi/opds.py b/tests/api/mockapi/opds.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c64dbcd3b0..0000000000
--- a/tests/api/mockapi/opds.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-from core.opds_import import SimplifiedOPDSLookup
-from core.util.http import HTTP
-from tests.core.mock import MockRequestsResponse
-class MockSimplifiedOPDSLookup(SimplifiedOPDSLookup):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.requests = []
- self.responses = []
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def queue_response(self, status_code, headers={}, content=None):
- self.responses.insert(0, MockRequestsResponse(status_code, headers, content))
- def _get(self, url, *args, **kwargs):
- self.requests.append((url, args, kwargs))
- response = self.responses.pop()
- return HTTP._process_response(
- url,
- response,
- kwargs.get("allowed_response_codes"),
- kwargs.get("disallowed_response_codes"),
- )
diff --git a/tests/api/test_coverage.py b/tests/api/test_coverage.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a9cff5e28a..0000000000
--- a/tests/api/test_coverage.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-import pytest
-from api.coverage import MockOPDSImportCoverageProvider, OPDSImportCoverageProvider
-from core.coverage import CoverageFailure
-from core.model import Collection, DataSource, LicensePool
-from core.opds_import import OPDSImporter
-from core.util.http import BadResponseException
-from core.util.opds_writer import OPDSFeed
-from tests.api.mockapi.opds import MockSimplifiedOPDSLookup
-from tests.core.mock import MockRequestsResponse
-from tests.fixtures.database import DatabaseTransactionFixture
-class TestOPDSImportCoverageProvider:
- def _provider(self, db: DatabaseTransactionFixture):
- """Create a generic MockOPDSImportCoverageProvider for testing purposes."""
- return MockOPDSImportCoverageProvider(db.default_collection())
- def test_badresponseexception_on_non_opds_feed(
- self, db: DatabaseTransactionFixture
- ):
- """If the lookup protocol sends something that's not an OPDS
- feed, refuse to go any further.
- """
- provider = self._provider(db)
- provider.lookup_client = MockSimplifiedOPDSLookup(db.fresh_url())
- response = MockRequestsResponse(
- 200, {"content-type": "text/plain"}, "Some data"
- )
- provider.lookup_client.queue_response(response)
- with pytest.raises(BadResponseException) as excinfo:
- provider.import_feed_response(response, None)
- assert "Wrong media type: text/plain" in str(excinfo.value)
- def test_process_batch_with_identifier_mapping(
- self, db: DatabaseTransactionFixture
- ):
- """Test that internal identifiers are mapped to and from the form used
- by the external service.
- """
- # Unlike other tests in this class, we are using a real
- # implementation of OPDSImportCoverageProvider.process_batch.
- class TestProvider(OPDSImportCoverageProvider):
- SERVICE_NAME = "Test provider"
- mapping: dict
- # Mock the identifier mapping
- def create_identifier_mapping(self, batch):
- return self.mapping
- # This means we need to mock the lookup client instead.
- lookup = MockSimplifiedOPDSLookup(db.fresh_url())
- DatabaseTransactionFixture.set_settings(
- db.default_collection().integration_configuration,
- )
- provider = TestProvider(db.default_collection(), lookup)
- # Create a hard-coded mapping. We use id1 internally, but the
- # foreign data source knows the book as id2.
- id1 = db.identifier()
- id2 = db.identifier()
- provider.mapping = {id2: id1}
- feed = (
- "%sHere's your title!"
- % id2.urn
- )
- headers = {"content-type": OPDSFeed.ACQUISITION_FEED_TYPE}
- lookup.queue_response(200, headers=headers, content=feed)
- [identifier] = provider.process_batch([id1])
- # We wanted to process id1. We sent id2 to the server, the
- # server responded with an for id2, and it was used to
- # modify the Edition associated with id1.
- assert id1 == identifier
- [edition] = id1.primarily_identifies
- assert "Here's your title!" == edition.title
- def test_process_batch(self, db: DatabaseTransactionFixture):
- provider = self._provider(db)
- # Here are an Edition and a LicensePool for the same identifier but
- # from different data sources. We would expect this to happen
- # when talking to the open-access content server.
- edition = db.edition(data_source_name=DataSource.OA_CONTENT_SERVER)
- identifier = edition.primary_identifier
- license_source = DataSource.lookup(db.session, DataSource.GUTENBERG)
- pool, is_new = LicensePool.for_foreign_id(
- db.session,
- license_source,
- identifier.type,
- identifier.identifier,
- collection=db.default_collection(),
- )
- assert pool is not None
- assert None == pool.work
- # Here's a second Edition/LicensePool that's going to cause a
- # problem: the LicensePool will show up in the results, but
- # the corresponding Edition will not.
- edition2, pool2 = db.edition(with_license_pool=True)
- # Here's an identifier that can't be looked up at all,
- # and an identifier that shows up in messages_by_id because
- # its simplified:message was determined to indicate success
- # rather than failure.
- error_identifier = db.identifier()
- not_an_error_identifier = db.identifier()
- messages_by_id = {
- error_identifier.urn: CoverageFailure(
- error_identifier, "500: internal error"
- ),
- not_an_error_identifier.urn: not_an_error_identifier,
- }
- # When we call CoverageProvider.process_batch(), it's going to
- # return the information we just set up: a matched
- # Edition/LicensePool pair, a mismatched LicensePool, and an
- # error message.
- provider.queue_import_results([edition], [pool, pool2], [], messages_by_id)
- # Make the CoverageProvider do its thing.
- fake_batch = [object()]
- (
- success_import,
- failure_mismatched,
- failure_message,
- success_message,
- ) = provider.process_batch(fake_batch)
- # The fake batch was provided to lookup_and_import_batch.
- assert [fake_batch] == provider.batches
- # The matched Edition/LicensePool pair was returned.
- assert success_import == edition.primary_identifier
- # The LicensePool of that pair was passed into finalize_license_pool.
- # The mismatched LicensePool was not.
- assert [pool] == provider.finalized
- # The mismatched LicensePool turned into a CoverageFailure
- # object.
- assert isinstance(failure_mismatched, CoverageFailure)
- assert (
- "OPDS import operation imported LicensePool, but no Edition."
- == failure_mismatched.exception
- )
- assert pool2.identifier == failure_mismatched.obj
- assert True == failure_mismatched.transient
- # The OPDSMessage with status code 500 was returned as a
- # CoverageFailure object.
- assert isinstance(failure_message, CoverageFailure)
- assert "500: internal error" == failure_message.exception
- assert error_identifier == failure_message.obj
- assert True == failure_message.transient
- # The identifier that had a treat-as-success OPDSMessage was returned
- # as-is.
- assert not_an_error_identifier == success_message
- def test_process_batch_success_even_if_no_licensepool_exists(
- self, db: DatabaseTransactionFixture
- ):
- """This shouldn't happen since CollectionCoverageProvider
- only operates on Identifiers that are licensed through a Collection.
- But if a lookup should return an Edition but no LicensePool,
- that counts as a success.
- """
- provider = self._provider(db)
- edition, pool = db.edition(with_license_pool=True)
- provider.queue_import_results([edition], [], [], {})
- fake_batch = [object()]
- [success] = provider.process_batch(fake_batch)
- # The Edition's primary identifier was returned to indicate
- # success.
- assert edition.primary_identifier == success
- # However, since there is no LicensePool, nothing was finalized.
- assert [] == provider.finalized
- def test_process_item(self, db: DatabaseTransactionFixture):
- """To process a single item we process a batch containing
- only that item.
- """
- provider = self._provider(db)
- edition = db.edition()
- provider.queue_import_results([edition], [], [], {})
- item = object()
- result = provider.process_item(item)
- assert edition.primary_identifier == result
- assert [[item]] == provider.batches
- def test_import_feed_response(self, db: DatabaseTransactionFixture):
- """Verify that import_feed_response instantiates the
- OPDS_IMPORTER_CLASS subclass and calls import_from_feed
- on it.
- """
- class MockOPDSImporter(OPDSImporter):
- def import_from_feed(self, text):
- """Return information that's useful for verifying
- that the OPDSImporter was instantiated with the
- right values.
- """
- return (
- text,
- self.collection,
- self.identifier_mapping,
- self.data_source_name,
- )
- class MockProvider(MockOPDSImportCoverageProvider):
- provider = MockProvider(db.default_collection())
- provider.lookup_client = MockSimplifiedOPDSLookup(db.fresh_url())
- response = MockRequestsResponse(
- 200, {"content-type": OPDSFeed.ACQUISITION_FEED_TYPE}, "some data"
- )
- id_mapping = object()
- (text, collection, mapping, data_source_name) = provider.import_feed_response(
- response, id_mapping
- )
- assert "some data" == text
- assert provider.collection == collection
- assert id_mapping == mapping
- assert provider.data_source.name == data_source_name