Make sure to perform the following every 3 months:
- Clean laser mirrors
- Clean linear bearings
- Laser Tube:
- NOTE: This tube was slightly bigger than the original laser tube, which caused numerous calibration problems.
The Y-axis runs on a linear bearing. Here's a video on cleaning them:
If there is a rust build-up (oxidation), you can buff it out with Scotch Brite.
It was recommended to not use grease, because it can collect dust.
This is often a slow and tedious process. When calibrating the mirrors, do in this order:
- Mirror closest to the laser
- Y-Axis mirror
- X-Axis mirror
To determine if the mirror is aligned, add a piece of tape to the front of a piece of paper to easily tell where the beam it hitting.
NOTE: There might be a better way of doing this, but since it's a repeated process, we wanted something we could easily throw away to re-test with fresh materials.