Error uploads folder doesn't exists
Redirect after form submits..
Block editor design. preview block, edit in modals. fields another tab or button
Admin panel should be responsive
AI should be more visible for users (ai button primary)
Use Ai for writing content
Improve seo and make it more advanced (USE Seo)
more examples Rahnama, computer, car, ...
Copy / Paste
Undo / Redo
AI Theme Generation
Component generation should be based on theme
Show plugin actions only if selected.
Dark mode for rich text
- edit user creates user instead of edit
- profile avatar in toolbar
- review robots.txt file
- Show spinner or progress for file uploader
- show loading spinner when form submitted
- Rahnama detail page doesn't work with dynamic content
- For backup site use site name (settings) and current date
- structure of zip file should not be specific and any folder name should be allowed (instead of site/)
- update videos of readme file
- page structure should be like user.list user.edit,,, instead of add-user...
- Implement login process and permissions
- Forgot password
- Reset password
- Verify email token
- Login
- Register
- Define permissions for all available actions
- [ ]
- Global Theme Settings (tailwind config)
- implement select multiple using checkbox group
- Modal closable
- DataTable Dynamic filter *
- fix file upload multiple design
- add role to user forms and table
- load default settings value when create page (meta title , description ....)
- Send Email functionality
- File management ui
- i18n for admin panel (json based)
- DataTable sort and pagination
- Module Visibility settings
- Permissions
- Responsive
- Create and update collection by AI
- Improve seo generator
- [ ]
- Publish/
- Landing page example
- each function has an identifier and User friendly name + description
- each function should have definition which shows available props
- add new field type named Function which user can choose which function should bind to the prop
- for example for carList I set 'cars.load' as function and in renderModule we have access to all functions
- if module has onLoad prop, call that function. (body, query, params...) as parameter and props as result
- load functions have enum type 'load'
- other functions have enum type 'action'
- actions should be used within forms and loads when rendering modules.
- AI Should know about available functions
- Each js file can have one or more function. should be exported.
- Function management (Upload zip/js file), then reload project.
- Enable/Disable function feature
- UnInstall function
- // action example
- module: { id: string, blockId: string, load: 'cars.load', props: {}, links: {}} // load example