- Implement Responsive Design 📱
- Add additional colour scheme to match Youtube
player - Create modular settings for responsiveness and themes
- Allow multiple players
- Merge remaining pending pull requests from Original
- Update documentation (ongoing)
- Convert to Youtube API v3 !important
- v3 pageToken - pages + full list (snowliondev)
- Clean up code/documentation
- Optimize API Quota usage (remove any unused variables left from v2)
- Allow local testing (flag
when testing locally) (later removed with APIv3/https) - FAQ/Fix common issues (Empty playlists, no uploads, etc.)
- Load order, newest, random/shuffle.
- Additional themes (or modular colour scheme)
- Different Aspect ratios for responsive (4:3 for larger playist column)
- Test IE 8-10 (Low Priority unless requested)
- Obtain More Coffee ☕
- Any other suggestions welcome! 😃